Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 379: Scentless lady

The commander's empty body staggard a bit as blood rushed to the sky from the empty neck and then it fell to the ground.

The priestess looked up at the face of her savior. instantly, she smiled. "fanga! Finally, you are back."

Fanga, tall, with a well built body, commanded respect

Fanga looked down at the priestess and gave a slight smile.

"Did you get it?" The priestess asked, "Did you get the Blue Aura runes?"

Fanga opened his mouth, to talk. However, it was not the voice that she was so familiar with that came out. "Of course I got it! i got all of them."

Immediately he said this, Fanga struck again. This time around, he Cut her other hand, a sight that both surprised Victor and his commander's watching as it surprised the priestess.

She wailed to the sky as she fell on her back, her tears falling from her eyes. She had just lost both hands.

Her blood stained the ground.

She tried to crawl away but it was no use. then again, Fanga was not going to let her. With a wave of his hand, a reddish black sword that flowed like water materialized and Fanga used it to stab the priestess to the ground.

The sword went through her shoulder all the way into the earth.

"AHHHHH!!!" She screamed.

Fanga frowned a bit, "Huh!? just a little stabbing and you are wailing like that? Are you not supposed to be the priestess or something? What happened to being a spiritual leader and absorbing all the pain for your people....HAHAHA!!!" Fanga chuckled.

At this moment, Victor surprised at what was happening waved his hand and a blade flew for fanga's face. A blade which Fanga easily dodged by moving to the side.

This took Victor by surprise. After all, he had imbedded his spiritual energy of the Bronze rank into that blade, and from this so called Fanga, he was only feeling the peak of the Copper rank coming from him.

Yet, his attack had been dodged easily like that.

Fanga chuckled, "don't worry, I can tell what you are thinking right now. Its simple. 'How can a person of lower cultivation than me dodge my attack?' is that right?"

Fanga had a crazed look on his face as he answered the question on every one's mind.

"Well, I don't need to be a bronze rank cultivator, to beat a bronze rank cultivator you know. After all, they are many ways to go about this. After all, Bronze rank cultivators also eat food and drink water. I can just poison those, and even if you were silver ranked, you will fall and die... Meaning that even a powerless human being under the right circumstance can even kill a bronze cultivator.

Which brings me to a very particular problem with you idiots. After all, who ever said that one must face their enemies in face to face combat..."

On saying this, Victor and the other commanders with him suddenly staggard and another commander suddenly coughed up a mouth full of blood.

Yet another fell to the ground and his blood fell from his orifices like rain from a tap.

All of a sudden, the royal symbol on Victor's armor started to glow a bright golden light.

Fanga frowned a bit, "I see, royalty still has its advantages, huh?"

Victor, now using the wall to stand up right raised his eyes to Fanga, "How... How are you doing this?" He asked forcefully. If not the fact that his armor had special characteristics to protect the lives of royalty, he would have been dead by now.

Fanga raised a brow at him like he was looking at a fool.

"What! Or is it that Bronze rank cultivators no longer breath air?"

Fanga suddenly realized what was happening and why.

The air in this place had been poisoned. He did not know what it was, but it was strong.

Fanga chuckled again, "You know, there is a certain tribe in the Chanland kingdom that is responsible for poison so potent that once it touches another person, even the earth in that area has to be burnt. The best part is that it is produced from their very own bodies."

The moment Fanga said this, Victor came to the realization of what this poison was. "Chanland kingdom's, Joker's Blue poison."

Fanga nodded, "well, that's not entirely true. After all, their poison is limited to touch. However, i did use a bit of it, and some herbs I picked up from my Clan's garden. The mixture took time, and failed attempts, but fortunately, I have a special place with ample time to experiment."

"I'll call this poison, the Scentless lady." Fanga added.

From the moment that Fanga entered this temple, he had released this poison in the air, and it had circulated through out the temple.

After all, he knew that he could not face the Bronze rank cultivators. But then again, who said that direct combat was the only way to win a battle?

At the end of the day, it was just about who won, and that was it.

Victor staggard a bit as he fell to the ground, "My... other commanders ...will come for you!"

"Huh! do you mean this guys?" On saying this, fanga waved his hand and heads fell to the ground, all of them had been cleanly severed.

Each and every commander that Victor had brought with him was dead.

Victor looked on in surprise... "Who the fuck are you!?"

He asked as his eyes deemed, and he fainted.

"Well, I am..." Fanga attempted to answer.

However, it was another person behind that answered in his place.


Fanga turned about. There she was, It was none other than Barbara.

She looked like a mess, with parts of her body burnt off, but what was more peculiar was the fact that in her hands, she pulled along two people.

Both of whom were women, and both of whom were considered to be of great importance to Igbi....

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