Chapter 389: Hiding In Plain Sight
Two bowls containing the powdered substance remained before him.
Emma walked over to peep at his work.
"What are those, master?" she asked out of curiosity.
Chiron smiled at her. its only a little something to get their eyes off my back.
"Their!?" she asked again, wondering who Chiron was referring to.
"You will not understand. But this will allow me smooth sailing for a while." On saying this, he turned to Claudia, still daydreaming on the side.
"Hunter!" Chiron called out, and the majestic core beast of the shadows popped out of a shadow pool.
Chiron had been away for a while, and in that time, Hunter had become very big. It was almost the size of the Blue cored mountain lion he had killed in the highlands. With legs so thick, they looked like pillars, and its presence that spoke of its deep rooted heritage in the shadows.
"Enjoy the meal!" Chiron pointed to Claudia.
Without wasting time, Hunter rushed for Claudia's head.
Grinding and breaking sounds could be heard as the core beast chewed on her head, pulling her into the shadow pool.
Out of respect for its master, Hunter had tried not to be very messy, but some of the girl's blood was still left behind.
Chiron did not consider himself to be a wicked person. And truth be told, he had considered letting her go. After all, he had gotten an incredible gift right from her loins.
But Chiron was no fool. After all, he came from a different world to this one.
The amount of stories involving 'comebacks' were all too many.
A little pity could come back and hurt him in ways he did not want to imagine. It was the same reason that he had killed Barbara in the highlands.
He had looked into her eyes and knew that she was going to be real trouble for him.
All the while, he had only killed specifically because of his benefits, and not out of whim.
However, only a true fool would allow a person like Barbara to get away with her life.
That level of hatred alone was enough to burn down his progress.
Of course, Chiron did not mind the pressure. After all, enemies and hardships make a man grow strong. But too much enemies would only serve to drown a man instead of propel him.
It was better for one to have enemies that only exert enough pressure to facilitate growth and nothing else.
Leaving Claudia alive was a bad idea.
Then again, knowing Emma, she would have still fed Claudia to Hunter, simply because Chiron had sensual relations with her.
For Emma, it was obviously Jealousy.
That was all said and done, and it was time for him to do other important things.
Chiron turned to Emma, "Since i have been gone, how many attempts have the Chanland people have on the Palace?"
"Not a lot, master. After the defeat of that idiot, they have all gone silent, and the others that tried to cause any riot have all been killed on sight. Also, I have prepared Stone cold just as you had requested. He will take over as you ordered once we leave."
Chiron nodded, "not bad! not bad!! But what of the prisons. Any in the dungeons?"
Emma placed a finger on her seductive lips as she thought hard. Her eyes lighted up. "Yes, I think they might be a few. They are some government officials that the old king put in there and some servants that offended his children. Also, one or two from Vandoria that serve as war prisoners."
Chiron nodded, "good! They will be good enough. Bring them all to me. My Grand father will soon send the summons for us to return to the Vandorian kingdom. We want to make it seem as if Stone cold chased us out of the kingdom as he becomes king in my stead.
Also, he will release those prisoners into the world as evidence of his strength and might. But before then, bring them all to me."
Emma nodded as she rushed out of the chambers.
As she left to do as he had instructed, Chiron was tempted to sit and check the gains and losses he had acquired in the Fate Change system, but once he did this, he would be needing at least several hours to put things in order. This was not time that he had right now.
This particular task that he had was the most important thing. After all, as things were, he had a lot to contend with.
He had just grown in power, which meant that Fate was going to come for him soon. Considering that he was now in the middle realms, it was safe to say that even fate was going to bring out some big guns for him.
If he was not careful, he was definitely going to die.
Also, he could feel that Carla was almost done her evolution in the blood pit.
His servants were still a part of his power. And an increase to their power and ability was an increase to his.
Inevitably, he was still going to suffer the wrath of fate on their behalf. Such was the fate of one that was going against the predetermined role of the world and its order.
Chiron thought about this and chuckled lowly. Once upon a time, he was powerless, and was looked down by the entire world. But now, he was a Bronze rank cultivator, reaching the middle ranks with his wits.
If only his own father could see him now.
Just then, Emma walked in, an in tow, three of his Orc soldiers marched in twenty prisoners. All of whom were in rags.
A good number of them looked malnourished while some were slightly fat.
All though they were all in chains and cuffs around their hands, legs and necks, it was very easy to distinguish those that were formally of a political position and those that were not.
Nevertheless they were all going to be used for this next part.
Each one of them had their eyes covered with blinds, as they were not allowed to see Chiron nor where they had been brought to.
"Kneel!" Emma commanded. Her Demonic pressure taking over their minds. Instantly, they all fell to their knees.
Their fear was obvious. Some of them whimpered. Some cried and some prayed to the heavens.
After all, even in the dungeons, news of the new king, the armless prince from the Vandorian kingdom had reached their ears.
They had heard of his terrible ways, and the way he had killed the previous king, his Generals, and officials, and how Chiron had spread their corpse on the walls of the Palace.
Even those that were of Vandorian origin feared Chiron. He had proven himself to be very very dangerous.
And now, they had all been suddenly summoned. Many of them believed that their lives had ended and they were even some of them that believed that Chiron was a cannibal and was interested in eating their meat.
After all, rumors were a funny thing with their twists.
Chiron walked over to them. He nodded in satisfaction. "These will do." he muttered to himself.
Chiron took one of the bowls containing the grinded substance. Specifically the one that had been baptized by the red core of the Core beast.
He poured some of the substance into a bowl of water, and then he drank it.
The moment he did this, something unbelievable happened in a very far away place.
In the heart of the Holy City of the Holy Church, the Oracle and Priestess of the church was looking into her Bowl, studying Chiron's move and the the mark that represented him suddenly disappeared.
This was the same thing that happened in the Heart of Bone castle hidden in the heart of the realm of demons.
The Demonic mother was looking into her big pot of Blood, observing Chiron's move.
And then all of a sudden, he disappeared completely.
She could not help but be surprised by this, and she leaned in with a frown on her face.
By her side, her daughter could not help but ask, "mother, is he dead?"
The Demonic mother shook her head in confusion. "Even if he dies, we should be able to see the process, before his soul leaves his body." she replied as she fell deep in thought, "this is something else. This is something else ENTIRELY!"
As she tried to cast her demonic chants again to find Chiron, Chiron was also in a hurry.
The Chiron had consumed a part of his unborn child that had been grinded to powder, but it had been from the bowl that did not have the red core energy.
Chiron knew that he could not waste time. If not those two would hurry and do things that could affect other futrure plans.
Immediately, he carried the other bowl and he instructed the prisoners to open their mouths....