Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 403: The Plan Of The Beast Kingdom

"And If we might ask, what method is this?" A senator asked.

Jericho chuckled lightly, "it is simple. Right now, the Vandora Kingdom and the Highlanders are at war. The Chanland Kingdom and the Vandora kingdom are also at war. And we all know that even Hadi has declared war on the Vandora kingdom.

in fact, we would have similarly declared war on them if we were not too occupied with our own issues. After all, a fat ripe nation like Vandora has oppressed our people for far too long, and this is the opportunity that we should take advantage of to destroy that vile country..."

"Senator Jericho..." Another senator interrupted, "like you said, we have bigger matters to deal with at the moment. We cannot engage in battle with the Vandora kingdom. After all, their forces have the technological advantage. They will flatten our troops before we know what is going on.

The only reason that the Vandora kingdom fears us is because of our ocean combat superiority. They fear that our surface to air missiles will bring down their tesseracts. If not, they would have engaged with us a long time ago."

The other Senators in attendance all nodded in agreement.

Senator Jericho also nodded, "your words are indeed true. But I am not asking that we go to war. rather, I am asking that we take total advantage of the situation at hand and turn it into our favor."

"Senator Jericho, please stop beating around the bush and hit the nail on the head. We are all very busy people!" The Senate president warned.

Senator Jericho nodded as he continued. "As you all have heard, two lost royals of the Vandora kingdom had been found just at the start of the war. One of them is Chiron the armless. My sources tell me that he has already been captured by Chanland forces and the Chanland king is demanding a heavy ransom on his head.

In fact, king Richard of the Vandora kingdom has already stopped all assault on the Chanland Kingdom hoping that it appeases the Chanland kingdom to release his grandson.

However, we all know how things will proceed. King Richard will have no choice but to release Treasure town in excahnge for his grandson's life, and once that his done, we all know that the Vandora kingdom will be finished.

That Town is the only reason that the Chanland forces have not had the upper hand in battles. After all, they also have Terserracts that could march the might of the Vandora kingdom."

"Senator Jericho!" the Senate president warned again, his patience obviously waning.

"I know, I know! I am almost done," Jericho waved his hand in dismissal and continued. "My suggestion is simple. Why don't we just do what the Chanland kingdom are doing.

And before you say anything, hear me out. The Vandora army looks to be spread thin with its war effort. But the moment that Prince Chiron was kidnapped, an entire battalion of soldiers were stationed at Treasure town.

This shows how important King Richards grand children are to him. It also means that he places priority on them far more than the entire country.

In my own opinion, many years of peace has dulled the old man's senses.

If the Chanland Kingdom can get what they want from such a powerful nation, why can't we do the same thing? After all, we are also as capable as they are."

"Senator Jericho, are you perhaps suggesting what I think you are?" The Senate president asked.

Senator Jericho nodded, "Yes I am! I am not saying that we wage war. Rather, think of it in this light. If we had one of King Richard's grand children, and demand a request, let's say, the eradication of a pest like Hadi as payment for release. What do you all think he would do."

Many of the Senators in the room instantly fell into deep thought. After all, the suggestion was an incredible one. Basically, Senator Jericho was suggesting that they borrowed another person's hand to swat the fly.

This was in fact not a bad idea in a way. At least in theory, it was so.

Jericho chuckled a bit, "We still control the forces that we have in the open waters. However, we cannot even use that power to eradicate Hadi. It would mean that we kill a lot of our own kind in the process and we all know that the public will frown at such an act.

They are those that still have friends that have defected to Hadi's side. However, If we do this, and do it right, all blame for the mass casualties would not be on our heads but on that of the vandora kingdom.

In fact, it will unite the Furry Kingdom more than ever before as we will all have a common enemy."

Jericho looked around. he could already see the smiling faces of many of the members of the house.

This meant that they were many amongst them that agreed with his pattern of thinking. In fact, they were many amongst them that thought of it as a great idea.

However, they was another question that a lot of people immediately thought about.

How were they going to kidnap a royal child in the palace of the Capital city of Kendou?

Jericho chuckled at this. "don't worry, my brethren. I have thought of this plan for a long time. I do have a sure plan method for its execution.

After all, the easiest time to get into the vandora kingdom is now. We shall have our men in wait. And when the opportunity arrives, we shall strike."

"And what of the guards. Rumors have it that the Royal palace is guarded by Secret warriors that always hidden, and this is minus the fact that the King's personal guard led by Commander Hardstone still exists." Another Senator voiced out.

Jericho chuckled once more, "don't worry my brothers. They is one condition by which allows us to be able to execute this plan. It is in the fact that the Shrine of the bear mother does not lie within the Palace walls. Even the royals need to pay their respect from time to time.

We shall use this opportunity and take the princess. We shall take Princess Nora Chivalry..."

(Author's note: Oh yes, Its about to get really interesting. And You guys want to see what happens next... Please send gifts.)

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