RE: Perverted Sugar Daddy System

Chapter 120: Following Them Jiggles

There was silence between us three parties for some seconds despite Martha calling my name and then I spoke.

"Valera, how are you, are you going out with your mom."

Before Valera could answer Martha's head snapped to her sealing my nymph's mouth shut.

"Close the door, I'll be back soon."

Nodding her head at her mother and glancing at me last Valera closed the door, the bolt sounding from behind and earning an approving nod from Martha.

I looked at Martha but her piercing gaze told me she didn't find what was happening amusing.

Not saying a word, she waved her hand, her actions suggesting that she knew better than to trust that her daughter wouldn't listen in on our conversation.

Following behind Martha, not even her unhappy mood able to tame my perverted eyes, we went down two sets of stairs before the woman turned and when I got close to her suddenly pushed me to the wall, gripping my shirt while looking up at me with bared teeth.

Do you have nothing better to do than hang around and stalk me? You can say your obscene words and trot after me like a dog all you want, but you better get your head out of the gutters when it comes to my daughter and my home. Is that clear?

"Too late for that" I thought in my head but I kept any hint of my amusement to myself.

I kept my expression steady as I was manhandled and when the milf was done talking I calmly made my case.

"I was not stalking you Martha, I was waiting to escort you down, I can't bear the thought of leaving you to walk the streets so late alone."

"Escort me where" Martha sneered.

"Chen's place. It closes by 9:30, we should get going, we don't have much time."

"Who told you I'm going to Chen's."

"A hunch, you looked super tired so I figured you hadn't made anything for dinner yet and would go out to get some food. Chen's is the closest open eatery at this time."

It had been a gamble but in the end, I had won. Though I told Martha that it was a hunch, what had got me going was the system's tip that Martha needed a proper meal for Valera.

A proper meal meant that it couldn't be snacks or anything close to a junk meal, and as the one carrying Martha's bags, I was able to briefly look in them and see that Martha was carrying no takeaway meal.

There was a chance that I was wrong and there was indeed a meal in the bags or that despite her tiredness Martha planned to cook this night, but luckily, I was right.

Martha looked at me, her lips opening and closing as she found herself unable to counter my righteous and correct claim and she without a word let go of me and returned to descending.

She had just gone down another set of stairs when she turned to my approaching figure with a still tight expression.

"I've been moving late at night on my own, I can handle myself."

"Just because you've been doing it, doesn't mean it's okay to continue. "

"I'll decide what I want to do"

"Seems like you need to be spanked then."

My words had Martha's eyes widen and I continued.

"If you can't see the truth in my words and think about how this behaviour of yours is not beneficial to your daughter then you need to be properly disciplined."

I don't know if it was the audacity of my words or the painful truth in them that got Marth silently staring into my eyes with no visible intent, but after getting her fill of my beautiful orbs she turned and continued her descent, a stubborn mutter leaving her lips.

"I'm fine on my own."

"Sure" I said in a not so believing manner.

Paying me no further attention, Martha descended and I followed. It didn't take us long to be out on the streets. I accelerated to reach her side but wasn't welcomed.

"Don't walk beside me" she hissed, bringing her big ass in the way and forcing me back.

Oh well, it wasn't like I was complaining, watching her heavy ass cheeks rub against each other was never going to get old for me.

We were just close to Chen's place when we passed by three rough men smoking a cigarette.

Without the least bit of fear, her steps unshaken, Martha marched past them but just as I was about to follow, they came in my way.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where you going pall." One of them said.

There were very few people on the street at this time and in this location, 5 people in sight by my count. Just when I thought I was about to be mugged, one of the men turned to Martha who had stopped to see what was happening behind her.

"Lady, is this man harassing you."

I wanted to wonder why the men would think I was harassing Martha, but one look at her tight expression and the fact that I had been following her quite closely settled my mind.

"No, he's just my stupid Son, sorry to disturb you"

I was still wondering what trouble Martha would try to get me in when she gave this answer and I watched with a barely concealed surprise as she walked back to my position grabbed my arms and pulled me along with her.

"Thanks for your concern" Martha warmly said as we went by.

Being pulled on by Martha, I was confused about whether to deduce where her caring actions had come from or stare at her butt which was closer to me than ever.

"God I'm addicted to this ass."

Thankfully we arrived at Chen's place in time and were able to make an order and though I frowned at the sight of Martha placing an order for just one I stayed silent.

When the meal came, I took it before she could and after she paid and we walked out, I grabbed her right hand with my left.

"Imagine if it was the police, I could have been in big trouble, they would have thought I was threatening you."

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