Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-Six - Sudden Disappearance
A group of survivors had set up a firing range over a mile away from the property.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Michael, accompanied by Otis and T-Dog, gathered those who wanted to practice shooting a gun.
With Shane's departure, Rick was supposed to take over to instruct them, but he went off somewhere around the farm, probably sulking and hurting from the things he found out today.
"Hey, come on man. Don't give me that gangster shit." T-Dog criticized Jimmy on how he's handling his gun like a hood gangster.
Jimmy slightly turned his head towards him and gave him a pursed smile before properly holding the gun like they were told to do.
Bang! Bang!
Michael patted T-Dog's shoulders as he walked past him. He turned his head to his left where Otis is walking a step behind him. "Right, have you seen where Daryl went?"
Otis thought for a moment, "I think he went out hunting with Rick."
"To blow off steam?" Michael chuckled.
"I think so. Rick looked pretty shook when he learned that Shane left. I understand how he feels. A good friend of mine also left me before." Otis looked a little sad as he was reminded of a tragic memory.
"Who?" Michael was suddenly a little curious.
"Bean, my dog. He died a month ago protecting me from a walker.."
Micheal was a little speechless for a moment. "I think he's a great friend."
"Yeah, he was." Otis forced a smile while repeatedly nodding his head. He looked like he was on the verge of tears as his voice cracked.
'Though you wouldn't be feeling like that if you knew that bastard tried to kill you that night' Michael chuckled when he saw his expression.
He ignored him and turned his attention back to the others.
"Make those bullets count! This practice is a one time thing until we can find more ammunition!" Michael reminded them while inspecting how everyone was doing. "Take a deep breath, aim and shoot!"
Bang! Clang!
"That's it! You're getting there!" Michael complimented Cole and patted him on his shoulder. The latter smiled at his compliment and was even more motivated to do it right.
"You done?" Michael moved right next to Andrea.
Andrea turned around to face him and smiled. "Yeah, I think I did good."
"Well, well. I think we got a phenom in our hands." Michael knew Andrea was talented, but seeing it first hand is really different compared to watching it from a television.
He lowered his binoculars and looked at Andrea. "Again, this time, the can."
"Alright." Andrea raised her handgun and took aim.
Bang! Clang!
Andrea looked behind her, fishing for compliments from Michael.
"Hmmp!" Michael just snorted with a smile, "One more, aim at Jill's."
Bang! Clang!
This time was no different. The bullet hits its mark as the can got sent flying.
"Hey, that's my can!" Jill protested.
Andrea looked at her with a smug smile. "Then you need to up your game, lady."
"Tsk!" Jill just clicked her tongue in annoyance and decided to wait for the others to finish before setting their targets up again.
Michael walked over and grabbed her buttock and gave it a squeeze. "It seems like you're ready for the advanced class, you up for it?"
"Sure, why not." Andrea was thrilled.
Michael left with Andrea after leaving T-Dog and Otis with instructions to immediately head back to camp once everyone had used up their resources.
"Is this..what you the advanced class?"
Andrea moaned while propping herself up against a tree as Michael pounded her from behind.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm almost there." She moaned while biting her lips.
Michael grabbed her neck and pulled her body towards him. He also grabbed and aggressively squeezed one of her melons and kissed her. "This better be still mine when I come back."
Andrea smiled seductively while feeling Michael's seed being pumped deep inside her. "Then you better return as quickly as possible or else I'll look for someone else."
"You wouldn't dare." Michael chuckled as the two shared another passionate kiss.
"If you still don't find them after days of searching, then just head back, alright?" Andrea suggested while pulling her pants up.
Michael just smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."
"So, are we still doing that advanced class then?"
"Of course, this is important."
Michael finally began what they came here for, and since there's no proper equipment. He also taught her the way Shane would have taught her too.
A swinging log.
"Six out of ten. That's a nice start for a beginner." Michael was truly amazed and a little envious of her talents.
'I think I only did two out of ten back then, and the other was even a lucky shot.' He recalled the first time he went into a firing range and tried his mettle there.
'Tsk, they weren't even moving targets then. My talent must really suck back then.'
"Hey, was it true after all?" Andrea asked him while reloading her gun.
Michael raised an eyebrow. "About what?"
"You know, about Shane and Lori." Andrea responded with a shrug.
He narrowed his eyes and was annoyed at the thought that Dale had blabbed his mouth. "Did Dale kiss and tell?"
Andrea snorted with a laugh. "No, those two tried to play it cool, but they couldn't hide the emotions behind their eyes whenever they looked at each other. It was even more obvious when Lori suddenly started giving Shane the cold shoulder when Rick showed up."
"Aside from you and Dale, who else knows this?"
"Maybe Jill? That kid is too sharp sometimes." Michael does not really care if more people know of it, he's just worried that someone might carelessly babble about it and cause a rift between Rick and Lori. Something that should only happen further down the line. It should be Rick realizing it himself and not learning it from the others.
"I want you to talk to her later about it if she knows. Make sure she does not blabber about it to someone, especially to Cole. That guy can't hold a secret." Michael instructed her.
"Sure, no problem."
Michael repeatedly nodded his head while thinking about something. "Remind those who know that punishment will be meted out if someone blabbed their mouths when I return."
Andrea had now lost her interest to continue training and instead was curious about something. "What's so important about it that we should keep it hidden from Rick? Wouldn't it be better to tell him?"
"No, unless Rick comes to you and asks about it. But if he doesn't take the initiative, then let them handle their own affairs. No one should interfere." Michael advised.
"In addition, if, and only if, Rick fails his responsibility as the leader of the group during my absence. You should step up and take charge, temporarily until I return or if Rick finally freed himself from the quagmire he got stuck into."
"M-me? Why me?"
His words caught Andrea off guard that she stuttered in disbelief.
"With Shane gone and me leaving tomorrow. Someone had to step up and lead the group alongside Rick. I believe you can do it." Michael placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her in encouragement.
"I…alright. I'll give it a go if that happens." Andrea was a little unsure at first, but seeing that confidence in Michael's eyes. She couldn't help but feel determined.
"I know you'll do well. I'll also talk to Daryl and Dale to assist you in the event that Rick fails himself." Michael smiled and kissed her on her lips.
An hour earlier.
Glenn had been feeling conflicted lately with all the secrets he's been keeping and went to look for Dale.
He eventually circled back to camp and found him back inside his RV.
Dale looked up at Glenn while fanning himself with his hat. "I heard you were looking for me. What's up?"
Glenn immediately sat across from him. "''re old, right?"
Glenn let out a sigh to prepare himself. "What if..what if somebody told you something that somebody else should know?"
"Stop beating around the bush. Just spit it out, Glenn." Dale repeatedly shook his head to Glenn.
Glenn hesitated for a moment and finally spilled the beans. "There's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant."
Dale's eyes widened in surprise. "I already had a hunch about Lori, but walkers in the barn? Does Hershel know this?"
Glenn nodded and forced a smile. "Yeah, he's the one keeping them in there. Otis was the one putting the walkers inside, but stopped when we came."
"Michael and Rick need to know about this."
Glenn quickly stopped him from getting up. "No, no, can you please have a discussion about this with Hershel first before telling them?"
Dale let out a sigh when he saw his pleading eyes. "Alright."
He left the RV and went looking for Hershel. He learned where he was from Maggie, who looked a little uncomfortable. He just ignored her and made his way to the stables.
Dale found Hershel brushing his horses and walked over to him. "I once dreamed of owning horses after retirement, but I had to set it aside due to finances."
Hershel looked at him, but didn't stop grooming his horse. "Well, I don't think you need money now to buy horses."
Dale chuckled. "You know, I walked around this morning and ended up at the barn. I didn't know rearing walkers is now a thing."
His words made Hershel pause. He stared at him for a moment before looking away, but he remained silent.
"I'm sure you have your reasons for keeping them in there."
"I saw the broadcast before they stopped. I saw the irrational fear, the atrocities, like the incident at my well." Hershel responded and continued grooming his horse.
Dale let out a soft snort. "We put down a walker."
Hershel paused and stared intently at Dale. "No, you killed a person."
Dale thought Shane was crazy, but he didn't expect Hershel to be even crazier. "Well, if you watched the same broadcast that I did. You'll see how those walkers attacked and killed people. They're dangerous."
"A paranoid schizophrenic is dangerous too. We don't shoot sick people."
'Wow, this old man must be crazy.'
"With all due respect, you are cut off from the outside world here. I've seen people I care about die and come back, and they're not people." Dale placed an emphasis on the latter part of his words.
"My wife and stepson are in that barn. They're people."
"I'm sorry." Dale became speechless before feeling sorry.
"Let me help. I'll speak to Rick. He's a good man. We can make the barn more secure, keep everybody safe." Dale realized that Hershel was just a broken man.
"The barn is secure. Keep this to yourself if you want to help. Rick may be a man of conscience, but are you so sure about everyone in your group?" Hershel still remained incredibly calm despite his secrets being found out.
Dale was silenced by his words.
"There's also Michael, that man may be kind, but he has a smile filled with secrets. He's the most dangerous one in your group. I advise you to be wary of him." Hershel warned.
Dale pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, he's a womanizer that's for sure."