Reality of black and white: Fushinakai

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: The chosen one

The light that filled the room quickly receded, revealing Sein, who was breathing heavily, hunched over and using the sword as a cane for support.

—Great job, Sein!—After that shout, Shoun, followed by Kaze, ran over to their companion and congratulated him.

—Haah... hahah, thanks, guys—the boy responded with a big smile on his face. Becoming a Seeker had healed his wounds, including his torn calf, leaving his body in perfect condition, though he was still tired from the intense battle.

—That was a good fight, kid, though you got really lucky at the end—Lawrence applauded Sein's performance as he approached—You really need to work on your grip. By the way, have you had any special training besides what your school provided?

—Yesterday was the first time I ever held a sword—The honesty of the boy left everyone stunned. While everyone acknowledged Sein's luck, it was clear that not everyone in his position would have acted the same way. Despite being reckless, the boy's fight was quite remarkable and showcased his innate talent.

—I see... that sword of yours, what rank is it?

—It's Apprentice-rank. I borrowed it from—

—Hey, Sein, what abilities do you have?—Shoun quickly intervened. He didn't want Sein to reveal more than he should. If Lawrence became interested in Kaze, it would be game over, so he had to steer the conversation toward Sein's new abilities. After all, it was something they had to report anyway.

Every person who becomes a Codex bearer is required to report their abilities. They're also expected to update the regulatory authorities as they progress.

This information is confidential to ordinary people. Only those with considerable rank within the guild or the government have access to it. After all, they need to scout the best talents and recruit them.

—Hmm, that's true. Come with me. You two can come as well, but please stay quiet so we can properly examine Sein's abilities—Lawrence explained briefly before leading them out of the room. After a short walk, they arrived at an office equipped with a lie detector—From the moment I finish this explanation, you will need to report all the information included in your status window. Hiding information or attempting to lie is useless and could result in fines. Let's begin. Name? Age? Title?

—Sein Harrow, 15 years old, no title—After the boy finished speaking, the desk Lawrence was leaning on turned green. At that moment, the team leader continued with the questions.

—First basic ability?

—...It's called "Touch of Rebirth." It's used to heal the wounds of others and myself... It can also cure infections, ailments, and to some extent, poisoning. From what I understand, the healing has a calming effect and brings comfort to the recipient. Lastly, it has a passive effect that gives me greater resistance to poison, paralysis, burns, and curses.

—Good—With the desk's confirmation, Lawrence continued with the final question, slightly surprised by how comprehensive Sein's ability was—Second basic ability?

—It's called "Eternal Light." From what I understand, it's simpler. It's a beam of light I can shoot. Against my enemies, it causes damage, while for my allies, it provides a boost.

—Alright—Lawrence, seeing the desk light up again, stopped writing on his tablet and prepared to try to recruit Sein—(This kid has talent. Plus, his abilities seem useful. He'd definitely be a great addition to the guild. I need to act fast before the government snatches him up)—He thought briefly before organizing his words and looking at Sein with a warm smile—We're done with this process. You can leave if you want, but I'd like—

—Wait a second! I still have another ability.

—What!?—Everyone in the room shouted, including, surprisingly, Kaze, though his surprise was more monotone than anything.

—How is that possible? Seekers are only supposed to have two abilities!

—But I have three...—Everyone was stunned, especially when the desk confirmed he wasn't lying.

—Alright... then please describe your... third ability—Lawrence said, picking up his tablet again.

—It's called "Golden Sword"... this is a bit confusing... according to this, it's a millennia-old sword that only appears to the chosen ones and is meant to subjugate evil... It has power equivalent to the bearer's rank plus one, so I think it should be Apprentice-rank, right?

The entire room fell silent as the desk lit up green again. No one could believe what was happening.

—This is unheard of... no one in history has ever had three abilities. Plus, that last ability of yours is even more special. Sein, I want you to know that the guild is very interested in you. I know it's just this team leader saying it, but I know what they'll say about you. Are you interested in signing a contract with us?—Lawrence imagined Sein's potential. He was a diamond in the rough. If Sein became a Dominator, his sword would be Rank 4, and if he reached Rank 4, his sword would be Rank 5... So, what would happen if he reached Rank 5? No one had ever come close to even touching Rank 6. Someone with a weapon of that caliber could shake the world. That's why Lawrence was almost desperate to recruit him.

—Uh, I'm flattered, sir, but I already have other plans. Thanks for the help, but I'm not interested!—With some nervousness, Sein handed Wind Cutter back to Kaze, who simply dismissed it. Before Lawrence could make a counteroffer, Shoun grabbed Kaze and Sein and bolted out of the facility. Since the mandatory process was over, no one stopped them on the way out.

After escaping and getting outside the building, Shoun looked at Sein.

—Sein, that guild offer is just the beginning. You're truly special. You probably won't lack resources if you join them or the government. Are you sure you want to stay as our companion?

—...I can't lie, it's tempting. But I already made a promise. Plus, that mirror world seems really special. I'm dying to see it!—The talented boy explained with excitement. Shoun didn't try to argue, so they all headed to Shoun's house. When they arrived in the backyard, they started testing Sein's abilities. After all, the Codex descriptions were rather vague, and practical testing was always best.

First, they tested the healing capability of Sein's first ability. Kaze used Wind Cutter to make a small cut on the boy's palm. Sein placed his right hand over the wounded left palm, and a small golden light illuminated the area. When he pulled his hand back, the left palm was completely healed.

—How much of your spiritual energy did that use?

—A little. The cut was small and shallow—Like all Seekers, Sein found it natural to use his abilities and manipulate his spiritual energy, though he still needed experience to use it in a real fight.

Next, they tested the light beam. Sein pointed his palm forward and shot toward Shoun. After a couple of missed shots, the light beam finally hit Shoun with the "ally mode" activated. Shoun felt himself become slightly faster, and he could think more clearly and fight longer.

On Kaze, the effect of the buff was more moderate, though he did feel slightly faster and sharper.

Then they tested the "enemy mode" of the beam on Kaze himself. Sein clenched his fist slightly and shot the beam at Kaze. Kaze felt his entire body burn, though the sensation was slightly paralyzing. It wasn't something that could harm him just by being hit.

After some testing, they realized Sein could keep the beam active in both modes to improve its efficiency, though this logically consumed more spiritual energy. To the point where giving a significant buff or damaging someone of Kaze's rank required almost half of Sein's energy.

—Ugh... this is... exhausting—Sein sighed from the ground, completely drained.

—You need to get used to managing your energy. You can't just spend it carelessly. After all, you still need to use it to enhance your body. Remember, battles are more like marathons than sprints—Shoun explained concisely, though he himself had a serious problem of spending too much electricity in every battle. Kaze, like Sein, was lying on the ground in pain, as being the test dummy still took its toll—Anyway, show us that sword of yours. After that whole "chosen one" introduction, you can't leave us hanging, can you?

—Right!—Sein responded excitedly. He got up, ignoring his fatigue, and searched within himself for the sensation of his last ability. Finally, he found it and activated it. A sword began to form in his hand. It was similar to a claymore, measuring 1.20 meters. The pommel and hilt were like a claymore's, but the guard was square-shaped, adorned with magnificent engravings and a red gem in the center, perfectly protecting Sein's hands. The blade was long and sharp on both sides, with engravings in a language none of them understood. The entire sword was a magnificent golden color, radiating majesty to anyone who looked at it.

—It's a... beautiful sword.

—Yeah—Even Kaze marveled at the beauty of the Golden Sword. Sein, who wielded it, tested it with a few movements.

—It's comfortable. I think it feels much better than Wind Cutter... It's definitely the perfect sword for me—Sein said, admiring his reflection in the blade.

—Obviously, since you're "the chosen one"—Shoun said mockingly as he approached Sein—Let me feel it. I'm curious how it feels in my hands—Shoun reached out. Sein held the sword by the blade and offered the hilt to Shoun. Shoun placed his hand on the sword, but the moment he tried to hold it, he felt a burning sensation—Ugh!

The sword fell from Shoun's hands. Looking at his hand, he saw it was red and smoking.

—What the hell!—Shoun glared angrily at the sword, which reflected his image mockingly in its golden blade. Kaze, still on the ground, tried to grab the sword, but the result was the same—...Looks like no one can wield it except you, Sein.

—Of course! After all, I'm "the chosen one"—Sein teased Shoun with a big smile as he picked up the sword again. In response, Shoun grabbed him by the neck and rubbed his head with his free elbow—Ah ah, I give up, I give up! Please stop!

The next day, Shoun was at school, putting his things in his locker. It was Friday, and that night, the three of them were going to the mirror world.

—Good morning, Shoun!—Sein ran up to him. Instead of his white shirt and pants, he was still wearing the sports clothes he'd been using for training and fighting the past few days.

—Good morning, Sein. Are you going to wear that every day now?

—I'm a Seeker now, Shoun. I need to be ready to face vestiges at any moment—Sein replied excitedly, watching as Shoun put his things away.

—Sigh... trying to change you won't work. Anyway, ready for tonight?—Before the boy could answer, an angry shout echoed through the hallway, coming from a familiar voice.

—Shoun!—At the end of the hallway, they could see an angry Robin, quickly approaching both young men.

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