Chapter 16: I Take Care of Him
So, how's that hunt for a wife coming sweetie?"
Izuku Midoriya was situated at the dining room table with a cup of warm green tea in his hand. Next to him was his mother, a woman of 52 who had started to show the outlines of grey hair. Gone was the excessive weight of her thirties, having long since burned away from diet and exercise that she did solely so that she could be around longer for her child. Leaving a thin, dainty woman who possessed an almost forceful quality to her voice.
Izuku had heard this question countless times since college started and every time the answer was the same.
"Nothing of note, unfortunately."
Inko scowled at her child, setting the brew aside and glared at him with that overly bossy face he knew she learned from Aunt Mitsuki.
"Izuku, I'm not going to be around forever. You're almost thirty now and so far you're still living like a teenager. What are you gonna do when I'm gone? You need somebody around to help take care of you if I can't one day."
She pulled out her phone and flicked open a photo gallery with a picture of a blue haired young woman bedecked in jewellery that had her name, height, age, income level and quirk info.
"I've managed to pull another candidate from that online group. She's a nice girl Izuku and I'm going to set you up to meet her next weeked."
He withheld a cringe at that. How many times has he been on dates set up by his mother that just go nowhere? He's seen maybe twenty, twenty three women entertain the idea of maybe having something with him only to never hear back from them. It was made all the worse by how they were either quirkless, had a useless quirk or were a mutant.
"Ah, Ma, I told you before I'm not interested in dating."
Inko shook her head at her son with a deep disappointment, her heel tapped against the floor and it only grew worse when he lowered his head.
"Why? Because you don't have enough money? You're getting older everyday honey and eventually you'll be too old to settle down one day if you don't get busy. You need to start getting your priorities in order because so far I've let you have your way since I thought to let you grow on your own. But so far all that's come of it is a cheap apartment and a somewhat decent job, those things won't make you happy in the long term."
She swiped to another document on her phone and displayed it to her son which was a picture of a rather petite pink haired woman who screamed "weak" by her photo alone.
"I'm giving you five more years of living like a Bachelor, if you manage to find a woman who makes you happy by then, I'll accept it. However, if you're still single by the time you turn twenty nine, then I've made arrangements with this girl's family to ensure you won't."
Izuku nearly spat out his tea. He sat up and stared at his mother like she was insane.
"You're marrying me off to some girl I don't even know!?"
Inko was unmoved by his outburst and held his gaze.
"Not yet, but for the sake of your prosperity and happiness I will if you prove to be unable to manage it yourself. A man must have a family Izuku, regardless of their finances or worth in society otherwise they lead bad lives that leave them miserable."
He couldn't believe this, of all the things to hear from his own mother, why this!?
"But you can't!"
She crossed her arms defiantly at him.
"Why not? You live alone with no friends, no hobbies, no prospects and have no one who could be a life partner despite you needing extra support."
He felt like she just stabbed him in the chest with that. It was true of course and she did have a point in saying it, but she was his mother. Quickly he rushed to respond before this could escalate further.
Think damn it!
"Because I already have a girlfriend!"
The words shot out faster than his brain could process them, leaving Izuku to clamp his mouth shut at his stupidity. His mother kept her arms crossed and scrutinized him with every ounce of skepticism she had. He knew she thought he was lying(which he was), but he didn't crumple like he normally would when she fired back.
"Oh, what's her name then?"
He felt himself start to sweat but thankfully he answered almost instantly.
"Himiko. Himiko Ito."
The woman was unconvinced and even began to frown at him.
"And where did you meet this young lady?"
Again he paused at the memory of what he would have done if not for her almost coincidental intervention, but he answered without a hair of hesitation or doubt.
"We met three months ago on a bridge. I was going out for a walk and she happened to be around there at the time, we got to talking and...long story short, she helped get me over something."
Inko raised an eyebrow at her child, noting the look of regret on his face. She wasn't given the chance to air her curiosity when Izuku cut in with a rather frantic expression and began to turn towards the door.
"You know what, I'll bring her here to meet you. It'll only take half an hour so make yourself at home till I get back, 'kay Mom? Bye."
He left without waiting for a response, leaving his mother to glare at the doorway while Izuku was hurrying down the block to the metro. He was wondering exactly what the fuck he was thinking and why he decided to use her of all people in his lie. "Because she's the only woman you know." He cringed at the self-defeating voice in his head, but he knew it was right. She was the only woman he knew and right now, was the only person who might be able to keep his mother from continuing on with her asinine idea of shipping him off to some random he didn't even know right as his career in heroism was starting.
As he entered the train heading to her neck of the city, Izuku couldn't help but picture her reaction to this situation he put himself in. He could see her either laughing at his expense or becoming enraged that he dared to put her on the spot like that. Regardless, he'd take a sea of her anger and violence over his mother's orders any day.
He pulled his phone free, dialed the number, waited for it to connect and made a silent prayer to the god of fate that he'd land on heads. Soon it went through and her voice pierced the speaker.
"Hey Greenie, what's up?"
Izuku was silent for a moment as he realized he had to eat his words and hoped she would start yelling.
"What's up is that I...fucked up and need a favor."
Her voice instantly became cold and harsh, like a barbed lash striking against his brain.
"Do you owe anybody money?"
He lurched forward, taken aback by the severity of what she was thinking.
"No, no, it's nothing that bad. It's just some family trouble and…"
A bubble of desperate hope bubbled in his soul at how she might be willing to help such a fool like him.
"I lied to my mother, so I kind of need you to pretend to be my girlfriend so she won't set me up with an arranged marriage."
Nothing came over the line for an unusual amount of time before the blonde responded.
"You're serious? That's like shitty nineties romance movie level stupid. Aren't you a grown ass man, you should be able to tell your mother to shove it up her ass."
He chuckled nervously at that idea.
"It's my mama and...she's the only family I have so I don't wanna start a fight."
Something stinging slid across his mind when she responded.
"So you're okay with lying to her?"
A chill nested in his chest as he held the phone. This isn't what he needed to hear right now. Yes he may have been lying but…
"Look, will you help or not?"
Giggles came through the line that sounded rather comforting in the moment.
"Oh hell yeah, this is something I can always bring up. But you owe me a couple things."
Suddenly he was standing at attention, praying this would work in his favor.
"Name 'em."
She hummed for a few seconds in that same teasing tone she used whenever they trained. In a strange way he could picture her face contorting into that smile.
"Well first off, you're gonna treat me to dinner. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but I wanna pick the place. Secondly, I want you to spend the night. I sleep better when you're around and thirdly since you managed to use me in this scheme without asking, some punishment is in order. Meaning I'm gonna beat that skinny ass body of yours with my bare hands until I feel we're even, deal?"
Izuku froze at the last request. Getting beat didn't sound like a good time at all, but he did pull her into this without asking so maybe he did deserve it. Besides she was so weaker then him physically it likely wouldn't hurt that much...he hoped.
Bringing the phone closer to his mouth, he looked around at the other passengers suddenly feeling self conscious like this was some dirty thing.
"Can I use the tap word?"
God that sounded weird when he said it. It sounded even weirder when she responded with an overly joyful tone that sounded a bit too eager.
"Of course! You can always use it, besides just think of it as...extra training."
He pursed his lips. Why did she seem so happy?
"Alright, see ya in a couple minutes."
More giggles came through the line that made him feel uneasy.
"See ya soon, and don't worry Zuzu, I'll take good care of you~"
The call ended and Izuku shuddered in disgust. He realized he was willing to go over to an admitted criminal's house, bring her to his home, lie with her, spend his time and money afterwards on her and then allow himself to be flogged by this very same woman who he started to suspect may have a thing for that, all so he wouldn't have a ten minute argument with his mom.
Maybe it wasn't too late to just go out with that pink haired girl instead.
He shook his head mentally at the thought. Izuku knew he committed himself to this and the idea of spending an evening with Himiko wasn't a bad way to use it. Heck, if he managed to not bitch out during the flogging he knew he'd get to play with her tits afterwards so that kinda made it worth it.
Soon the train stopped and he arrived at the proper depo. Making his way through the blocks to her complex Izuku moved up the stairs to the third floor and eventually found her apartment. He rapped his knuckles against the door which soon opened to reveal Himiko standing in the doorway with a long bladed tanto knife. Her hair was done in a ratty ponytail and her attire was...homely in that she was still dressed in her pajamas of a white oversized tee shirt and fluffy fleece pants . She smiled mischievously at his arrival and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him inside.
"Looks like you came running, Mama's boy. You miss me that much?"
Izuku scowled at that name, finding it irking something deep inside him. Yet was more concerned about how he expected the girl to be holding that knife to stab anyone who wasn't invited and wasn't alarmed at it.
"Please don't call me that."
The tanto slipped into a wooden sheath on a table seated near the door, causing her to spin around on one foot and give that unusual grin once more.
"Imma call you whatever I please you little Mama's boy since you owe me."
Himiko paused for a second and grinned even deeper. She approached him with cat like footsteps, coming uncomfortably close before wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.
"Actually since I've been the one taking care of you for so long, how about you call me Mommy?"
He stepped back with a jolt at the question. Of all the things he ever expected to be asked in his life, this was not one of them and he certainly did not like it.
"Absolutely not! Do you have any idea how creepy that sounds!?"
She grinned a mocking smile, enjoying every bit of embarrassment she summoned from him. Slowly her hands moved to his cheeks and gently she caressed the sides, taking note of the patches of green stubble growing from them.
"You certainly wouldn't act that way if I started calling you Daddy and yes you will, because otherwise my ass is staying home. So unless you wanna explain to your dear, sweet mother how you lied to her face, you'll call me that whenever I want."
His teeth clenched in frustration. Izuku was grateful she was willing to help at all and he was even willing to look past the future beating since he figured it would be over quickly, but that was too weird. Yet what choice did he have? His mother would be disappointed in him and then she wouldn't leave him alone for weeks, likely doubling down on her plan if not doing away with the pretense and marrying him off next month.
Sighing he balled his fists and sighed in defeat with his head lowered, not even willing to humor the thought of looking Himiko in the eye.
She tilted her head to the side.
A scoff came through as he kept his eyes to the floor.
She smirked at hearing him say it. Her head moved closer to his ear, letting her breath bounce into his ear canal just to have him blush.
"Nope, you say yes and only yes, anything else is improper."
Millions of things rocked through his head, chief among them being "How the fuck did we get here?" while he felt the heat of her breath tickle his ear. Shit, there was nothing else to it, was there? Closing his eyes and hoping nobody would ever hear what he was about to say, Izuku leaned in close to her ear so it could be said as quietly as possible.
"...Yes Mommy."
It was just a whisper, but a whisper that cost him his pride and morals. Himiko looked absolutely pleased with herself despite this and rolled her knuckles under the scruff of his chin.
"That's it~"
She raised up a hand and extended her Index, middle and ring finger like the symbol for victory, holding it up for him to see.
"Now whenever I do this and you see these three fingers, you have to call me that whenever we talk, even in public, ok?"
Izuku studied the symbol and somehow his voice came out low and weak.
"Even in public?"
She nodded before squeezing his neck a bit.
"Especially in public or do you not want my help? After all, if I'm playing the role of your girlfriend then we need pet names. Besides, you know you like it, you nasty little fucker."
He glared at her, the remaining bits of his pride coming back with a vengeance as he saw a tingle of excitement in her eyes.
"You wanna just get to beating me so we can get it out of the way? Because I think you'd like that."
She let her arms fall to the side and flicked him on the nose.
"No, the scene has to be just right, we gotta be in the right mood and honestly I wanna spoil you a bit before I turn that pretty skin purple."
Izuku turned his eyes to the floor almost out of habit as he took a few steps back.
"...I'd rather have that out of the way before we touch."
Himiko smiled proudly at him, taking a few steps before dusting off his shoulder.
"Good, you're communicating what you want. That's something I was worried about, but you're learning so fast. I'm proud of you Greenie."
He looked away from her and inhaled to ease his nerves.
"This is weird and makes me uncomfortable and you seem a little too into this. None of that is bad, I just wanted to let you know."
A hand patted against his cheek like a teacher would as her smile remained.
"That's normal, just relax and let me take over. You'll get used to it soon enough."
He shuddered in disgust once more but didn't move her hand away.
"This is exactly what I mean."
Himiko lightly tapped her palm against his face and held his view for a few seconds. It was clear she was enjoying this, both of them knew it and neither wanted to say further about the fact. But instead of arguing the point, she moved towards the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
"Help yourself to anything in the fridge, it'll be awhile."
Questioning how he managed to spew those words out of his mouth, Izuku plopped himself on the sofa and laid down, closing his eyes before allowing his body some rest. He was starting to notice how much the thing was beginning to smell like sweat, or more specifically his sweat and he found a small pride in that fact. Briefly he wondered why he kept coming back to here, why this hut that looked rat infested became such a special place.
It brought him comfort here. He could be emotional here and it was one out of two places on earth where he wasn't alone. Sure Himiko had her eccentricities, but she tolerated him and even if he'd never outwardly say it, he loved feeling her skin. Human contact was always denied to him, but now he had her for that. She was just as abandoned as him and nobody wanted her either, so in a sad way they just had each other for comfort. He was likely the only person she touched in half a decade and she was his first real experience with any kind of intimacy.
So he guessed it evened out for the both of them.
A few minutes later a creak came from the bathroom and Himiko emerged in a pair of jeans and a frilly purple shirt that was a little baggy with hair done up into a ponytail. They looked at each other casually and Izuku stood up to meet her.
"Welp, you look good, ready to go?"
She shrugged and grabbed her coat and purse.
"Sure, let's not keep your mother waiting any longer."
He nodded, glad to finally get this plan in action.
Izuku halted mid sentence when he saw her raise up three of her fingers and glared expectantly at him. Looking off to the side he spoke with a bit of reserve in his voice.
"...Yes Mommy."
Himiko smiled smugly at him as she opened the door.
"Good boy, now let's get going."
An hour and a half since he left, Inko had been waiting with the television preoccupying her time as she waited for her child to return. Izuku was never gone for this long when he made something up and he rarely lied to her. Perhaps he did find a girl and if so, maybe this could mean grandchildren for her and stability for her son. If that was the case then she could die happy.
Her job was never done, not since the day he came into this world and she held him in her arms while he sobbed in the blankets. He was always a sensitive, fragile thing and she loved him to bits, but that was also a problem. Izuku needed the extra support a family would bring and so long as he didn't pair up with a bad woman, then he'd be set for life emotionally. Not for the first time she wished that she could dial up Mitsuki to chat, but it was unwise to talk to the woman unless face to face.
She loved the blonde haired loud mouth more than anyone other than her son, but she still harbored a silly grudge against the lady for the fact Katsuki was a boy instead of a girl. She had always figured their children would marry before either were born, that way they could be sisters, but that dream was dashed when her god son and biological son came to be. Though it was good to talk to Mitsuki every so often.
She was always such a wreck ever since that demon with the hand on his face turned Masaru to dust all those years ago. Shame that Katsuki never really calls her anymore, but what could he do when so many wanted him dead? Inko was just glad her son had gotten away from all this hero nonsense before it got him killed or worse. Not that it really could have happened since he was quirkless but even then a few fools had acted like heroes and gotten killed for it countless times in history.
Her ears twitched upon hearing the locks come undone and the door swing open as her baby boy came home. His voice resounded through the small apartment, sounding strangely apprehensive.
"Mom, we're back."
She arose from the sofa to the sound of two separate pairs of feet hitting against the floor, one that was nearly silent in its stride. Inko hadn't needed to move much to see her child standing in the middle of his kitchen with the same sort of anxiety he had whenever he went to school. Standing next to him was...something.
The woman was shorter than him by a few inches, blonde with yellow cat like eyes and possessed a face that was that undeniably beautiful and yet not. Like the ravages of time had forced themselves upon her soul while her youth refused to fade. Instantly the girl appeared off putting with how she stared back at Inko without shame, fear or respect. The best way it could be compared was a predator sizing up another.
Her stance was standoffish, the body language she used was relaxed yet held a tenseness below the surface and the longer she looked at the older woman, the more she inched towards Izuku as if to gain a little more of him behind her. Sure she hid it in small, random ticks as she did, but the mother knew instantly what she was doing. It was a protective instinct she saw and it was as if the girl was quietly trying to shield Izuku behind her as they studied one another.
Neither said anything as their eyes wandered, the blonde noting everything down mentally. The face, the eyes, the emotions they held and where to bite and rip if necessary. The mother watched the hardness in the younger lady's eyes, saw the readiness for violence that she saw reflected in criminals and hooligans and killers before, felt the hostility radiating like a tide.
Eventually the blonde found her search satisfactory and stepped off to the left of the man of the house, waiting patiently to introduce her while his mother kept her own eyes glued to the girl with apprehension and suspicion. Izuku had no clue what was going on or why these women stared each other down like they did instead of talking, but he was too naive to understand. Never had he had to protect a loved one, never had he'd come face to face with murderers, for he was just a man.
Moving forward and clearing his throat, Izuku extended a hand to his guest.
"Mom, I'd like you to meet Himiko."
He turned to gesture to his mom.
"Himiko, my mother Inko Midoriya."
Himiko remained silent as she approached, a hand falling to where the blade she had hidden in her waist line was just in case before reaching her right out to greet the woman.
"Pleased to meet you ma'am."
Inko stared at those yellow eyes and felt her quirk start to buzz in preparation. Instantly she pictured the girl's heart as she accepted the hand and shook it, fearful that this may turn violent.
"Likewise young lady."
The two shaked hands but neither looked away from the other's eyes when they did so. Himiko kept her expression completely neutral, not wishing to give too much away while Inko wore her disdain and worry freely. Izuku chuckled nervously at the exchange, realizing that something had already gone wrong.
"So, why don't I set you both up with some tea so we can all get to talking? Eh, Himiko, does Green tea sound good?"
She turned her eyes towards the man and shrugged.
"Got any Monster?"
Izuku opened the fridge without another word and laid a black can with the green logo on the table. He then began to brew a pot of tea while his guests moved to the dining chairs. The two continued to stare at each other, Inko like one watching a dangerous tiger and Himiko like a tiger passively watching a deer who knew full well it was no threat. The can cracked open as she took a sip of the liquid energy, still gauging the widow with half hearted interest.
Inko cranked out a smile that was ladened with tension as she tried not to act out.
"So...Ito I-"
The girl raised a hand to cut her off instantly.
"Himiko's fine."
Inko kept her smile on despite a twinge of indignation at the lady's unearned familiarity.
"Himiko, I'm afraid this is the first time I've heard about you from my son. He never mentioned you before."
The blonde shrugged and pointed a thumb in his direction.
"Doesn't surprise me. All Greenie ever does is work or bother me, that doesn't leave much time for talking I'd imagine."
Still Inko smiled even as her hands balled tightly.
"I'm afraid so. Now, he told me you met on a bridge but didn't really elaborate. Would you mind telling your part of the story?"
Himiko paused for a moment, watching as Izuku set down the kettle with a warm cup in front of his mother. He took a seat in the middle, cutting them both from one another. He stared back at her silently, begging with his eyes not to tell. She shrugged once more and spoke casually.
"I was out on a walk to clear my head since it was the fifth anniversary of my friend's death and we kinda bumped into each other. He was drunk off his ass and pissed off because he never got to be who he wanted to, so I got mad at that stupid idea and eventually I talked him out of it. He came back to my place, passed out on the couch and we've been together ever since. That's it in a nutshell."
The senior moved her gaze to her son, stealing him with that "You were drinking again?" glare.
"Well, that's fortunate I suppose. Tell me Himiko, what kind of job do you have or do you still live with your parents?"
A flash of deep anger flashed in the feline eyes of the girl for a second before she submersed it and took another sip.
"I make my income through writing, editing and publishing gossip columns. I also published a few books, but the returns have been pretty low. As for my family…"
She tensed as if reliving painful past memories.
"My home life was...unstable to say the least. I managed to get myself into some trouble in my eighth grade year and ran away. Been alone for almost fifthteen years and neither of us want anything to do with each other."
Again Inko nodded with the mask of a friendly smile.
"Ah, that's unfortunate but at least you're in a better place now. So anyway, what about old boyfriends? Do you have any old flames running about?"
The former killer shrugged then cringed visibly at the suggestion.
"I had a few crushes in my teen years, but I had maybe four relationships and they all went bad from how I kept drawing in crazy people. With a quirk like mine, you tend to repulse most folks and the few you don't usually have...issues."
An eyebrow was raised by the older woman as she sipped her tea.
"Oh? What might your quirk be if you don't mind me asking?"
For once Himiko reclined uncomfortably in her seat, not taking her eyes off the woman but her emotion and hesitation to speak showed well enough. Then she felt a hand touch her thigh. Izuku was staring at her with an honest attempt to comfort the girl, as if to say "You're safe here, nobody will hurt you." Her left hand touched his and felt his thumb caress her knuckles and she grasped it hard. Sighing, but unspeakably grateful for the support given she spoke.
"I'd rather not get into specifics, but my quirk requires blood. Which, as you can guess, brings in a certain type of person."
Inko studied the girl critically. She had worked with blood related quirks before in her time as a nurse so she knew every little effect those could have on a person. Sometimes it was nothing at all, other times they needed blood to stay physically healthy, other times it affected their mental health. That last one was a deadly issue since out of that drawback, it either meant that the person could manage their quirk with blood like a medication and live a fairly normal life or that the person had a permanent pathology of a neurodivergent type that leaned towards psychopathy, usually of the sadistic flavor.
Inko kept her mouth shut for a minute as she gathered her thoughts and tried her best to activate her Hippocratic habits.
"If I can ask, where exactly do you fall on the Lindsey scale?"
The Lindsey scale was a tool used to measure the impacts that a quirk had on a user when it demanded an outside factor to function. It was well known in hospitals to diagnose the severity of how a quirk affected a person's life when it's extraordinary need is not met. As such it went from zero, which was a person with no negative health or mental effects due to quirk requirements all the way up to ten which is where a person literally loses all higher brain function and becomes dangerous both to themselves and others as they seek out what their body needs before they parish regardless of legality or morality.
Himiko lowered her head a bit at the question, but again Izuku held her thigh, rubbing it until she gave her hand. She hesitated for a moment with worry in her eyes and spoke.
"...I'm an eight. But thankfully animal's blood works just as fine as people's...or so I've been told, which means I don't have to worry."
Inko scowled at the girl, disapproval ripe on her face.
"That may be the case young lady, but I've treated people with that handicap before and their psychology is never completely unaffected even if their thirst is sated."
She made a cradle with her hands and placed it under her nose, looking like a judge set to make a sentence.
"Usually these people have quite violent sexual tastes that tend to border on the illegal, if not the outright immoral with blood being a main focus in the act. Tell me, does any of this describe you at all?"
It was at this point Izuku jumped to spare her the discomfort and perhaps to salvage whatever he could out of this meeting.
"Mama, I think asking those sorts of questions is rude right when you first meet someone, don't you think?"
The glare was turned on him, piercing him like he had done very wrong.
"But does that sound like her Izuku? In all the time you've known her have you seen anything which may suggest that she has sadistic tastes?"
He opened his mouth to speak, but found him unable to when his very body began to ache with examples of how his mother might be correct. Himiko huffed and stood up from the table.
"It's been a pleasure Mrs. Midoriya, but I think it's best if I get going."
Without a thought of hesitation Izuku reached out as if to stop her.
"Hey, I'm sorry about what my mom said, she's never had the best bedside manner so she didn't mean anything by it. You don't need to leave just-"
She turned to him with the frankest expression that could be seen on such a worn face. Her eyes traveled to Inko who was staring daggers at her, but Himiko merely rolled her eyes and placed both hands on her hips.
"I don't give a flying fuck if she did or didn't, if she wants to act that way then fine. We're leaving."
Izuku blinked at that, not sure he heard right.
"Excuse me, we?"
A hand reached and grabbed his wrist, dragging him forward towards her.
"Yes , we. You still owe me and you think I'm going to let you skirt by after this bullshit I went though for your sake? Oh hell no, you're coming back home with me, I'm going to get my dues and then I'm going to make you grin like a retard and you're coming with me whether you want to or not."
This was a situation Izuku never believed could, would, should, might or even possibly happen. But it did, at the worst possible moment, in the worst possible place, in front of the worst person possible. All while he was being actively dragged to the front door.
He turned to his mother who looked positively shell shocked as if he had spontaneously grown wings or a second head. Not sure how to handle this one in a trillion situation, where he was getting kicked out of his own home, which he paid the rent for, by a woman who more or less suggested her possible sexual dominance over him right in front of his mother. He turned his head back to her as they neared the door while he was dragging his feet.
"Himiko, I don't-"
With a massive twist of her torso, he was pulled to the left with his back barely touching the wall and trapping him between it and her. She had a look of hot fury on her face and soon her free hand was raised up with three fingers only. Everything in her eyes demanded his obedience as she held up the symbol like it was a badge of office.
"We are going home, we are going to forget about this because this woman has made both you and I very unhappy, by your own admission with how she is trying to force into marriage with someone and by my admission of how she asked questions she had no right to ask and deemed me as unworthy within five seconds of us meeting. You are going to give the dues you owe to me for putting up with this horrible waste of an afternoon and then I'm going to ensure you go to sleep, happy and content with my tit in your mouth, do I make myself clear?"
The quirkless man quite literally put his back to the wall in order to gain some centimeters of distance from the woman. He couldn't take his eyes off her due to fear of violence and she positively burned into his soul with those golden eyes. The three fingers were raised and he knew what it meant. Every iota of her being demanded he say it, say what she demands to be said to all the world so it could be known.
His mother was a foot away watching this. She would hear everything said and see him admit to so strange, perverse subservience to this woman. But Himiko had already said too much and doubtlessly his mother was already making stories and conclusions in her head. He was screwed already, so it was better to get this horrible situation over with and retreat to the privacy of her apartment.
Himiko clamped down harder on his wrist, making him wince, but Izuku put a hand to her and swallowed his pride, looking right into those furious eyes.
"Yes Mommy."
She nodded in approval, releasing his wrist and unlocked the door, opening it to the cold air of the afternoon. Izuku hadn't dared to look back and followed after her, shutting the front door behind him. There was so much shame, but he couldn't tend to it as they entered the metro. They sat on a bench with the cold making it through the steel of the tube, Himiko wrapped an arm around his, staring at the other passengers with a death glare that challenged anyone to try her. No one did and as they arrived at her apartment Himiko was silent with not a word spoken for the entire walk until the front door was opened. They entered and shut it behind them with Izuku standing right by it and Himiko continuously clenching and unclenching her fists in the center of the room.
The fury was still there, evident when she turned an eye towards him. It stared right at him with an anger even Kacchan couldn't match. Then she shut her eyes and inhaled, undoing her ponytail and removing her coat, shoes and purse in the process. She looked back at him with her knotted hair reaching down to her knees and sighed.
"I originally planned this for when I wasn't pissed, that way I wouldn't want to actually hurt anybody. That's changed obviously so I think we need to hold off on that part until I'm calmed down. In the meantime you can stay as long as you want, just don't drink my stuff and pay for what you eat."
Izuku pursed his lips sympathetically at her. He subjected her to so much just to have his way and she got insulted for it. If he was in her shoes he'd wanna beat the crap outta someone too. Thinking about it he supposed he owed her double or triple now. Besides, the pain might help him forget the shit that just went down. wouldn't be the first time he purposely walked into an ass beating to forget his shit life. Besides, he knew tits were also on the agenda if he bared with it for long enough.
"Hey Himiko...if you want to, then it's fine. Just hit my torso like last time and I should be okay."
She raised an eyebrow at him utterly devoid of that spark it usually had when this stuff came up.
"You don't know what you mean. I'm actually wanting to hurt someone out of anger now, meaning it'll be a lot rougher."
He shrugged.
"Will you stop if I ask?"
She shrugged in return.
"Yes, but I don't wanna stop until it burns away."
He thought about it for a bit and walked over to her.
"Then I'm okay with it. I owe you that much for putting you through that and...for what it's worth, I apologize for my mother."
Himiko waved a hand at him, dismissing it.
"I've heard that shit my whole life so I'm over it. Still pissed, but I let it roll off my back. Now, if you really wanna do this then...alright, but you have to swear to tap out if it gets to be too much, none of this bearing it for my sake bullshit, got it?"
Izuku nodded, not sure if now would be a good time to touch her.
"Alright, I swear by fortune and fate to do this."
She exhaled and began to walk to the bathroom, taking out a first aid kit and setting it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Opening it, she checked the contents and shut it upon finding it satisfactory. Guilt lingered in her soul as she watched Izuku standing there waiting.
"You know you don't have to do this for my sake, right? I can wait a couple days."
He flexed his fingers at that. Some hesitation lingered about him, but it vanished soon enough. Then guilt began to plague him in turn. Half heartedly he looked off to the floor and Himiko noticed a slight bulge building in his pants.
"I'm fine with it, we'd need to get it done sooner or later and I did throw you on the spot."
He breathed rather slowly and tried to hide the issue coming up from below.
"That being said however...would you mind if I got to...give you hickies? It just sorta felt needed, I have to put my mouth to something. I-I know it's weird and it's okay if not and we can still do this, but I got an itch."
The former villainess kept her eyes on him for a heart beat then smiled as a giggle leaked out.
"I said you could suck on my breasts any time you want, what difference does the rest of my upper body matter at that point?"
He smirked likewise at her.
"You're the one obsessed with making the rules here, I'm just asking and not taking like a good boy."
The slasher continued to smirk, putting the first aid kit on the edge of the table and placing her phone next to it with the emergency number pulled up just in case. She touched his forearm, running her hand up it and enjoyed the sensation. She held his gaze and allowed her lips to pull back, revealing the fangs which took the place of her canines.
"Would you mind taking your shirt off for me?"
Izuku arched back violently with a strong panic in his eyes as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it down.
He was a few feet away from her now with a slight uptick in his breathing. Himiko had a look of shock about her like she had done something wrong. Izuku cursed at his reaction and offered an apologetic face.
"Shit, I'm sorry. It wasn't because of you, I just have...scars and I'd rather not share them. I'm ready to start with the thing though.
Sympathy ruled her when she heard him. Slowly she approached and cradled his head to her chest, rubbing his hair the same way she had for Jin so long ago.
"It's alright, you don't have to share anything you don't want. Right now just focus on me and the moment. I'll make you feel better and have this leave you."
His head bobbed back up looking slightly embarrassed .
"Thanks...I'm ready for you to hit me now."
She rubbed his hair one more time before speaking.
"Wait here, I'll get something to make it a little better."
The girl moved away from him and retreated into her room where she vanished for a good five minutes while Izuku tried to mentally prepare for the pain. Not a second later however Himiko emerged and what she was wearing suddenly made this all worth it.
She was clad in black lingerie that hugged every inch of her body, along with thick black nylon stockings which squeezed the tops of her legs. Her breasts were exposed to a degree, likely no more than what would be seen from a low hanging bra, but it showed just enough to make him want to see more. The undergarments were also colored black and fit rather well, well enough that he could see an outline at the front.
A tremble came over him, one that brought him shame as he tried to control himself, but it seemed like even his breath was escaping the longer he looked. Himiko smiled warmly, evidently pleased by his reaction and approached him, watching as his teeth began to chatter the closer they got. She rolled her knuckles up his cheek and felt her own breath start to get heated at what was coming. Gently she put her knuckles up his lips feeling her cheeks get warm and rosey.
"Kiss them."
There was no room for argument in her tone, it was an order right down to the last syllable and one that hinted at consequences if not followed. Taking one last look in the eye, Izuku ran his hand down her arm and ran it until it held the bottom of her wrist. He kissed each of her four knuckles as asked, constantly bringing his other hand over her bare arm for any sort of physical contact.
Himiko felt a tingle go up her spine at the greedy expression on his face, seeing the power she held over him. Her hand turned with the palm facing inward, her fingers caressing his face while remembering not to sink her nails in. They danced off his chin, making him look upward to her and the ceiling. The hand lingered in the air and instantly Izuku knew what was coming and he was proven correct when it came down hard and smacked him right across the cheek. His head jerked to the right with a bright red hand print on it which pulsed rhythmically yet that wasn't the end of his troubles when she grabbed him by his collar, pulled him close and then threw him down with enough force to land him on his ass.
Himiko made eye contact once again, smirking from the rush this was getting her. He was hurting and there was a little bit of fear, but not enough to run and a reluctant hope that made her feel great. She turned away to the table and pulled out a chair, setting it right in the center of the room next to him.
He did as ordered and planted himself down in the chair with most of the jitters gone. She placed a bare hand over the red spot, feeling the heat it radiated before pulling away. Squatting down so they were eye level, Himiko let a softer quality enter her voice as concern and whatever was making her do this fought.
"This is gonna be the part that hurts, okay? I want you to tell me the tap word again, just so I know you remember."
A heavy breath entered Izuku's mouth and she could tell how badly he wanted to touch her
She nodded.
"Good, pineapple."
He repeated.
She followed.
He said it again.
She finished off the remembrance ritual and nodded.
Stepping back from his chair, she cracked her fist and eyed him with a serious tone that didn't quite fit the mood. Rolling her shoulders and rotating her back.
"Before we go any further, I wanna show you what's ahead so you can know if you can take it. I won't hit your face, balls or legs, but it's still gonna hurt and for a long while. Are you ready?"
Izuku nodded, scared to say anything and decided to let it be as he tightened his abdominal muscles.
"Go ahead."
She nodded and swung her arm back and launched it forward, hitting above the solar plexus so as to not knock the wind out of him.
"Is that okay?"
The hit hurt a lot, but compared to having Kacchan and his cronies beating and punching him it was negligible. He could bear it for her sake and in the meantime enjoy the view.
"Yeah, but how long is this gonna be? I can take it, but I'd like a timer if possible."
Her eyes went wide at that.
"Oh, I can do that for you."
She made her way to the kitchen and returned with an egg timer which she cranked and set on the coffee table.
"Fifteen minutes should be enough for me, if you have any issues just tap out. I won't hold it against you."
Izuku nodded as he once again mentally prepared for the pain to come. She came into frame once more and he directed his eyes to her chest, to her waist and her eyes. "Think of the prize, Think of the prize" he repeated in his head as she leaned in closer. Himiko squatted down, let her fangs flash and grabbed a knot of his hair jerking his head this way and that until she pulled it back to expose his neck.
"Who's your Mommy?"
He swallowed, wishing he didn't have to say it again, but he was too far into it to stop now. Testing the waters as much as he dared, Izuku put a hand on her arm, not to stop her, but to touch her. A blow was delivered to his belly soon after, making him instantly pull his hand away. But she grabbed it and forcibly ran it up and down again.
"Who's your Mommy, Izuku? Who looks after you? Who watches over you? Who takes care of you?"
The man took a breath of air, hoping it would wash away his reservations. They were alone with just the two of them here. Nobody would know he said it, nobody would judge him for it. He was safe here.
"Y-You are."
A laugh came from the blonde that sounded downright demonic when the hand holding his hair released and moved down his face, caressing it once again as she made him look her in the eyes with deep satisfaction.
"Damn fucking right and don't you forget it or I'll make you remember."
Her fist was raised back and she asked again.
"Tell me who your Mommy is."
A blow landed before he could answer, making him wince in pain.
"You are."
Another hit came as the heat from her breath increased.
Izuku fought back the urge to cringe when her arm cocked back again.
"You are."
His belly caved a bit to the punch and he found the pain increasing the more she hit it in that spot.
"Say it like you mean it, scream it out to the world and let them know who your Mommy is, scream it like you love her and can't live without her."
There was a build up of real fear now. He could still take the pain, but it was his mind that was being made hurt by how she was saying it. He knew he should tap out, but he knew he could keep going and she looked so happy. He wasn't breaking his promise to either her or Fate, so he could continue.
Yet strangely the more professional part of him was somehow worried about the possibility of noise complaints while he was getting whaled on by a girl in lingerie demanding he call her "Mommy." Something had to be a bit screwy in his brain for that to happen.
He studied her as she stood there waiting, clearly giving him time to catch his breath since he was panting at this point. He almost wanted to ask about his concern, he figured that would likely bring her down. He damned his own situation and tilted his head back until they were looking eye to eye.
"You are!"
Himiko smirked like she had just won and delivered a punch to his ribs.
"Good! Good! Say it again, say my fucking name!"
Izuku did just that, shouting her name and title to the heavens as more attacks came in for what felt like eternity to simply put the pain out of mind as he focus on the woman in front of him and that chant she had him shout endlessly until at long last, like a gift from the god of Fate, there came a loud *Ding* from the coffee table signalling that it was over. He had gone the distance and didn't bitch out, but the second she stopped punching and he stopped chanting, all that pain came rushing back at once.
He clutched his stomach like it was on fire, curling over and cursing every word and demon he knew while trying to find air to breath. A hand grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him up as Himiko looked incredulously at him.
"I told you to tap if you needed to!"
He recoiled from her touch, not feeling up to do anything but lay there in that chair until the pain went away. He said nothing to that, content to manage his suffering. Panic flared in her eyes at that and like a lynx she sprang for the phone, ready to call him an ambulance. Yet Izuku groaned out a reply, waving a hand at her to stop.
"I'm f-fine, I j-just need to-"
His eyes popped out of his head like he had been struck on the back of the skull and darted for the bathroom as fast as he could go, pain be damned. He leaned over the rim of the bowl and soon the sound of vomiting could be heard. It was a horrible retching sound as he kept going until the contents of his stomach were empty and Himiko ran to be behind him, a hand over her face in terror at what she'd done to him.
Izuku eventually found the strength to stand while holding his belly. He eyed the girl haphazardly, still in massive pain but not enough that it hadn't started to numb. She put herself under one of his arms and helped him to the sofa, careful to grab a plastic bucket from the broom closet inside the restroom.
He laid on the sofa with a minor look of agony that for once didn't make her feel good as he turned to the outside of the couch. Still holding his belly in the meantime. Himiko had a certain wetness under her eyelids, but she didn't let that show as she went to the kitchen to fetch something, anything that might help him feel better.
A single, solitary ice pack was the best she could do and part of her was screaming at herself for overdoing it so much. She had more experience in this than him, it was her job to ensure his safety and he had let her do as she wanted even at his expense because he didn't know his own limits. She put the pack to his belly and stroked his cheek as a heavy sorrow found its way to her voice.
"I'm sorry, I-"
He waved her off as more of the pain numbed, taking the ice pack from her hand and studying her body.
"It isn't your fault. If I didn't want it then I wouldn't have asked. I should have stopped but I wanted to prove something to myself and I didn't know what was just my body getting used to the pain or it hitting a limit. Because believe it or not, I don't do this very often or really ever, but I'm willing to try for you because you give a shit about me."
Himiko wiped away a tear that was starting to fall from one of her eyes and put a hand over his, still furious with both herself and him.
"But why go through all that just to make me happy!? There has to be another reason then to just make up for inconveniencing me or having your mother say things we both know are true!"
A laugh came from him, one that filled him with pain, but he laughed all the same.
"I only partly did it to make us even, the other half was to get to see your tits."
She growled at him with the fury of a thousand suns as he continued to lay there laughing like it was all some big joke.
"You stupid dumbass! All that just to see a pair of breasts!? Goddamn, I fucking said you could grab them whenever, did you forget that!?"
The laughter continued and even increased in volume.
"Nope, but Fate demands an equal trade or bad luck follows. I didn't want that when you're feeling so upset since it might rub off on you. Eh, what can I say, you're worth it."
The blonde fought to find her words but rage, worry and a light dusting of whatever made her heart squeeze when he said that, caused to lose her tongue. Finally she decided to forget it.
"You stupid fuck! Fine, here! Happy!?"
Her bra fell to the floor, revealing two firm, pale mounds a little wider then and about the depth of his hands topped with oddly large pink nipples. Izuku shut his mouth instantly at the sight and made damn sure to dedicate it to memory. His silence lasted longer than perhaps three, four minutes while he took a mental photograph. He found her eyes and said in as serious a tone as possible.
"Yes I am and honestly, it was fucking worth it for that."
Blush colored her face at once, how dare he say something so flattering!? Yet her attention shifted back to Izuku as he grabbed the bucket and decided to walk around the living room. Himiko was a hair's breadth away from screaming at his stupidity and then that hair broke and she screamed anyway.
"What the fuck are you doing!?"
The man shot her a glance like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Making sure I'm not about to throw up, because you said my reward had two things in it, if you remember and I was too worn out last time to do it. Meaning it's about time we break even because I'm getting those in my mouth, one way or another."
She took a step back at the surety and determination in his tone. Yes she had said he could do that...whenever he wanted, for beating her at that game; but the thing was she had never had it done before. All her other partners never really got that far before it turned sour and admittedly she liked the idea, simply because it was both something to barter with and give without becoming too intimate. But it still worried her because it was uncharted territory.
"You're being unusually forward about this."
He walked towards her with the bucket still in hand and an ache in his belly, looking like there was no chance for an argument whatsoever.
"I've waited over a week to see you again and this is what's been on my mind for most of it. Now if you'd please. "
His fingers gestured to the bedroom, yet he instead walked to the bathroom, swished his mouth out with a cap of mouthwash and then walked in. Himiko sighed and followed after him, not bothering to pick up her bra. Inside the room Izuku was already on her bed, waiting for her. Flicking the lights off and shutting the door, she made her way to her oversized mattress and was instantly greeted by his hands squirming over her body.
His legs locked around her lower midsection while he began to feel up her belly, arms and chest. All the while she felt some hard poke at the small of her back, making her both cringe and clench. It felt good. Really, really good to the point her breath was starting to get hot again. She paused when something warm and wet latched on to her neck and began to suck like a leech at the skin. It hurt, but in a good way and she swore her heart skipped a beat when he came away from that spot and whispered in her ear.
"You can move too, I don't mind."
Some of her pride demanded she be the one making such suggestions, but she was simply enjoying being manhandled enough that she wanted to join in. Turning around she grabbed his torso and motioned to remove his shirt. She expected some resistance on his part, but thankfully he was also too far gone to stop and helped her remove it as he pushed her down.
His skin was cool and soft to the touch that was intimidated by these strange patchy bits that had to be his scars. Some were large as a hand, others as tiny as a finger tip, but it didn't matter to her. All she wanted was to keep this feeling going. She felt herself quake a bit when he started to kiss and suck at her neck, working his way down to her chest. Her hand felt every inch of skin, feeling the fat, the muscle and the scars while she began to mimic his actions by kissing and sucking on parts of his neck. Finding a thrill in how close her fangs got to his jugular.
Soon he began to grab and touch her breasts, fondling them like clay before clamping his lips over the nipple. There was a nice tug as he sucked like his life depended on it and she was running her hands through his hair. She loved it, the closeness, the comfort, the control it gave her over him. The only thing more she could ask for was to make him bleed those slow beads of red sanguine that would make them one in the same.
She wanted to see him bleed, to taste his life on her tongue and have his scream in orgasmic bliss like he was wanting to do now. His breathing was wild and haggard as he kept touching her all over, she even felt a hand reach past her waist band and touch her rear more then once. He wanted her, needed her. She knew in an ancient part of her mind what he wanted and she had half a mind to let him.
Why not? She deserved this bliss for all she went through, for everything and everyone she lost. Why couldn't she just give into something that was a natural urge to replicate love in a natural, holy way instead of wanting blood letting? For fuck's sake she deserved to be happy for once and if she kept doing this then he'd never leave! Her loneliness would be gone and her urges could be met by someone who honestly cared for her!
Izuku deserved to use her body, to use her for comfort because she knew that he was an outcast and a failure like her. They were the only ones for each other now, so why not skip the pretext and give each other what they wanted, what they needed!?
Her legs broke away from him, spreading them as he planted more kisses on her neck. "Do it you horny, lonely bastard! Love me! Nobody else on this earth will, so do it! Let me build a life with you, please!" She screamed in her head as her legs rubbed against his back, pushing him forward to deliver the message.
His hands clutched her thighs, the fingers digging into the nylon as he pulled her to him. "This was it." She thought. "My life as a ghost is over, I get to be human, I get love and connection and hope!"
More thoughts came to her as she smiled as her salvation approached.
"I was supposed to survive! My life did have a greater purpose like Cheeky said! The league didn't-"
She halted in her tracks. The League...The Paranormal Liberation Front...the war. The faces and screams and chaos came back to her. Like a flash of lightning she recalled it all as she lay there. Every person she killed, the crimes she helped commit, the lives she ruined. They all came back at once and made the blood drain from her face.
How much blood was on her hands? How unforgivable were the things she did? She had been not a simple foot soldier in the war, but a division commander with over a thousand underlings. She hadn't been a basic killer, she had been a sadistic torturer who took those who refused to love her that the whole world feared.
She wasn't a normal woman. She was Himiko Toga of the League of Villains, Commander of the Carmine Regiment and slayer of over fifty eight heroes. She was a creature of the night that prowled alleyways looking for victims to feed her unending thirst and bath in their torment as the light slowly faded from their eyes. She was a dangerous, infamous monster and the man in front of her, about to forever entwine his life with hers knew none of that.
Following her petty wants and desires were what sent her into hell, who was she to do the same to this man who needed her, who adored her enough to defend her honor against his own mother even when she had none? She didn't know if he actually loved her or it was more wishful thinking or if she loved him or the idea of him, but she wanted him around.
She wanted more moments like this and the one they had where she could force her sadism out safely and the quiet moments where they held one another in the cold dead of night because no one else ever would. But it couldn't be done like this, not until he saw the real her and knew who and what she once was. It might take years and likely result in him abandoning her, but it was a curse she laid upon herself and such it was hers to bear until...if Izuku was willing to accept her past.
The sound of a belt buckle being undone brought her attention back to reality. She lurched her body upward before he could go further and placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Izuku, stop!"
The man paused like a deer in the headlights with his hands still around his pants.
"What!? What's wrong!?"
She paused for a moment, understanding this will make him suffer infinitely more than her.
"I think we should stop. We're getting too carried away."
He said nothing in the darkness, only staring ahead at where the arms were coming from.
"Are you fucking kidding me!? We were about to...ah fuck it!"
Any piece of patience or class he had fled the second he managed to get his pants halfway off. Throwing them to the floor he arose from the bed and felt his way to the door and opened it, flooding the dark room with light.
"If you don't wanna go that far, fine. I won't hold it against you since you made that clear from day one, but I need to go handle this."
The door slammed shut as he left and soon after the sound of the bathroom door creaked open and then shut. Himiko was left sitting in the dark for what felt like forever to her as her past bubbled up and showed her more and more past sins she had done in the name of her insanity. Then an interruption came when the door swung open and Izuku stomped back inside, looking angry and disappointed...without his boxers on.
His groin was on full display for a few minutes as he slipped the old garments on before shutting the door. He climbed back on the bed with due haste and wrapped his arms around her, a hand cupping over her right breast. He nuzzled into her back and kissed her neck one more time.
"I'm not mad, you have every right to say what you do and don't want, but...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed."
Himiko wanted to give some sort of an explanation as to why she denied him, granted it wouldn't contain any of the stuff that made her stop, but she owed him a reason at least.
"I'm sorry-"
The arms tightened around her, squeezing her to silence as he rubbed a cheek against hers.
"You don't need to explain. I got to have a great time with my best friend, that's what matters. Yeah I want more, hell I'm half tempted to just start rubbing you again just to get a taste, but I shared it with you. That's all I care about and there's always later.
He paused for a minute to let her speak, but she merely held him close and began to sleep. Grinning, he reached over to a hand dangling past her head and kissed the knuckles. He was so glad he got to come here today, even if work would be horrible with the pain and his mother would definitely have words for him considering he turned off his phone once he got on the metro over two hours ago.
But in a way he did not care at all, the only thing on his mind at that moment was the girl in his arms, the softness of her skin and how strange and kind she was. Very rarely in life did he ever find anything to be truly grateful for, but he was certainly grateful for her and all the trouble she'll bring to his life.