Chapter 22: Evidence of the Past
The night was still and quiet as the two remained still on the sofa with only the blare of the television making any sound as what looked like the cheesiest monster b movie ever played. Izuku had an arm wrapped around her torso, content to just lay as Himiko cradled his other hand by her head.
It was nice to simply be. He had arrived earlier that night with a look in his eyes that worried her, but she didn't press the matter when he asked if he could stay awhile. Himiko felt part of her grimace at the smell of perfume and alcohol coming off him when he grabbed her in what could only be defined as a bear hug. Yet it didn't matter when he carried her to the couch and squashed himself against her.
He was lonely and needed her so that was all that mattered. Nobody who was going around her back would behave like this, Izuku was staying true so she wouldn't punish him like she had done to others before him. She ran a hand over his arm, feeling the roughness of his skin and glad that he came back. Himiko wouldn't have ever openly admitted this unless she was drunk, but she had missed him while he was away.
Hell, this morning when he left for work she had to stop herself from pulling him back down to the bed. It was refreshing to have him around, to feel him press up against her and not let go. She was realizing how much she needed that, needed him.
Her life had been isolated for so long and the few that entered it never really cared for her...barring the gang of course. It was just one heartbreak after the other until she simply assumed no one would want her for who she was and...started taking. Knowing that nobody worth having would ever love her the same way so it was better to be them and live some of their lives and maybe get close to them that way instead of nothing at all.
Himiko wouldn't lie and say she didn't enjoy it. Oh no she relished hearing the screaming and seeing fear in their eyes as her knife sliced away at them. More than a few times she even pleasured herself after the fact, she even kept a few trophies to remember them by. It was less than the heartless fucking monsters deserved.
She'd try and try to fit in, to be perfect for them. Yet they always pulled away when the mask grew too much to keep on entirely. She'd ask to bite or cut or bruise and it'd end in a broken heart and either a quick slash to the jugular or her showing them who she really was. They screamed of course, the longest one lasted seventeen days if she was particularly affronted. She was sorry in a way, sorry that she was so immature at the time to not let go of the grudge.
Those stupid, cruel monsters who played with her heart, not a single damn one was worth the trouble. At best it would have been better to scar their faces and leave, at least that way her crimes would have just been deadly assault instead of grand villainy. Though what could have been done at the time? Yes she was guilty, even at her most detached from reality she knew taking it was wrong, but nobody was there for her.
Her parents disowned her practically the moment she showed them that dove, her friends stopped talking to her the moment she didn't let her mask stay up and everyone she's ever tried to get close to romantically and help manage her issues just screamed. From Saito all the way down to that girl from Bangkok, she was abandoned by everyone except the League and even then she couldn't view them in a romantic light.
Yes she loved them all like family, but they were too...cold. Dabi had hard times forming emotions, Tomura was traumatized to a near nonfunctional degree, Compress was too old and uninterested, Spinner was too shy, Magne wasn't into girls and considered her as a little sister, Kurogiri had no sexuality, and Jin…
Jin loved her like a daughter and maybe like a love interest, but only because she showed him kindness. He was broken like her and maybe if he had been twenty years younger and if she trusted herself not to ruin his mental health more with her type of affection, then maybe they could have had something.
Yet at the same time she had let her quirk dictate most of her life once she stuck the straw into Saito's arm. It was her escape from things because it kept her going, it let her find some enjoyment and love in the suffering she inflicted. Hell, it was still inside her to a degree when she'd type up more niche pornos where some schmuck was getting sliced up and laid.
She loved seeing those looks of agony and watching the blood weep out while the person clung to whatever pleasure their tormentor felt like granting. It got only better when that look would pop open with pleasure at the moment of climax and even though she never was so kind to her old victims, she felt jealous of those people.
They got the best of both worlds where they could vent out that wonderful urge for blood and still be loved by the person they abused. They weren't abandoned at the end because the person died or ran away, they had another person there who accepted and loved them for what they were.
She on the other hand had been scorned and branded as a pariah because nobody ever taught her how to manage her urges. Truthfully she didn't know how much of it was the quirk and how much was just her own mind, but it still needed to be managed. If her parents had given her fucking animal blood and taken her to an actual quirk specialist instead of just trying to bury the problem under a mask then maybe she could have lived an average life. Maybe she could have even been married and successful and have kids by now instead of all this mess.
Sure she'd still be a freak, but there's a difference in a little bloodplay and torturing those who rejected you because it was arousing.
A sigh left her as she caressed the hand near her face. Regardless she had made it through. After all the blood, the regret, the pain and living on the run, she survived and was granted permanent parole. The HSCP tracked her like a hawk and she knew her internet traffic was monitored along with a few government vehicles dodging her steps every so often, but she was free to still live her life.
She wasn't alone anymore and had someone who loved her for who she was and at the least was accepting of her tastes. It was more than she deserved, but fate had thrown her a bone and on the anniversary of Jin's death no less. Maybe the old goof was looking down...or up, at her and decided to pull the strings a bit to send her this hot mess.
Izuku wasn't hard on the eyes by any definition and he only got better when she got to rough him up. Oh, that look of twisting agony as he tried not to yelp in pain while she played with him, it was lovely. Yet not only that, he was adorable when he tried to cling to her and his blood...that alone made it worth it.
But the one thing that made her heart throb was the simple fact that he came back. He would always come to her in good, in bad, in nothing and everything. She could abuse him like a damn toy, break his ribs even and this dumbass would keep coming back and demanding her. Out of every other woman on this dirt ball, all the others who weren't as fucked in the head and would take care of him way better, Izuku would, without fail show up with a smile on his face and a hand to slip down her shirt.
There was a part of herself that couldn't wait to cut him, to see his body weep sanguine and even have him watch as she turned into him. That was always the most erotic thing to her, to have a witness to when she took the form of another. It was the most forbidden aspect of her body, of her personality and by God did she love to flaunt it. It was always arousing to walk around as someone else, to wear their face and live their life, but to show someone else that and have them stay?
Oh, the things she could imagine doing to him like that.
Her fingers dug into the arm around her, the nails just starting to prick at the skin as the palm went up and down. His skin was rough and bumpy with hair covering his forearms, perfect to feel the calluses on her own hand. Air was sucked in through her lip as an ache began to build like a need for teething around her fangs. She wanted to bite him again and see him roll in pain while trying to escape it through pleasure.
Gently she gripped the wrist of his hand to move it downwards, but to her surprise Izuku wouldn't let up. In fact he doubled down and crushed her to him by tightening the hold. It was harder to breathe now, not to a distressing degree, but it wasn't overly pleasant. Himiko winced a bit when she felt his head bury into her shoulder and his legs wrap around her, yet she let him be like the big baby he was.
It was flattering to see him cling so hard to her, but she knew something was up. He had been too quiet and not once brought any attempt to maybe get somewhere tonight. Izuku had just shown up, asked for her company, kissed her, carried her to the sofa and that was it for the past couple of hours. She put on a movie to pat out the time until he was in the mood to fight or flirt or talk or whatever, yet he was like a big huggy ghost. The dummy hadn't even tried to grope her for all that time and that upset her for some reason. Didn't he want her anymore?
Then as if to multiply the confusion, this strong bastard lifts her up with a turn of his body so that she's stuck staring at the ceiling. He didn't say a word about it either, just stays silent the whole time until he relaxes his arms and runs a hand through her hair.
" you mind if I ask about something from your past?"
She froze like a stake had been stabbed through her heart. What did he know? Still she remained calm and merely turned herself over to face him.
"Depends on what it is."
A glint of pain shot through his eyes and with that was a flash of brief anger as he grabbed onto her hips like he owned them. He then brought her chest up to his head and cradled his head there right between her tits. It wasn't exactly a sexual thing at the moment, she knew that much from how he held her, but he did speak with his voice muffled by her body.
"...When you killed that guy for revenge or just hurted anyone for wronging you...did it make the pain go away?"
Himiko was silent as she contemplated him, hearing his question and noticing the slight quiver of his frame, it didn't take a genius to understand something was wrong. Yet prying into the issue might make him curl up like a damn pill bug. She ran a hand through his curls, staring out at nothing as she spoke, suddenly reliving that very moment when that vulture died at her hands.
"No, it didn't. I was still hurting from the loss of my friend and no matter what I did he would never get back up again. But it certainly felt fucking good to watch that animal die. I had snuck into the hospital where he was staying in a disguise with a wooden pocket knife. See the thing most people don't realize is that anything can be made to have a cutting edge so long as it can be thinned down enough on one end, so it got past the metal detectors."
Her fingers dug down to his roots now, gripping handfuls of hair as she stroked his head.
"It wasn't hard to find the room he was in since I cut the answer out of some other hero meant to bodyguard him. The cops had a full detail of six guys armed with shotguns, but I just waited until their shifts rotated and told them I was a nurse by using someone's ID. Once I got through the door and it clicked shut behind me, I saw the fucker laying unconscious on the bed. At first I wanted to slit his throat after severing his tendons like he did to my friend, but that'd take too long and I had a whole lot more people to gut."
Her lips parted into a snarl as she recalled the scene.
"So I looked at how they situated him. I considered injecting Windex into his IV line, but there was the chance they could flush that out. Left with maybe a few minutes before someone arrived I just grabbed the fucker by the face and covered his mouth so he wouldn't be able to scream. He woke up damn quick and I already had the knife in my hand. Next thing I did was tell him it was for my friend and stuck him below the fourth rib and kept it there until he stopped struggling."
A coldness came to her voice while she continued.
"Afterwards I left the knife on his bed and walked out the room before anybody looked in, changed disguises and left so I could make those other mother fuckers pay."
She looked down at him, feeling his head moving ever so slightly in between her breasts. There wasn't a stiffening of his core from fear, a groan of disgust, a mutter of moral indignation. Nothing except him increasing his hold around her back as he tried to find some iota of comfort. Izuku did speak eventually, but his tone sounded more akin to a beaten child when the words came out.
"Was it worth it? To be that in control of fate and take back what you were owed?"
Himiko sighed as she shifted on the sofa, grabbing his head while she moved to an upright position and laid her back on the armrest. She stroked his head as softly as she could, finding a strange satisfaction in how needy he was.
" need to understand that at that point I was already screwed. I had blood on my hands even before I joined up with my gang and...let's just say my quirk wasn't properly managed, so I was wanted for years by then. There wasn't much of a cost to it because I lost everything long before then. I mean yeah if I could do it again I would because it was to avenge my friend, have to look at stuff and consider if it's worth your time."
He said nothing to her at that point, electing instead to shift her body around his so he was the one holding her now. It was pathetic and adorable and sweet and it made her want to slap him and squeeze him at the same time. Shaking her head, Himiko turned over and rested her chin on his shoulder.
"Is something wrong? People don't ask those kinds of questions unless they have a problem and a big one at that."
Izuku sighed as he moved a hand lower down her back and brought her closer. He opened his mouth to speak only to think better of saying what first came to mind.
"Just...some old bullshit from middle school I keep thinking about. You know revenge fantasies and all that, nothing that I'd do in reality."
She eyed him for a moment, seeing a flash of something bubble behind his pupils.
"Like what exactly? Did something happen back then that you still think about?"
Apprehension colored his face to the point he couldn't look her in the eye. He even was about to pull away from the sofa if she hadn't placed an arm around his torso. For the first time in months Izuku looked uncomfortable and it only got worse when Himiko narrowed her eyes. They drilled into him like a blade that nearly made him crack.
"Look it's nothing of worth alright? So I got bullied in school and it kinda bums me out sometimes. That's it."
The blonde kept glaring at him.
"You just asked me what it felt like to kill someone for revenge. That's not what you ask if you're dealing with nothing. Now tell me the truth, has somebody been fucking with you?"
Meekness consumed him for a fraction of a second, making him recoil ever so slightly before it changed. There was a scowl of indignation about him as he pushed away from her, ejecting himself from the sofa and moved to the other side of the room. It was an ugly, repugnant thing that he wore within the muscles of his face, yet Himiko knew it wasn't directed at her. No, it was a defense mechanism he learned from long ago, just like Tomura.
Still his voice sounded harsh to her ears as he barked out a retort.
"I told you I'm fine so drop it before-"
His speech was halted when out of nowhere there came a loud *boom* from outside the far window, illuminating the night and the interior of the apartment in a white flash until another sounded off high above. Himiko scowled at the noise, it was just some snot nosed kids messing around with fireworks again. For a second she thought her home was about to be raided.
However she froze when there came a spasm from in front of her. Izuku had gotten ghostly pale with a tremor coming over his entire body as he clutched at his head. He whispered out rapid, quiet words while he fought to breath as his legs began to give out and he crashed to the floor. She could hear it thanks to her own enhanced hearing from some mutant in her bloodline and it made her go wideye in shock.
"Come can do this Deku, you aren't worthless...he isn't here, he can't hurt you…"
It continued on and on like this where he was rolled into the fetal position, battling his own demons while the world outside him was blocked off. Words couldn't really describe the sensation that was running through Himiko in that moment, aside from the fact that it worried her a thousand fold. Without a sound she curled up next to him, grabbing his torso and rubbing his back like he had done for her.
She wanted to say so many things, to comfort him, to ask question upon question, but instead Himiko just laid next to him and nestled his body against her and sung softly like she had for Jin and Tomura and Dabi when they broke down. It wasn't until an hour passed that Izuku emerged from his psychosis, looking around at the room in confusion. Instantly he tried to stand up, but couldn't due to the arms around him. He turned to Himiko with horror in his eyes upon realizing she was there and struggled to break free. In turn she tightened the hold like a snake, not letting him go by even an inch as she broke the silence.
"Zuzu...did Dynomight call you Deku before?"
The tenseness grew inside him and there was panic in his voice. He placed a hand over her wrist, twisting it as he began to scramble away.
"Let go of me...I...I need to leave."
She broke her wrist out of his hand by slipping it past the thumb and moved it to curl her arm around his chest.
"No, you're not going anywhere until you get calm down and we talk about-"
Her back was suddenly in the air as Izuku stood up using the admittedly impressive strength he built over the months to try break free. If it were any normal woman he would have been let loose and out the door, but she was no ordinary woman and subduing a struggling target was nothing new to her thanks to nearly half a decade of murder, espionage and tracking.
He may have been standing, but Himiko delivered kicks to the back of his knees, making him topple. Once his torso slammed to the ground her legs locked around his belly, allowing her to wrap her arms to his neck. It was easier than the other times in her previous profession, namely due to the fact he wasn't trying to violently buck her off. Though she did have to release the leg lock when he began to roll to his side to avoid having all that weight on her knee.
His hands instantly went to the arm around his neck, trying to pull it off. In response Himiko reared the hand she was using to push his head deeper into the choke hold back and slammed a punch to his kidney. A yelp of pain erupted from his mouth as he tried to get away, but he couldn't as he felt his airway start to close when her bicep squeezed against it.
If this was under different circumstances Himiko would have no issue admitting that this was fun and a little arousing to feel him struggle, but right now she only cared about making sure he was okay. Soon Izuku ceased fighting as he fell unconscious and she released the choke hold, letting him breathe again. His eyes popped open again and Himiko merely stared at him expectantly.
"Are you ready to talk now?"
He gripped both of her arms and pushed her to the side as he tried to gain some space between them. Except Himiko broke free of his grasp again and dug her fingers right around the collar of his shirt right when he jumped back. There came a sharp ripping sound when the combined weight of her falling downward and him pulling away collided on the fabric, tearing away a large swath that had covered everything to part of his neck to his belly. What was beneath it made Himiko gasp in shock.
Scars with the likeness of charred meat dotted his torso. Somewhere as small as finger tips, others the size of handprints and one consumed the area below his left pictorial and belly button as a faded, black skin infected it with a burnt texture. Izuku stared back at her with tears in his eyes as he saw her reaction. Slowly he stepped towards the door, intent on escaping from the shame this night brought as his deepest secrets had been displayed to the only woman who might love him.
Yet the instant he made a single step, a knife planted itself in the wood of the door. He had no idea where that came from or where she was keeping it, but that was enough to make him flinch. A voice, soft and almost disbelieving, flowed through his ear as Himiko approached him. There was a slight tremble to her legs and a maternal dread in her eyes.
"He did that to you, didn't he?"
Izuku stared at her horrified by the question and unable to answer. Her voice ran out again without a hint of gentleness, instead there was a palpable hate that only the deepest and most personal of loathings could birth. Her lips were torn back in a snarl and she stomped forward, almost squaring up to him.
Her rage was infectious as it chased away all of the long held inhibitions and fears years of trauma had cast over him. Izuku stepped forward with a half a mind to push the girl back even if the anger wasn't directed at him or her in either party.
The rant didn't end as years of repressed pain came forward.
Izuku cast a finger directly at her, feeling like a man for once in his life as the rant continued.
His voice ceased being the shouting mess that it was after he caught his breath and leaned forward with his index finger digging into the skin of her chest. It was thinner, quiet and lethal, almost like hers.
"I was willing to throw everything away. My job, my reputation, my relationship with my mother, my dream of being something akin to a hero and my freedom because of him. I wanted to track him the fuck down once I killed enough scum and I could picture myself breaking bones with that tool, but I didn't. I put the hammer down, got a grip on myself and held it in because of you. You are one of the only good things in my life, you pick me up even at my lowest and you give me something to look forward to everyday."
The finger raced up to her collar and he grabbed it like its mere existence offended him.
"You're a weird, disturbed, kinky bitch of a woman and there are moments you scare me. But at the same time you bring light into my pathetic excuse for a life because you're wonderful despite that. I want my fucking revenge, I wanted it since I was twelve, but you give me a reason not to give up because you mean more to me then that. I would move heaven and earth for you, kill anyone in this whole damn world for you, I'd care for you until my body fails and the only thing I demand is your fidelity. Because I love you, I love you so fucking much that it hurts. Do you understand me?"
His arms wrapped around her, crushing her to him as he buried his head in her shoulder.
"You are all I have and all I want."
HImiko said nothing for a long time, only returning the hug and slowly guiding him to the sofa. It remained like that even longer until she whispered something.
"Did he hurt you tonight?"
Izuku shook his head, running a hand down her hair.
"No...he just showed up, tried to talk to me and I left."
His torso was gently leaned back as Himiko shifted her weight, making him crash to the cushions. Her voice was quiet and soft, like she was sharing a secret.
"If he ever puts a hand on you again...I'll do worse than kill him. No one gets to hurt my baby. I…"
She paused for a moment as her nails dug into his back.
"I wanna tell you the truth about how my friends died, promise me you'll listen."
Izuku said nothing for a time, preparing himself for whatever he was going to hear.
"You have my word."
Himiko laid her head atop his chest, lowering herself so that the comforting rhythms of his heartbeat could pulse in her ears. It should have been hard to say, but it wasn't. Not with him around as the sole witness. A hand caressed her back and in that moment she was so unspeakably grateful for him.
"We were one of the biggest crews around in those days. Our numbers were only eleven at our peak, but the stuff we did was nasty enough to get us noticed. Really we should have been smart and stuck with just getting money like every other gang out there, but we were...mostly young and with something to prove to the world. Those were some of my happiest days because I got to be free. I was free to live how I wanted to live and love how I wanted to love, but nobody loved me back...except those seven assholes who saw me as a little sister. They stuck by me even when I did horrible things to people and over time I saw them as more family than my own parents."
She turned ever so slightly to gain some more of the warmth coming from his body.
"It was hard at times, I almost died countless times, but I chose the life. Eventually we struck it big, more than we could have ever imagined. We were on top of the world with tons of people following us and our boss had gotten a major power up to his quirk that made him unbeatable. Of course he found out that his adoptive father was trying to mind control him through it, so we bumped him off the first chance we got and used it as we pleased. It all seemed like we'd win the day and get our happy ending where we showed that we weren't worth forgetting, then some fucker in a cape shows up out of the fucking sky with a glock in his hand and pops our boss with one of those quirk cancelling bullets."
Anger came out in a growl as she recalled the memory.
"At first none of us could react, nobody could move because we were wondering what just happened and then, like a fucking rocket out of nowhere, Katsuki Bakugou shows up with the most disturbing smile anyone has ever seen and points his glowing palm right at our boss' face, but not before he shouts something to the heavens."
She looked right at him with glaring, hateful eyes as she caressed the sides of his head tenderly.
"He screamed the name he labeled you with as he reduced my friend's head to gory mush and I saw it all before my eyes. That fucking bastard killed all my friends, the only people in this world who accepted me and the only reason I'm alive is because I knew how to hide from him."
Himiko shook her head at the past, reliving some of it through her thoughts.
"I hate him, Zuzu. I hate him more than words can describe and I can't ever get revenge for it. He was justified in doing what he did, we were not good people, but I still hate him and he gets to walk free and content. My freedom means the world to me, but if he ever lays a hand on you...on my baby, then there won't be a place in this world he can hide from me."
Izuku was silent again, not in the horrified stillness of most folk when confronted with such a statement, rather he was quiet and non-judgemental. He stared back at her passively, running the back of his fingers across her cheek.
"I promise you won't have to worry about that. If he tries to touch me I'll throw a match on him and watch his entire body implode."
The two didn't say a word after that, merely glad to have the company of the other, to know that they were not alone and had each other. Eventually Himiko spoke up after some time and there was an edge to her voice.
"Have you ever thought about writing about what he did to you? Letting the world know what kind of monster he is so you could maybe get some kind of justice?"
Izuku shrugged as he held her.
"Not really. There's a thousand and one articles defaming him and they get buried because nobody cares. Hell, even other heroes know what he's like and it doesn't matter. Sato told me about how most of them voted to get him disbanded, but the HSCP vetoed it because he got shit done. Besides, it will be more trouble than it's worth."
She raised an eyebrow at him.
"And going out in the middle of the night to beat people to death with a hammer isn't?"
He pursed his lips at her retort.
"I didn't do that though."
A hand pinched his cheek, making him wince as Himiko poked him in the chest.
"But you were in enough mental turmoil to consider it because you saw it as the only way out. This could be another way for the both of us. You have the proof literally all over you and I have connections to publishers that'd eat the story up. Yeah, his reputation is shit already, but even the smallest cut can bleed out."
A grunt left him as he began to turn his eyes from the blonde.
"But it could put us both at risk. I just started with my hero career and then there's my actual job, he has enough influence to screw with both. Then there's your living situation and your parole. Himiko, this man has enough power to put my ass on the streets and I haven't even so much as stolen a candy bar, you on the other hand…"
He cradled her head protectively as he continued.
"His word alone might be enough to get you thrown back into Tartarus and that's assuming he doesn't try to kill you like he did your boss. It's better if we just forget it and move on, we have a life to make together."
Izuku felt an odd sense of annoyance when she glared up at him with a death stare.
"We can't just let him get away with this."
He looked at the clock and found there was still three hours before he needed to sleep and he desired nothing more than to relax.
"We'll discuss this in the morning, for now I wanna ask a favor."
The former villainess eyed him.
"Which would be?"
A laugh came from the quirkless man when he scooped her up in her arms and moved towards the bedroom.
"Let me treat you tonight. I want to just let go of my troubles and live in the present with you. I want to relive that first night we had together."
She blushed heavily at that, but kept staring him in the eye.
"Alright then you nasty little fucker, since you're asking."
Izuku smirked and made two steps towards the door before pausing. He studied her for a few seconds, taking note of her expression.
"Himiko...are you feeling in a rough mood right now?"
She shrugged, lightly kicking her legs as he kept her in the air.
"Not particularly, why? Do you want me to be?"
He continued to walk forward to the room, entering it and laying her on the bed as he removed his pants.
"Just trying to be considerate."
She rolled her eyes at him as he climbed onto the mattress. Her hands grabbed the sides of his shoulders and brought him to her right before she ushered a clap which plunged the room into darkness as they set into the night's activities and let them escape into each other. As they touched Himiko couldn't help but be deeply satisfied that the one person who had stayed with her the longest, who accepted her the most and who appeared to honestly love her, shared in her hatred of that bastard.
It was then she made an oath to herself upon the souls of all her fallen comrades that she'd protect him no matter what, even if she had to die to do so as long as he stayed true to her.