Chapter 31: Count Down
Of all the things Rikido was expected to deal with in the days since he had to handle Bakugou's unstable ass, his classmates showing up at his agency was not one of them. He was completely alone to handle not only Shoji and Ojiro, but Iida as well. Granted they were better guests then their resident bipolar ignition switch, but it still irked him.
Yeah he was low on the totem pole, but it was still his place damn it. Though he was begrudgingly happy for the company since Izuku wasn't due to show up for another couple of days. It was a lot like being in highschool again and sharing the dorms with these knuckleheads so he wasn't complaining too much. A hot mug of coco in each hand and his famous pound cake didn't hurt anything either.
Yet of course that five limbed smart ass just had to ruin the calm like he always did.
"So where exactly is Mop Head? Shouldn't he be on call since he's your sidekick?"
Rikido glared with slight annoyance as he reclined into his seat, not caring as much since their shifts were over. His uniform was off and he had washed off the grime a while ago.
"I don't know and I don't ask, he's got a life to live and judging by how Bakugou acted when he wasn't here last week I don't blame him."
The martial arts hero pouted as he lifted some free weights with his tail in the corner of the room to kill time.
"Neither do I, Bakugou is a hard case on a good day. I couldn't imagine growing up with that guy, much less when he kept talking and obsessing over you for almost ten years. But don't you wanna know the story behind "Deku"? I'm telling you we could win so many bets, hell I made a bet with Mineta back in high school that it was Bakugou's old boyfriend since he constantly muttered it like the person sucked his dick."
A pen click and a sound like a cold start on a V8 engine boomed through the room as Iida glared at the blonde with his usual uptight personality that had only gotten worse since the war.
"Ojiro, need I remind you that we are heroes? We don't heedlessly pry into the lives of other people for petty gain. What we should be doing is contacting this "Deku" person so that we could perhaps figure out a way to help Bakugou overcome his demons. We owe it to him for ending the war and saving the world, so if this person can help us repay that act then so be it."
At this point the multi-arm user cut in, feeling more then a little...concerned for the absent newcomer since he knew a previous victim of abuse when he saw one even if they hid it well and judging by how he stormed out of Toshi's back then there was clearly a lot of bad emotion associated with the name.
"Look, let's just get Midoriya's view on the matter, there may be the chance he doesn't even want to help, much less know how. We can't be putting everything on him."
The men all stared at each other in unison and nodded at the idea as Rikido spoke up with his voice sounding gruff and tense.
"Alright, I'll call him, but just lay off any of the weird questions."
The sugar hero got his mobile in his palm, found the man's contact, tapped the call icon and put it on speakerphone. Dial tone filled the air for a few seconds before it connected and Izuku answered. He sounded groggy and disoriented, like he had just woken up.
Rikido smiled softly at hearing his sidekick again and held the phone in his palm while the others were dead silent.
"Hey Mop Head, It's Riki. I just wanted to check on you a bit after that whole mess with Bakugou a while back. He called you something he always talked about back in highschool and I was wondering if you could explain why said you were "Deku" since old Boom Boy hasn't been in the best of places recently."
A scowl could practically be felt from the other end as Izuku answered.
"Look boss, with all due respect, I'd rather not explain that bit of my history. Now do you need me to come in?"
The hero tried to keep a pleasant demeanor about himself and in the sidekick's defense it was rather late.
"No man, I just wanted to-"
He was cut off when another voice came through the speaker that sounded even more groggy. One that he recognized instantly.
"Zuki, turn your phone off and go back to sleep. You're waking Miko and me."
That was Uraraka. Why was she at Midoriya's place? And who the hell was Miko? He turned his head to look at his fellow heroes and everyone one of them shared in his silent astonishment as they stared at the device. Then there came another voice, one that none of them recognized. It was femine, slim, quiet and soft yet possessed an authority that sounded out of place for such a delicate sounding woman.
"If you two keep talking and moving around then that's gonna wake me up even more. Zuzu, shut the fucking thing off and Cheeky, just choke him back to sleep and put him the middle."
A murmur of annoyance came from Midoriya as he spoke to the man who woke him up and likely put him in an unenviable situation.
"I'll talk to you later."
The call ended and the sugar hero found himself with more questions than he started with. Though after a moment the initial shock had worn off and he felt far more adjusted. The same was said of the other three heroes who just shrugged at the news. Ojiro, always one for attention, broke the silence.
"Looks like little miss princess actually was trying to snag some of that green booty. Can't say I'm too surprised with how she followed Bakugou around for so long, it seems like she has a thing for damaged goods."
Shoji followed up when he crushed a soda can that brought all eyes on him.
"Who cares? They're consenting adults. If Uraraka is having a relationship with the new guy, leave it be. We have better things to do, like making sure Bakugou isn't on the verge of a mental breakdown again."
The martial arts hero gave him a look as he dropped the barbell.
"We might need the princess' help if Boom Boy actually is going off the deep end. Finding out she's screwing the newbie, especially if he's this "Deku" guy, isn't going to make it better. Plus, wasn't there another girl there or was I hallucinating that third voice?"
Shoji studied him for a moment, but he was cut off before he could start by the far more successful member of their ragtag trio. Iida clicked his pen closed and pocketed it as he glared at the far wall with a sigh. He pushed his glasses to the top of his nose and spoke in the class rep voice he had refined over half a decade of saving lives. Only it wasn't the calm yelling accompanied by flying knife hands, instead he spoke at a normal volume and let his words speak for themselves.
"Our objective right now isn't to look into our comrades' personal lives. If Uraraka is in a relationship or not, it isn't our concern, we aren't teenagers anymore. What we need to do is understand Katsuki's sudden change in behavior. If he does become dangerous to himself or godforbid the public then that would be our greatest failing as heroes and as the man's former classmates."
Ojiro snorted as he looked at the speedster's stone faced expression.
"Or we could just shoot him with a quirk canceling bullet if he does go haywire and get him institutionalized until he's mentally well enough to retire, preferably without that cheating ass quirk of his."
Iida glared at him as he began to twirl his pen around habitually.
"We aren't doing that if we can help it. Like it or not, Katsuki Bakugou is our friend and we owe him a great deal and we will do what we can to save him. Besides, he's already proven he's fast enough to dodge bullets with his quirk."
Now Shoji came into the talk with a reluctant pain in his voice.
"I still think we should have just had his quirk removed via injection after that first incident he had after the war. After all, we almost unanimously voted for it. I know I did."
The tail mutant flicked his extra limb at the more unusual hero with a mocking hurt in his voice.
"Yeah, we all did, every single one of us, even Uraraka. He was just becoming more and more unstable after he blew that hand creep away. Kept seeing demons in every corner before blasting them with that quirk. But the commision had to have their fucking way didn't they? Did they care that the guy who lost the most because of the war, one of the guys who saved the entire fucking world, was becoming more paranoid with each passing day?"
The blond threw his arms up to exclaim his mood.
"Fuck no. They wanted a gun to point at the bad guys since their old ones broke. The commsion never gave a fuck about Bakugou and he bought into it. Even Uraraka begged him to put the cape down before he ended up killing himself, but he refused. That poor fucking girl did everything she could before she had to break up with him over it. I say just leave him quirkless with enough money to live out the rest of his days in peace and comfort. Better that than him ruining his mind and reputation further."
Rikido glared at the shorter man from his chair.
"Is there a point to this shit you're saying? Unless any of us get elected to a seat on the council then it's just a waste of air."
Ojiro raised his arms up in surrender.
"Just wanted to vent."
The multi-armed mutant took center stage as he began to pace around the dirty tile floor of the agency.
"Alright, so we can't take Bakugou's quirk away. Has anyone here tried talking with him? Making a phone call at least?"
The sweets hero rolled his eyes at the statement as if they already didn't know the answer to that.
"You know exactly how that goes, any of us try to reach out and Boom Boy just growls and hangs up. He's like a feral dog at this point, as sad as it is to say."
Iida mused on something for a moment before looking at the bulkier street level hero with a quick snap of his fingers.
"Riki, didn't you say something about a mixer being held somewhere? Why not drag Bakugou to one of those? He's bound to find someone to balance him out and maybe help him recover."
Again the martial arts hero snorted before the sugar hero could speak.
"You know I'd say there's no chance in hell for Katsuki fucking Bakugou to find someone willing to put up with his shit and suck his dick, but then I remember he's famous. Lots of chicks love angry, famous, rich assholes so I say we go for it."
The other three heroes nodded in agreement and made the nearly professional baker groan at the idea of taking such a massive bag of anger, narcissism and bad attitude anywhere. But he sucked it up because he supposed he did care in a way for the bastard.
"All right, but let's bring Midoriya along to make it go smoother. Yeah he might be taken, but if Bakugou is willing to step out into the public light to see him then he might be willing to accept our scheme. Besides it isn't anything more than a party, it doesn't mean Mop Head has to screw anyone."
Iida gave a thumbs up to the plan after writing a rough draft down on his notepad and pulling out his cellphone.
"Good, at the very least it's a plan that doesn't involve breaking the law and the trust of our friend. Now this mixer is two days away if my notes are correct, so at the time I want us all to be there just in case Bakugou starts getting erratic for everyone's safety. Meanwhile, I don't want any of us to act out of the ordinary. I already had contact with a few others from our class so this should go smoothly, all we need is Midoriya's cooperation and it should be good to go."
The sweets hero pursed his lips and stared at the ceiling for a moment as he hoped fate and his people skills would work here, because if not, he had a sneaking suspicion that they were all in big trouble and no one would like the outcome from it.