rebirth of the apex predator

Chapter 1: Carl


**Chapter 1: CARL**

My name is Carl. If I had to sum up my life in one word, it would be: boredom. Dull.

Born to a prostitute, I was always bullied because of it. The only escape from my reality was cinema, especially supernatural movies. Films like *Twilight*, *The Vampire Diaries*… They slowly changed me. Just when I was beginning to embrace my evolution, some damn god made a mistake and killed me.

**Carl:** So you're saying it's your fault I'm dead?

In front of me stands a being who looks like a ten-year-old boy. A so-called god.

**God:** Sorry, I was just born. While testing my powers, I caused an accident that killed you.

*He's got to be kidding me,* Carl thought.

**God:** No, I'm not kidding. I'm sincerely sorry.

*So he can read my thoughts… Well, now that I'm dead, what happens next?*

**God:** You weren't supposed to die so soon, so I'll reincarnate you in one of the many worlds.

Carl's eyes widened in disbelief. *Interesting…* he murmured.

**God:** I'll let you choose the world where you'll be reborn.

Carl answered without hesitation: I want a world where the supernatural and the natural coexist.

**God:** Alright. What kind of being do you want to become?

**Carl:** I want to be a vampire. An original.

**God:** … Alright. As a god, I'll reincarnate you into a world full of magic and superstition as an original vampire. You will be seen as the father of all vampires, stronger than you can imagine, faster than any creature. Your senses will be heightened beyond possibility. I grant you various gifts as the patriarch of a civilization…

As the god spoke, a light enveloped Carl and transported him away.

**God:** However, be careful not to lose your humanity. Control your emotions and your thirst.

Carl vanished from the god's domain.

**God:** I hope you live a good life this time. I hope you enjoy my gift… Your new family.

In a dark forest, the birds stopped singing. The animals froze. A predator had appeared out of nowhere, consumed by an immense thirst for blood.

**???**: I'm so thirsty… It's unbearable.

Guided by his supreme hunter instincts, Carl moved at supernatural speed and lunged at an antelope, sinking his fangs into its flesh, draining it dry.

**Carl, panting:** I need more…

Caught in a blood frenzy, he slaughtered animals, disrupting the ecosystem. Each time a human ventured too close to the forest, he fled to avoid killing an innocent.

**Three months passed.**

A five-year-old child was washing himself near a pond. He was breathtakingly beautiful. The sunlight made his skin shine like a diamond. That child was Carl.

**Carl:** It's been about three months since I arrived in this world. My thirst for blood is starting to be under control, but I still can't approach humans. Their blood is too tempting. I must stay unnoticed… I know nothing about this world, and my vampire abilities are not fully activated yet… *Pause.* More humans nearby. No, two this time… I need to run before the worst happens… *Damn it, why do they always venture into this forest?!*

**???**: Stop right there, kid.

As soon as Carl heard this voice, he felt his world freeze. But his vampire blood took over, breaking free from the oppressive sensation. He was stunned.

**Carl:** *That was a spell… A witch?*

**???**: He broke free from my spell… Who is he?

**???**: Rose, he smells like blood… My instincts are screaming at me to run… He's dangerous.

**Carl:** Don't come near me… I can't control myself yet.

**Rose:** Stay calm, we can help you. Tell us your name.

**Carl:** Stay back!

**???**: Why don't you want us to come closer? asked the young man, getting into a battle stance.

**Carl:** Because I don't want to kill humans.

**Rose:** Then… What species are you?

Carl hesitated, then answered: I am a vampire.

**Rose:** This is the first time I've heard that word. What about you, John?

**John:** Never heard of it.

**Carl:** I believe I'm the very first. The Original.

**John:** And how can you be so sure?

**Carl:** I just know. It's instinctual.

**Rose:** So, you're the one disrupting the balance of nature… Can you stop killing the animals?

**Carl:** I'm not doing it on purpose. I need to feed… I can't control my thirst yet.

**John:** What do we do with him? Do we eliminate him?

Carl tensed. He knew very few things could kill him, but his instincts screamed at him not to fight this man.

Rose remained silent for a moment, then asked:

**Rose:** If we help you control your thirst, will you follow us?

**John:** Rose, he's dangerous!

**Rose:** You don't understand… I was drawn here. We thought he was a threat to eliminate, but my instincts tell me to take care of him. A witch's intuition…

Carl then heard a familiar voice. The god's voice: *Accept my gift. She will be your new family.*

**Rose:** So, kid? What's your answer?

Carl thought for a moment, then replied: **If you can help me, I will gladly accept.**


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