Chapter 19: Kidnapped
I yawned as I opened my eyes.. a new day had come and my flawless skin had a hint of pink... I blushed remembering what happened last night between Tae and I... speaking of Tae, where is he... I got up, brushed my teeth and took a shower.. dressed up in my normal baggies that were purple but this time, it was hoodie... I went down and went down to see if I would find him... " Your boyfriend went for a jug and he has not been back" mom said.... My heart sank.... I ran after him... Jiang was saying something but I didn't get it.... I ran as fast as possible and stopped close to a street... I saw his phone. It was all dusty and cracked.... this can't be happening... Was he forcefully taken?.. I ran back home all broken and collapsed on my mom's body crying... " What's it honey" she asked patting my hair. I showed her the phone and she gasped" this is not what I'm thinking right?" She said in shock.... I stood up and stormed into hyungs room.... He was all dressed ready to go to school.... I pinned him on the wall " hey man chillax... What's going on?" He asked in confusion.... I scoffed" still acting dumb hun" I said pressing him harder... He was in pain... He groaned as his face turned pale.... " I thought we were cool?" He asked" yes we were cool not until now... Tell me where is Taeyang?" I asked feeling impatient...." Hey man how should I know?" He asked... " Don't play games with me cuz I know you don't want me to be with him that's why you kidnapped him" I accused.... He looks lost and confused... This made me more furious and I hit him hard on his face...." Hey man why ask me.. and what did I do to deserve a punch" he yelled... " You dare yell at me after what you have done?" I said as rage consumed me... I punched him again and his nose began to bleed... He pushed me and I fell and hit my head... Now I was bleeding... " Hey I.. I'm sorry" he said bending to help me up but to his surprise, I gave him a hard slap and pushed him... I pinned him again, his back pressing hard against the edge of the wardrobe.... " You are hurting me Kim.. look I don't want to fight you" he said..." What are you afraid of? Hit me you scum bag" I cursed.. " language Kim" I heard Jiang say... But I refused to back down.... * What's going on here guys?" She asked.. " he kidnapped Tae" I broke down crying... I rested my head on Hyungs chest as I cried... He tried to hold me but I hit his hands away.. " don't touch me" I yelled as I continue to cry my soul out..." Hyung tell me is it true?" Mother even though I love Kiki, I would want him to be happy... I would never do something like that to him... I only knew that Tae was missing when he badge in and broke my nose" Hyung said in annoyance " Kim?" Jiang asked..." But he is the only one who knows that Tae slept with me" I reasoned"well as long as you want to stalk someone, you can get your information" Hyung said "what are you trying to say?" I asked Jiang also nodded "well what if, someone else wants to kidnapp him and has been stalking him, and then has seen a perfect time to do it" he explained... Hmm made sense but who would do that? " Tae doesn't have money, so why would someone kidnapp him" I said... " I have to confess now that it has gotten out of hand.." he said " I knew you had a hand in this" I said... " No I don't, but have a seat let me tell you what I know" he said and both Jiang and I sat down.. " well the thing is, since you got together with Tae, he had been receiving threat messages and there was a time that someone almost ran him over with a truck but I drove as fast as I could and luckily, I was able to distract the driver and Tae went home without noticing anything..... So I also want what you love to be safe so I decided to invite him to drink with us and then gradually, buy his house and he will have no option than to stay with us so that he can be safe.. but then he went out this morning and I'm just finding out now" Hyung explained.... " Well you can't blame me for blaming you right Hyung? I'm sorry" I said .. " well it's ok cuz honestly, if it were me , I would think the same but I would confront you in a cunning way" he said... " But why didn't he inform the police about the messages?" Jiang finally said.. " well it was all my fault for that.. you know I am a hacke, so I hacked into his phone to see if he was cheating on Kim, so I bumped into the message and then I deleted it from his phone so that he wouldn't be scared... But I have it on my system" he said... " Ok now why didn't you tell me?" I asked.. " well you will be the over protective boyfriend and I hate it... I hate seeing you protect him so I wanted to do it for you" he said... Jiang broke out laughing.. " you guys are hilarious... So now let's get going to search for him" she said and we all went down except for Hyung who wanted to change into casual wear... He had to skip school because of me... So good to have people who are willing to do anything to make you happy..... I froze hearing " I've asked for the surveillance footage, and here it is... Let's play it and see if we can get a clue" old Woo said... There was no time to argue, we are talking about my love... Later we can argue... I took the flash from him without saying thank you... " Father thanks" Hyung said and we all ran to my room... I quickly inserted it and searched for the video.... With what!!!! " Youngi? And Yanyan?" I exclaimed.... " I had a bunch that aunt Su had a hand in this but youngi?" Hyung was also surprised.... " The fuck how did she know Tae was here and how da hell did she know when he went out?" Jiang finally said... " That's what I don't know" Hyung and I said together... " Jinx" I said.. " did he tell anyone about him coming here?" Jiang said... " I don't think so... But it seems like they have been stalking him for long" I said ... According to Hyung, he was almost ran over by a truck..... So let's go hunting " how do we find them now?" I asked... " Well now that his phone is here, we would track Youngi" Hyung said and we got to work... Not long after, we got where they were and we went there.... Well my head was still bleeding, but I cared less... I wanted to find Taeyang.... It was a remote area, the place was deserted that not even insects where there.... " How did the bitch know here?" I asked no-one in particular.... " Don't forget that she is a bad bitch..." Hyung said... Jiang stayed home to provide us with back up.... But we already invited the police.... But they were laying low and waiting for our signal... We entered the uncompleted building and to my surprise, it was not as simple as it looked from outside.... " Damn that bitch of a mother... I really hate to say it the bitch knows how to hide" I said... The place from inside had complicated stairs, if you are not careful, you either end up falling or end up in a different place.... It was so high and now how tha hell are we going to know which room Tae was being held captive?.. arrrhhh I am so frustrated....." Da hel Kim your mother is a true villain" Hyung said admiring Sulin's crooked mind....." Well I also admire her way.*" I said and then we decided to split up....I went to the left, Hyung took the right and after what felt like forever of climbing up, I bumped into Hyung.... " Damn it.... How did we bump into each other.. this woman is surely a criminal " I said out of frustration... " Well then let's stick with each other and find him" Hyung said and we took it his way... Finally we found our way to the top building.... " Arrh... Well we had to skip other floors and now we are at the last one.... I hate this stairs.... " I complained and then we began to search for him.... Bang... I heard a loud bang... "You fool... You think you can steal Kim from me?" I heard Youngi yell ... " Yes cuz you are not fit to be with him" Tae said faintly.... Only God knows what he was passing through in that room... I had to find him.... " The noise seems to be coming from down" Hyung said... " How do we get there with this confusing stairs" I mumbled let's just not follow where we came from ok" Hyung suggested.... And we began to descend the stairs but then fuck we were back up... " How could that be possible.... The stairs keep on changing..... But then I saw a cat that climbed to the place and damn so cool " Hyung follow me" I said and finally we reached there..... I forcefully pushed the door open and and there was my Tae.... Tied up helpless on a small chair.... He was bleeding looks like he was beaten..... Well I was no man, I was a girl eight so I can actually hit my fellow girl right.... I slapped Youngi hard across her face and pulled her hair... " Kim" she gasped in surprise... " Never knew I would hit a girl huh?" I asked with fierce eyes.... " Even if you would hit, you wouldn't hit me right" she asked in pain as I was pulling hard on her hair.... " Well I'm also a girl, I have long hair, pale and flawless skin, so I'm a girl... I hit girls who are bitches." I said pinning her to the wall, Hyung helped me to un- tie Tae and the police came in and helped us out... " Miss Sae, I'm sorry you have to come with us" a police officer said... " I'm going no where" she refused... " Take her away" I coldly said... " Kiki you can't do that to me" she said clutching to my arm.... I emotionlessly pulled my arm and she fell with her butts... " Take her away and I don't want to repeat myself" I said hugging Tae..... " I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you earlier" I said tears building up in my eyes.... " It's ok... It's not your fault..... And I like it when you show me this weak side of tours" Tae teased... I blushed" hey I'm not weak" I defended... He pulled me for a kiss... " Then don't cry... At least, I'm alive" he said... " Did she threaten to kill you?" I asked... " Nope but your mom did. Saying that I have to help her get you or else she will kill me" he said. Sniffing my scent..." How I thought I won't aniff you again" he said planting a hicky on my neck...." Hey can you be serious for once" I scolded.... " Well Youngi hit me but your mom was fast to get out as soon as you entered the building... Promising Youngi that she would return with a car for us... When Youngi wanted to protest, Sulin said the stairs were complicated and you cannot find us fast" Tae explained... We reached home in silence but we hugged each other... We entered the pallor and mom stood there pacing her life about.... " You are back" she rushed and hugged me also kissing my forehead.... Then she turned to Tae who had his head and gaze low " I'm sorry this had to happen but Res assured that I will get Yanyan arrested" Jiang said.... " Thanks mom" Tae said and then Hyung came in with a first aid kit.... " Tae will shower before I help him dress his wounds" I suggested and we went up...
In my room
I helped him to undress and I couldn't help tears rolling down my face... He was wounded by whipping..... " Who whipped you" I asked running my shaking hands on it.... " Youngi and Sulin" he said.... " I hate them" I burst out crying.... He hugged me... " Look it doesn't hurt now that you have touched it...." He said faking a smile... I knew it was fake but I didn't want to stress him mor so we had a bath together but we were all so touchy with each other.... After that, I brought the first aid and treated his wounds.. ...
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Love you muah