Rebirth: reborn as Third master of the Woo family

Chapter 32: tell me what happened

In our room


Tae and I sat on the bed, with me between his legs.. he was patting my hair.. "baby, do you know how much trauma I was in when you were away?" He asked.. I shook my head "tell me what happened " I said... He smiled, and kissed the top of my head..

Tae's POV..



when Kim was no where to be found, I was in my own world.. very devastated.. I was so lost... He was my hope, my world... My only reason for living... I just couldn't imagine my life without him.. the woo family took me in, even though, I couldn't replace Kim,they still treated me like their son...

I was depressed.... I began to attend a mental health class... because I had hope that Kim will come back for me... I cried all day and night, drinking myself to bed.... Always set table for two and Hyung secretly ate the other portion thinking I won't know... But I still smiled and convinced myself that it was Kim... .. then a whole year passed with the same routine.. Hyung was board and took me to the park.. that was when I saw him... I saw my Kim .



"I'm sorry you had to go through this" I said to Tae... He just hugged me and planted a soft kiss on my head..." I'm glad you are back" he smiled.. that smile.. it.. ahh... I clutch my head . Blur..."b.. hurts" tears rolled down my eyes on its own... "Babe what's wrong.. please hold on" he was in panic... Then phew a knock on the door... "Come in please and quickly" he said.. the door quickly opened but that was when I lost consciousness...


I opened my eyes in an overly familiar place.. the hospital.. I think I'll be able to win an award for the most frequent visitor in the hospital... .. I remember everything now.. and clarely... Tae... He was the first to come to my mind.. did he leave?.. no he can't ."Kim baby" I heard that ever gentle voice.. kiss kiss.. "I thought I lost you " kiss kiss.. "baby take it easy.. I'm fine now" I laughed... "Don't ever think of doing that again... Remember when I told you.. " he paused.. but then hugged me.. "I'm sorry for freaking out... I forgot you have amnesia" he said.. I felt something wet on my.. wait was he crying.. "baby?" I asked.. he sniffles "you.. shouldn't scare me like that.. ever again.. if you dare die and leave me here, I'll make sure to kill you the second time... And also kill myself " he said... I just smiled... "I'm sorry ok... And you've said that to me before " I said.. just letting him hold me... He looked at me surprised.. " remember?" He asked.. I nodded.. "everything.. I remember everything baby.. thank you for not leaving me" I said... Then I kissed him.. slowly.. but with each passing second, it intensifies.. smack.. smooch... lick... Kiss.. moan... "What's going on here" Hyung said on entering the hospital room... Tae just hugged me... His tears streaming down his face... And I was just rubbing his back comforting him... "Just please give us 5 minutes.. let's cherish this moment.. I've just got to remember everything and I want to spend this time with the only person I love" I said... "You remember everything and.. and you want to spend it with him... Ok.. ok.. calm down... I understand" Hyung said heartbroken but turned around and left... "Kim baby.... This time I'm not letting you leave me... Both in the after life.. of actually there is any, I'll make sure you are mine... Only mine..." He said.. sniffling... I just hugged him... "Tae.. if I told you I was reborn into this world just for you, would you accept it" I asked... He just nodded "I will believe anything you tell me as long as we are together"... He said...


At home.. I was discharged from the hospital, and went home straight... Dad threw a small party for me.. and I insisted Yoonah must join... "Kim... I thought that when you regain your memory, you'll never want to see me.. but thank you for forgiving me... I'll forever be grateful" she said.. wiping the tears on her face... I hugged her head.. "you are my cousin.. I told you.. I can't hold a grudge on you forever" I said.. Tae looked away, not wanting to see ... But I held him close... "Yoonah, enjoy, I'll just flirt a little with my boyfriend" I said.. she went to only God knows where.. then I turned my attention to Tae.. "baby" I called.. he looked at me with a smile... I poked his nose.. "don't think like that ever again" I said with a mischievous grin.. he was trying to act clueless..and I played along.."huh.. how" he said.. "you don't know?" I asked.. looking at him,with a smile.. "I don't know" he said.. smirk.."really" I said.. breathing on his neck...he moaned... "What about now" I asked.. he looked away.." oh mom.. I'm coming" he said.. trying to escape me.. but I was more than prepared to calculate it.. I held his waist.. "you're not running away from me babe" I said kissing his neck.. zhe let's out a soft moan... "Baby.. we are in the public" he complained his voice husky... "I don't care, until you tell me if you still think like that" I said.. nibbling on his ear.."ahhn.. baby stop.. ok fine... Yeah I was a bit jealous when you hugged Yoongi... But don't blame me... Ok" he said.. with a pout.. "giggles... Just look at that... My big daddy is jealous" I said teasingly... "Don't call me that in public.. babe" he said.. skillfully making my hand rest on his hard bulge... "Awwn daddy.. I'm sorry" I said biting my lips... I felt it harden... I smirk...

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