Rebirth: reborn as Third master of the Woo family

Chapter 41: Sacrifice and death

Tae's POV.....

The doctor made them return Kim to his room... I followed behind... My boyfriend was alive.. he was just Sleeping... I smiled at his peaceful face... Then I saw a tear about to fall off his face... "Doctor!!" I called at the top of my voice... The doctor rushed in... "Look he's crying" I said... Between sobs and smile.... The doctor also smiled... Using his stethoscope to check Kim's heartbeat... His face fell "w.. what?" I asked... He shook his head "he has a low chance of living...." He said... "I'll do anything... Please doctor just tell me what to do" I pleaded... He called some nurses and had them take Kim to the operation theater... "We will need to give him a heart transplant... Before 5 hours.. but the risk is 70-30..." The doctor said.. yes I was willing to die for Kim to be back on his feet... "You can test my heart.. if it matches, I'm willing to give it" I said... The doctor looked at me... pity was evident in his eyes... Then he nodded... We were about to go for the test when three people came in.. "Hyung, Shinwoo... Yoongi.. what's the matter" I asked them... They looked at me... "We saw them take Kim to the operation theater" Yoongi said... The doctor explained what happened and told them I was willing to sacrifice my heart for the person I love... "No Tae... You can't do that... I'll give my heart" I heard Shinwoo say... "You barely know Kim, why would you do that" I asked... He sighed... "I'm sorry, but I fell .... I fell for him... You warned me.. but I'm sorry " he said... I had no time to get angry.... "No I'll give mine instead " Hyung said" I turned to him... "Tae you know why already" he said... "No... I can't live without him... You know it... So I'll give mine... My heart matches with he's... And if I give mine, I will take it as I am paying for my sins" Yoongi said... "All of you follow me to the test room" the doctor said... We all rushed...


Test results were out...

Taeyang Jinsik:40/100

Shinwoo Yeon:98/100

Hyung Tae Woo:30/100

Yoongi Sae:99/100

"So it's either Me or her... So I'll go" Shinwoo said... We all looked at him... "No.. I'll go... If I stay alive, I won't be able to love anyone so let me go.. and he will have a higher chance of survival if I give mine " she said... We had no time... We let her go... But before she entered the operation theater, "Yoonah " I called... She turned around... With a faint smile... "I'm sorry and also thank you " I said.. she took my hand.. "I'm also sorry and thank you too" she said... We where both crying... I hugged her... She was going to sacrifice her life... For someone who doesn't feel the same... But loves her unconditionally ... I kiss her forehead... "I think this is our last good bye ... I'll never forget you... I promise" I said... She smiled... Hugging me one last time... "Yoongi" Hyung called... She turned around to see him standing beside Shinwoo... "Yoongi I'm sorry" Hyung said... She shook her head, smiling... She is a strong woman... He hugged her "Yoonah you don't have to do it if you don't want to" Shinwoo said... "I want to... It's the least I could do for him" she said... Hyung kissed her hair.... "I'll have to let you go... My little miss trouble... My fighting tiger... I guess.. I'll have to look after Kim all by myself now... Make sure you go to heaven ok .. cuz I'll come find you when I die..." Hyung said... Planting a long kiss on her forehead... "Come here" Shinwoo said and she went to him and hugged him... "We didn't spend much time together, but I'm sure that you are a good person... But now we have to say our good byes... Thank you " he said .. kissing her head... She smiled at all of us, then went into the theater....


Three hours later, the doctor came out of the theater... We rushed to him... He smiled at us... That means Kim was safe... But my mind kept bugging me about Yoonah "what about Yoonah?" I asked... He shook his head... "She is awake, but only has 6 hours to live.... We put Kim's heart in her,as to her request.... She wants to see Kim before she dies" the doctor said... "Can we go in ?" I asked.. he nodded and we went into the theater... Yoonah was sitting beside Kim... Caressing his face... "He is out of danger, and has 4 hours to wake up " she said with a pale smile... "Yoonah" I called rushing to hug her... She let me hold her... "Yoongi I'm sorry... I'm sorry I had to let you go through this... I'm sorry you had to give up... If I was a match, I'll give mine" I said... She kiss my knuckles and smiled... "Don't ever blame yourself... I wanted it... " She said... The rest of the boys joined us and we had a big hug.... "My little fox has 6 hours to live " Hyung said... "Yoongi... We all... We all will miss you.. especially know how much he loves you" Shinwoo said as we all engaged in another big hug... "I will also miss you guys in heaven... Giggles... Hyung said I should make sure I get to heaven " she said... How could she be this strong... After knowing she will die after 6 hours, she prefers to see her love for the last time.... "How are you feeling" I asked.. she smiled.. but I hugged her not letting her speak..." I must be awful asking how you are feeling right " I said... "But it made me feel better " she said.... "Yoongi.. my baby" Jiang said from the door... She came to us and hugged Yoonah...."mom" she called softly..Jiang just hugged her,she was crying.... "I would have given mine, but I had no chance... Mine was 10/100.. I had no chance " she wept... I have to loose one of my children... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry baby can you... Can you forgive mommy" she said.... Yoonah was the person to hug her now... "I never held a grudge on you... I'm sorry" she said.. making us all to fall into another chapter of tears... "Yoongi darling " Ran-jin said entering the room... "Mom?" Yoonah said... Her mom was also crying.. "I'm sorry darling.. I was not able to help you... After your father left us, you were all I had left... My little tiger.. you are grown up to make your own decisions... I'm proud of you... So proud... But I want you to know that mommy loves you... Mommy will always love you... But I'll miss you soo much" Ran-jin said kissing her daughter on the head... Then Old Woo and Grandpa woo came in too... They were men.. the couldn't cry in front of their children, but they all looked sad...


4 hours and Kim was awake... He opened his eyes to his whole family with me sitting beside him, and Yoonah already changed into her casual clothes with makeup to hide how pale she looked ... We just smiled at him... He took my hand and kissed it... "Thanks" he said.. then his eyes drifted to Yoonah... She gave him that sweet smile of hers... "Come here" he said.. she came closer and hugged him... He gave her a kiss on her forehead... "Thank you" he said..


Kim's POV

I woke up... I've been unconscious for God knows how long... I met the loving and caring faces of my family... Yes they were all family... But I felt off... I was more healthy... And I was wearing a surgery clothe... That means one of them... That can't be possible... But then they'll die instantly.. or else we exchanged hearts.... And this heart felt overly familiar... So it has to be one of these two sitting beside I took Yohan's hand and then kissed it... But then I figured out he was not the one... But then when I hugged Yoonah,I felt my heart beat... She still loved me... I could feel it.. she was the one.. "Yoonah.. you didn't have to" I said.. her eyes widened.. "Kim" she called.."it's ok.. it already done... Thanks" I said... She smiled...

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