Chapter : Back in Korea (R18)
"ahh.. baby.. I've missed this" kim said.. I smile as I kiss him.. I looked around the plane, everyone was asleep... This was my perfect moment.. I lift him and made him straddle me, then I intensified our kiss.. "how did you know I was on this plane?" I asked leaving my mark on his neck.. he moan.. "don't forget we are connected.. even when you left for Bangkok,I knew where you were.. that's why I didn't call you up" he said... But weird.. I changed my sim card and also got a new phone.. but anyways, I'll talk about it later.. "that's why I was feeling you were there with me" I said with a smile.. then he tugged at my shirt "people might see" I said..but still did what he asked.. I couldn't afford to ruin our little romantic moment after a year of waiting.. "trust me, even if we scream no one will know" he said with a mischievous grin.. is it me, or did he change over this short time?.. whatever,I liked it... He gracefully strip, completely naked... I gasp "what are you doing?" I asked.. he smirks "your turn.. I've missed your body... Can I see" he said kissing my neck.. I moan, then not sure how I undressed, but I found myself naked too . He smiled, and slid down taking me into his mouth... I moan, and remember we are on a plane... But he giggles "moan for me daddy" adding fuel to the fire, I grab his hair thrusting my hips forward.. causing him to gag,but he demanded me to keep going.. oh fuck.. I don't know if it's because I miss him so much that's why I feel like this is the best ever... I cum in his mouth down his throat... He smiled looking at me, kiss me... I tasted myself in his mouth.."you taste like me" I said with a smile... With one swift move,he began to stroke my dick... making me hard again,then put my shaft in his hole.. he let out a moan of pleasure... I felt proud... I could still make him want me after all the months we spent apart... He was bouncing up and down on my cock... I was moaning so was he.. he placed his hands on my shoulder,as his ass slammed onto my laps was so fucking arousing... I was at my peak as we both explore heaven then came back "that was amazing Tae"he said.. I was grinning like a fool.. "Tae... Tae" huh I heard my name I open my eyes.... Everything around me came back to life.... What da hell happened here.. did I fantasize about Kim... Not again.. and in the public.... Fuck... My thoughts were pulled back when his delicate but cautious hand landed on my shoulder.. I turned my head and met his gaze.. cursing under my breath,"did you follow me nerd?" I asked... He was dressed as usual.. without exemption for his glasses... He was a real nerd. "I didn't" he said in defense.. ha.. I'm not buying that ."then what are you doing here?" I asked.. he hands me a towel motioning to my soaked pants... Blushing,I take the towel and head to the bathroom... after a while, I come out... "Tell me what you are still doing here" I said.. not that I wanted to chase him, but I was embarrassed... Did he really listen and watch as I fantasized about Kim.. "I really didn't mean to pry, but I heard muffled sound coming from the back,then I turned to take a look.. at first, you just smile and chuckle then.. you... Then you .. cu... cummed on.." he was so flushed ... How did you know I board this plane and how on earth do you know I was traveling " I asked.. "I swear I didn't know.. I am also a Korean citizen,so I decided to go visit my mom then we happen to meet " he said.. "can we keep this between us?" I asked.. he smiled"sure.. and you don't have to worry cuz I don't have friends so I won't even remember " he said I smile then adjusted to my chair.. after some hours, our plane landed . We board off the plane, and I took a taxi home..
Hello guys how's your reading going lately.. please your vote and comment are really helpful,cuz it encourages me to update faster.. love you .. I also missed you Soo much