Reborn As A Squib In Harry potter

Chapter 66: A Year of Growth and Magic

Harry POV

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Harry called out, and smile of pure joy and awe flickered across his face as he watched the feather jump up and stay floating in the air in front of him.

"Excellent work, Mr. Potter! Five points to Gryffindor!" Professor Flitwick said, the short Charms Professor grinning widely at the second success of the class. Hermione, of course, being the first student to figure out the Levitation Charm.

Harry just nodded, and stayed focused on keeping the feather aloft as long as he could, while also feeling how it felt to do so. One of the things Harry wanted to do was learn to cast spells wandlessly, and to do so, he'd begun keeping a close eye on the way his magic felt and flowed whenever he did magic. Occlumency helped immensely with this endeavor.

His concentration faltered however when Seamus caused his feather to explode. Again. Somehow.

"No, no, Ron, it's 'Levi-osa,' not 'Levi-o-sa,'" Harry heard beside him, and he glanced to right where Ron and Hermione were sitting.

"Ugh, I am saying it!" Ron grumbled in annoyance, swishing his wand about in an angry motion.

"Clearly you're not," she retorted.

"You do it, then!" the red-head said in exasperation.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" she intoned, giving the proper swish and flick as well as properly enunciating. The feather flew up almost to the ceiling before fluttering back down.

"There, see? Not so hard when you say the incantation right," she said with a smug grin that had Ron fuming and looking down at his feather in annoyance.

"Hermione, remember what I said about not gloating?" Harry said to her, and she deflated a bit.

Seeing her mood drop, Ron winced and turned back to her. "Hey, that was still a good job," he assured her.

"It was," Harry agreed. "Ron will figure it out, too. If he can beat all of us in chess, he can find a way to cast the spell."

That made Ron and Hermione both smile, and the former to sit up straighter and try again.

"Can you show me how to do the swish and flick motions?" Neville requested from Hermione, leaning across his seat to ask her after a bit. "I just can't seem to get it right."

She smiled weakly at the two, and then gave the pudgy boy with a nod. "Of course, Neville. Here, watch my wand…"

She then demonstrated for her friend, and Harry smiled a bit at the sight before going back to practicing the spell again.

The days at Hogwarts felt like they'd passed by in a blur, and September had turned into October before he knew it.

Harry had become fast friends with Ron, Neville, and Hermione. While he was friendly and on good terms with all of the Gryffindor First Years, the three he spent the most time with were definitely Ron, Neville, and Hermione. They ate together, did homework together, and did classes together.

He often had to play peacemaker between them, though, especially Ron and Hermione. The bushy haired girl was simply too smart, and she didn't understand how hard it was for kids her own age to do certain things, or think like her. Ron also had a bit of an inferiority complex, something he shared with Neville sadly, but where the Longbottom boy got depressed when things went wrong, Ron got snippy.

Harry didn't mind doing so, however. In fact, it felt nice being able to act as a sort of bridge between the two and help them get along. Helping people get along felt like he was actually doing something, and it really helped his own self-esteem, knowing that his actions had tangible effects.

Not to mention his work was paying off. Ron was starting to recognize whenever he went too far with his comments, and was quick to apologize, in his own way, without Harry needing to prompt him anymore. And Hermione was also slowly realizing that people learned at their own paces, and that sometimes her 'helpful advice' sounded a bit too much like being a know-it-all.

And Neville? He was still shy and withdrawn, but Harry had found a way to help the boy open up by tutoring him in Potions, and then letting Neville tutor him in Herbology in return. It let Neville build his confidence, and he was no longer causing as many accidents in Snape's class.


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