Reborn As A Squib In Harry potter

Chapter 71: The Hunt for Hidden Truths

Harry stepped up and knocked on the door, which resulted in a flurry of excited barks from the other side. A muffled "Down boy!" rang out, and a moment later, the door opened up, revealing Hagrid, who beamed down when he saw the children.

"Ah, yer right on time! Come in, come in!" he said, urging the group to enter. He held Fang, the massive boarhound, back with one hand, as he was trying to get closer and lick the students faces.

"Hullo, Hagrid. Hullo, Fang," Harry greeted as he stepped inside the hut, Susan and Neville on his heels. It was small and cozy, if a little cramped due to the number of people within.

Fang panted eagerly, tail wagging rapidly as he saw so many people come inside.

"I got fresh scones fer ya," the half-giant informed them.

"Thank you, Hagrid," Hermione said politely, even though her smile was strained. Nobody else said anything, not trusting themselves to speak as their host brought out a pile of dark brown scones. Well, calling them 'scones' felt disingenuous. They were more like bricks.

"Tea?" Hagrid offered next, and everyone nodded. His scones may have been impossible to consume, but his tea was really very good.

As soon as the Groundskeeper sat down after serving everyone, Fang jumped and plopped down on his lap, refuse to budge.

"How cute!" Susan said, smiling at the sight. Big as Fang was, he looked tiny compared to Hagrid.

"Fang's just jealous o' me spending more time with Fluffy recently," Hagrid chuckled, patting the big dog fondly. He whined sadly, nuzzling closer to his owner.

"Who's Fluffy?" Hannah asked. "Is Fang getting a new friend?"

"Nah, Fluffy's too big to play with little ol' Fang," Hagrid chuckled. Harry and the rest exchanged confused looks. Fang was bigger than most wolves! How much bigger could this other creature possibly be if it made him look small?

"Uh, okay," Ron said slowly. He then picked up one of the rock-like scones, taking a nibble. He winced at the pain in his teeth and quickly put it back down. As he did so, he noticed that a newspaper was being used as a tray for the petrified snack food.

"Huh, looks like Gringotts was broken into," Ron muttered, noticing the date it'd happened. "Nothing was stolen, though. Odd."

"And to think, it happened the day after I visited t' bank fer Dumbledore. Good luck, that," Hagrid chuckled.

"What were you doing for Dumbledore down there?" Susan asked curiously.

"What? Tha's none of yer business!" Hargid spluttered.

"Okay, sorry," Susan said, holding up her hands in surrender. "I was just curious!"

"Well, there's nothing going on! And if there was, it's between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel!" Hagrid harrumphed.

"Uh-huh," Hermione said with a suspicious frown, which was shared with Harry and the rest.

"So! Hagrid! I've heard about this thing called a Mooncalf," Harry spoke up, changing the subject. "What can you tell us about them?"

An hour and a half later, Harry and his group departed from Hagrid's hut, full of tea and ridiculously dense scones.

"So…" Harry said, trailing off as they got closer to the doors of Hogwarts. "Anyone else suspicious about how, uh, odd Hagrid was acting?"

"It was very strange," Hermione agreed.

"He's terrible at keeping secrets," Ron commented.

"I know that look," Neville said, narrowing his eyes at Harry, Hermione, and Ron. "You want to investigate what he was talking, don't you?"

"Yup," Harry said with a nod.

"Why not?" Susan replied.

"Yeah, could be fun," Hannah said with a grin. "Anyone wanna bet it has something to do with the off-limits corridor on the third floor?"

"No way, that's a suckers bet," Ron scoffed.

"Yeah, that was kinda obvious," the blonde Hufflepuff pouted.

"Third floor hallway… why there?" Harry wondered. "Couldn't someone just go to the fourth or second floor and remove some flagstones, see what's in going on that way?"

"Probably not," Hermione said. "According to Hogwarts: A History, the castle is charmed to be indestructible, and it cannot even be modified without the Headmaster's permission. I don't think we'd be able to break through the floors above or below the third-floor corridor."

"Is there anything even on the third floor?" Neville wondered. "Charms and Transfiguration are on the fourth floor, History on the second, Defense is on the first, the dungeons have Snape and potions, the Astronomy is self-explanatory, and the Greenhouses for Herbology are outside. Dunno where the other classes are taught."

"Runes is on the first floor," Hermione helpfully supplied. "But that's just because that's where the Runesmithing workshop is located."

"Come to think of it, you're right, there aren't any classes on the third floor. Anyways, we were talking about how suspicious it was when Hagrid clammed up after mentioning 'Nicholas Flamel,'" Hannah said. "And how weird he got with discussing Fluffy, whoever they are."

"Nicholas Flamel… I feel like I've heard that name before," Neville muttered to himself.

"Me too," Ron agreed. "It's on the tip of my tongue…"

"I could ask Edward," Harry suggested after a dive into his Occlumency turned up zero results. "He's pretty knowledgeable."

"But this is a magical world problem," Ron said, confused as to why Harry would ask help from a Squib.

"What about your brothers?" Hermione asked Ron before Harry could respond. "Or what asking your family, Neville, Susan, Hannah?"


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