Reborn as an undead lord

Chapter 71: day 42 pirate haven

Colt was woken up by his undead messaging him our king there a merchant ship under attack but it far out and we are greatly out number go help the merchant yes our king. My king are you awake yes Draco what have the you found out the elders here are telling me that there was a rebellion about 50 years ago and the leaders name was Seraphina but he was not caught they believe he was killed and most of he supporters where sent to prison island. Colt when to the docks and seen Jamal. Jamal I have a request for you what is my king I want a light frigate but no guns I want to be use as a prison ship we can do that how many days I will stop every give us 3 days that will work unless you want a large frigate we can have one ready in 1 day it was an order that was canceled so we can retrofit it into a a prison ship. That will work out.My king the merchant ship is safe how what the damages 2 of the cutters were damage but they are still sail able have them returned to the undead navel base we have 300 pirate corpses bring them with one they got to the navel base Colt try pirate summon and there was 560 sailors and 40 dock hands Colt look that the stats the sailors have higher agilly and have passive skills privateer and swashbuckler privateer gave them pistols for weapons and swashbuckler gave them the higher agilly, the ability to swim and not be affected the ocean turbulence. Colt have the sailors man the ships but put the danmed pirates to act like marines on the ships. The dock worker s repairs the ships. My king one of the elders would like to come talk to you in person he is a daywalker no let him know with everything going on I will go to them in afew days okay I told them. I will sent a messager when I am coming all troops to withdraw from the vampire kingdom yes my king all the dragons said and left. So one of the crows found a city on an island it is a pirates haven I will explore it myself and there some merforks found on another island and there a group of dolphin demi-humans there. Morgana yes my king she appears in the water next to Colt I want you and some of the undead 3 sea orc and 30 undead angels to go with you. Yes my king I will go and make contact with them. If they want to fight fallback. Do not engage them I understand my king. Colt summon the last of the bandits corpse he have and collect all the coins. Then Colt check his storage to make sure there nothing in it. Then Colt when and grab some coins and fill different bags one with 500,000 copper ,5 bags with 100,000 silver coins a piece and 10 bags with 10,000 gold coins. Colt double check to make sure he have a full 5,000 troops. Colt dressed like a normal sailor would. And have a raven show him the way Colt got there about 12:00 as soon as Colt got there he when straight to a pub and got food and wine when Colt was there eating he listened to the talk it seemed like the main talk was how one pirate gang disappeared, the Flying Dutchman disappeared,and the reports of an undead navy that kill 300 pirates and destroyed 3 ships. When Colt was eating a merfork pirates walking and there was tension in the air. As soon as there leader sense Colt he walk up to Colt is this chair taken no all yours. The merfork sat down you are definitely not from there it that noticeable yes especially since you let me sit with you humans here do not do that I wonder why because we merforks are more powerful then humans. But you still die if they head leaves your body or if you get a sword though your heart. Hahaha that very true want a warrior of your strength doing in this waste water puddle called dead man island passing though looking for supplies information and maybe I nice slave to keep to entertain me when I'm inbetween citys. What kind of information are you looking for. On the Flying Dutchman,the kingdom of freedom,kingdom of vampires,demon realm,and the black ships. The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that the undead sails it was a first rate that sunk one stormy night. And there been rumors about black ships sailing around the waters near Rehull. Why you giving me this information because there a strong aura about you. You talk and move like a peasant but you are well keep. So I am thinking adventurer high ranking or even s rank I been hearing about a s rank adventurer the is very young and he do quest alone with a large price on him from the black dager gang because he kill about 10,000 of there crew. That interesting to know and he not the only one the merfork was interested you know someone else who have a price the king of freedom just destroyed a black dager base and kill around 60,000 the gang is enraged. I did not know that Colt put some money on the table and walk away. Boss why so many interest in that human because he is powerful if he would attack the island we would not be able to stop him. Colt when it the market and started looking supplies he first when to the blacksmith there was nothing of interest. How much for iron it is 1,000 units for 1 silver coin in that case I will take 400,000 unit. And I would like restraints for slaves 30 complete set 30 gold here you go 30 gold and 30 silver. Then Colt look around the island. Colt found a magic shop Colt when in and look a round and found a book that was calling to him what is that book it a book on undead and dark magic it is 50 gold Colt put 50 gold coins the store keeper gave it to Colt and the told Colt to wait one moment he brought a book over this book is ancient magic it have shadow magic. Shadow magic is extremely advanced and powerful but most casters can not learn it because it takes alot of mana and the incantations are hard to chant correctly. Can I look at it Colt look at the page then turn to the shopkeeper how much 500 gold Coins Colt took out his coin purse and count out 500 gold coins and then left. Colt look for an inn he found the nices one it was 10 gold a night Colt pay the front desk and was shown to the room it have a bath room. You must have money the attendant said Colt handed him a black dager do you know how you get them by being a member of the black dager gang that one way or kill them and you can collect the dager and the adventurers guild will pay 50 gold a piece wow I have collect 10,000 wait the only person that have done that is. Sir sorry for my ignorance . It okay after the attendant left Colt call 10 damned soldiers to guard the room Colt going to get afew slaves. Colt when to the slave traders hall then he walk in he noticed that all the slaves are female no surprise there. Colt look around the first one that caught Colt eye was a whale demi-human she was beautiful but have a bad scar on the side of her face and going down the side all the way to her hip. A sales man walk up to Colt she is a whale demi-human she was injured in whale form but the damage transfers to their human form to. Where is your boss let me get him a older man came to Colt sir you wanted to see me do you put money on the books yes then here Colt handed him a coin purse then the boss opened it he was surprised I need to count it fairly well but I know how much is in there and I have 6 more with the same amount. And I expect once you get done counting I get to see all your wares not only the front room stuff. The boss count it there 5,000 gold plus 6 there close to 35,000 plus he knows about the back room.Colt pick up 2 human,and 2 mermaid. The boss took Colt to the back room once Colt was there he smiled and walk up to a beautiful white skin long black hair and baby blue eyes a big but and huge breast. Colt took her gag out of her mouth what are you I and an undeadkin. I will take her but sir she have kill her last few master I will take her ok then Colt look around and get a demon and 3 demonkin. Colt have them all put in the restraints he brought it will be 10,342 gold Colt gave an other coin purse and then pull out 342 coins out of his purse then after everything was counting Colt left with his new slaves 2 human, 2 mermaid,whale demi-human, demon, 3 demonkin, and undeadkin. Once they got to Colt room and closed the door Colt grab the undeadkim and pin her against the wall your name it is Lyric.

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