Reborn as Richard Castle in Criminal Minds

Chapter 199: Chapter 199: Spectator

Castle ignored the apologetic tone in the young hacker's voice and instead responded with excitement, "Hey, don't worry about it! I did contact you because I needed your help, but it sounds like what you've got going on is important. So, Uncle Rick won't be the kind of guy who makes you abandon your friends. And guess what, I'm booking a ticket to Brazil right now. I'll fly out today, but don't worry, I won't meet your friends. I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong and keep you safe."

The young hacker was confused. How did Uncle Rick suddenly change his tune after confirming that his friend was Tej? Did he know Tej too?

Not wanting to beat around the bush, the hacker asked directly, "Uncle Rick, how do you know Tej?"

Castle didn't actually know Tej or any of the "Fast & Furious" crew personally. He also had no friendship with figures like Dominic Toretto or Vanessa, who likely still held a grudge against him for past interference. Castle's meddling had once caused Vanessa and her crew to get caught by Beckett after a bank heist in New York.

During Dominic Toretto's escape orchestrated by his sister Mia and Brian O'Conner, the FBI agent who had turned into his brother-in-law, Vanessa had been liberated too. Castle found it odd back then that the FBI would transport a male and female prisoner together. Yet, they were indeed rescued together, and now, Vanessa was probably still with Dominic's crew in Brazil. Given that she was Brazilian, she'd be a valuable asset on her home turf. Therefore, Castle knew that revealing himself to them would likely provoke a volatile reaction from Vanessa.

But the current situation presented a rare chance to witness a live "Fast & Furious" scenario. Who wouldn't be tempted? Especially with the young hacker serving as an insider providing updates?

Castle's interests lay not in the massive sum of cash stored in Hernan Reyes's vault but in the thrill of observing the spectacle firsthand. It wasn't every day you got to see a high-octane heist unfold in real life, something that, in his past life, was limited to the silver screen. Castle saw this as the perfect antidote to his recent boredom.

With a mischievous tone, Castle reassured the hacker, "I'm just coming to Brazil to enjoy myself and maybe keep an eye on you. You know Uncle Rick doesn't want anything bad to happen to you. You're in a foreign country, and even with your friends around, can you guarantee nothing will go wrong? I won't interfere with your plans; I'll just be there to back you up."

The young hacker, oblivious to Castle's ulterior motives, was overjoyed. "Thank you, Uncle Rick! You not only funded my trip to Brazil to see the amazing beach babes, but now you're coming here to help me. I'm so touched!"

Listening to the hacker's effusive gratitude, Castle, with his thick skin, began to feel embarrassed. He quickly interrupted the hacker's stream of flattery, got the name of the hotel where the hacker was staying, and ended the call.

With a newfound purpose, Castle sprang into action. After all, he was about to witness one of the most explosive events of the year: a crew of daring robbers would soon be dragging a massive vault through the streets of Rio de Janeiro with two Dodge Chargers. This live-action spectacle from one of his favorite movies was an opportunity too good to pass up.

While gathering his essentials—passport, credit cards, and wallet—Castle grinned at the thought of seeing the real-life versions of characters like Gisele (played by Gal Gadot) and Vanessa (the real-life supermodel Gisele Bündchen). Even though the System prevented him from making any romantic advances, just being close to such striking women was worth the trip.

Castle reflected on how the name "Gisele" seemed synonymous with long legs, whether it was in movies or real life. Both Gal Gadot and Gisele Bündchen had impressive legs. With this amusing thought, Castle quickly booked his flight, informed his mother, daughter, Beckett, and Neal of his sudden trip to Rio, and reassured them that he would be back in no more than two weeks.

Castle estimated that the timeline for Dominic and his crew's plan—based on the movie—would be around ten days. This included being captured by federal agent Hobbs, then later having him switch sides due to an attack ordered by Hernan Reyes. Castle believed that his observational trip wouldn't extend beyond fifteen days.

Castle decided to remain a passive observer, unless the young hacker's safety was at risk. He wasn't there to assist Dominic's crew or to get involved in their heist. His role was simply to watch, enjoy, and perhaps satisfy a childhood dream.

Planning his actions upon arrival, Castle thought about monitoring Dominic's crew through the young hacker's updates. He didn't need detailed plans, just enough to know when the heist would occur. His aim was to find a high vantage point with a clear view to witness the heist without getting involved.

Castle planned to stay in a luxurious hotel in the beachside area of Rio de Janeiro, far from the favelas where Dominic's crew was hiding out. This would help him avoid any unwanted encounters with Vanessa and her crew.

Rio de Janeiro, Castle mused, was a unique city. Unlike most scenic tourist destinations where the wealthy lived in hillside areas, Rio had its affluent neighborhoods along the coast. The hills, with the towering 38-meter Christ the Redeemer statue, were dotted with shantytown favelas, teeming with makeshift dwellings. Dominic and his team, plotting to rob Hernan Reyes, were hiding in these favelas and were unlikely to venture into Castle's chosen luxurious hotel area.

Comforted by the thought that he would be safely distanced from the chaos, Castle only needed to wait for the heist. He planned to watch the action unfold from a safe distance, avoiding unnecessary risks or confrontations.

With these plans in mind, Castle packed only his essentials into his dimensional storage space. Carrying just his passport, wallet, and credit cards, he boarded a flight from JFK Airport to Rio de Janeiro, looking every bit the relaxed tourist.

Meanwhile, at the Twelfth Precinct, Beckett hung up the phone with Castle and murmured to herself, "What's Rick up to now? Why would he suddenly decide to fly to Brazil? Is it really just a spur-of-the-moment thing like he said? I swear, he sounded like he was suppressing some kind of excitement. What's he planning in Brazil?"

Unable to piece together Castle's motives, Beckett shrugged off her curiosity. After all, Castle promised he'd be back in two weeks. She figured she could just ask him when he returned.


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