Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Igniting Emotions
The red haired guy made fireballs and then threw it towards Serene! And they were just not in small sizes! They were like two times bigger than a normal basketball! I can feel the burning sensation from where I am standing so I stepped back a bit.
"Ocean's Instinct!" Serene shouted.
As what I've noticed, Leviticus and Serene, they are uttering words like they were spells to release such magic. Just like the other three guys minutes ago. But this red haired guy, he was just whispering and then boom, his attacks are already made!
Serene immediately created like an ever adapting aquatic barrier around her that can not only shield herself from those fireballs, those fireballs' speed was also slowed when they already touches the aquatic barrier. I almost clapped my hands because I was really amazed about her magic that she can manipulate the power of the ocean's natural magic! I am now curious how wide the ocean's power that it can even release such powerful magic like wind and water!
Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine that I am slowly gaining knowledge in a shortest span of time! It is still my second day here but the knowledge I am gaining exploded in my mind! Fire, wind, water and ocean's power are cool and still looking forward for other magic's information!
"Do you think your magical energy is enough to defeat me, pretty woman? Even you'll shield yourself from my attack by that aquatic magic of yours many times, you cannot deny the fact that your magical energy is slowly draining... unlike mine, I didn't even use my full potential." The red haired guy mockingly stated.
Magical energy?
"My magical energy is enough to defeat you, and by that, you'll beg for your life." Serene glared at his opponent. I looked at Leviticus situation and he's now sitting on the ground while the blood on his lips is still there. I sighed deeply and nervously but I just nodded to myself because of my own thoughts.
I didn't waste my time and immediately ran towards Leviticus that made him flinched a bit. He seriously stared at me but I know that he's still concern about me. In his eyes, it is really visible that he's sorry for what's happening but I don't care, this place will be my home and I won't leave him just like this. He saved me from criminals and he's willing to save me again. I know he's grumpy but he has a heart.
"I-I'm sorry stupid, I put yourself in danger. Tsk, looks like I am the unlucky one." After he said those words, he coughed blood and that made me stunned. Blood. I know to myself I am scared with those in person but I have to be brave and be his shoulder now. I won't leave him here just like what he did when we were still in that dangerous forest. "I think you don't have to answer my question, you don't deserve this place, Aliyah. T-This place... is a trash." I immediately shook my head and then took his hands. I caressed them even my hands are trembling.
I looked back at Serene and she's now fighting again the goon. I can feel that's she's already draining!
"It's so pitiful of me, I can't even protect you both, fuck! Damn this weak magic!" He tantrum. Tears feel from his eyes and that made my heart crumpled like a paper! His emotions are too visible and that made me feel sorry for him. I don't know him that much but.. he's really trying his best.
"L-Leviticus, your magic is not weak okay? I am maybe just new here in your world but I know that fire magic wasn't easy to deal with." I softly uttered while caressing his hands more to make him calm. "It's just that, for me, you're probably thinking that you can't... that your magic always stays just like that, like you're not hoping or.. wishing for more." I added while trying to catch his eyes... but I can't. I guess he's to embarrassed of his situation right at this moment because Serene, a woman, who's doing the fighting!
"You don't know nothing," he mumbled and that made me sighed so deep, and nodded after a second.
"I-I know, I know nothing. It's like I was still a baby learning to talk and walk. But mind you, my heart and mind is not immature anymore for me not to understand one's feelings... if I could just use a magic, I-I will not be this burden to you guys."
When I was still in my previous world, I encoutered a lot of patients like me who survived after surgeries, other medications and even just taking some pills. I saw how determined they were to live and to prove that they can and they will... that after all those days that they were lying on their beds, they can still fight and be the better versions of themselves again. I was so happy for them, that even if I can't, at least they can and they will. Hospital is a place where half of the number of patients there are dying and wanted to live a long life more. Two percents of them, wanted to killed themselves because of being hopeless... and a percent of them who was torned between living and dying.
And that was me.
I saw how he closed his hands tightly and I can feel an energy from the both of it. It's like it's starting to ignite again! I must be thankful that the red haired guy leave him here so that I can give my words to him! It maybe be useless but I wanted him to feel that I am here.. we are here to help him!
"Leviticus, you can do it. Trust me, you can do it because you can. Trust yourself as well, just like what I did when were still in that forest." I almost whispered to him and that made him looked at me and I saw how his eyes changed. His expression soften. I smiled a bit. "I still don't know you but I know that you can, you can help Serene... you can save.. us."
And there, I suddenly felt his fire starting to ignite again! His hands... are now covered with burning fire!