Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband
Chapter 448: Another secret to keep
There was some mild tension in the room so Phoebe could tell that something had happened between her aunt and Andre. "What is going on?" She asked as she walked in. Rekha followed her inside and closed and the door.
Like Amon, her fingers itched to do something about all the ghosts that she had seen eating and drinking in the cafe or engaged in conversations as if they were still alive.
It was unnatural to her, the ghosts needed to move on not play pretend. But she kept her mouth shut because she saw something else that was better than ghosts, Maureen Mayfair!
The moment she saw the woman that she considered to be an idol, her eyes flew open. "Senior Maureen! What are you doing here?" She paused to think. "That is a stupid question since you are a Mayfair, and this is your niece's cafe so it not surprising that you would be here. Forgive me, I will be sure to think things through before talking next time."
Her face brightened with her eyes glistening with awe as she took in the sight of one of the strongest former students and teachers at the academy. "It is a great honor to meet a legend like you. I have attended some of your classes in the past and we use your cases as case studies! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! It's truly an honor."
She looked as though she was about to run into Maureen's arms and hug her or maybe ask her to adopt her.
Phoebe stepped in front of her aunt and like a child with the most desirable toy on the playground that only she could play with, she embraced her aunt form the side. "This is my aunt; she is the one that is training me. I told you my trainer was the best, now do you believe me?"
Maureen immediately caught on that the young woman before her from the academy and happened to be a junior guardian. Maureen did not interact so much with the junior guardians unless she was teaching them and she always kept things professional.
She was not a sweet teacher that cultivated close relationships with the students, she was a stern cold one that simply passed on knowledge, gave some advice and then left to take care of her business. Six months out of the year, she was always away on cases. She recognized the face but couldn't place the name.
As this young woman was going to be around Phoebe for a while, she adjusted her attitude. She respectfully and smiled warmly. "Your name is?"
Rekha wiped her hands over her jeans and stretched her right hand forward. "Rekha Montgomery." A wide grin tugged on her lips.
"Montgomery? From the founding Montgomery family?" Maureen asked, she knew all of them but had never heard of a Rekha.
Rekha only nodded softly and pulled her hand back to her side. She did not want to explain her family background again or talk about why they did not want her. The only reason why she had kept the Montgomery name was because it was her father's, and she had a right to it.
Also, without it, she had no legitimate identity allowing her to go in and out of the founding lane or attend the academy. She both loved and hated her name.
Phoebe who was watching them came to know which founding family had cast Rekha away as a child, she prayed that they never crossed paths because she would treat them exactly like they had treated Rekha, coldly.
Andre on the other hand was puzzled, he was the celebrity in the room, his aunt sold antiques in Hartoum. Why was Rekha drooling over his aunt rather than him?
Placing the painting gently on the table, Andre was determined to dig into the strange situation. "A legend? Aunt what kind of legend are you? Ha! Perhaps in an eating competition." His face suddenly lit up like a light bulb as his mind finally placed Rekha. "Y-you I know who you are, you were among those ghost catchers that came to our rescue at the stadium." He had been wondering where he had seen Rekha.
"Where you almost got everyone killed." Maureen mumbled.
Andre was not too pleased when those mumbles passed by his ear and he went back to sulking and glaring at his aunt.
"Her name is Rekha." Phoebe introduced casually, ignoring the feud between aunt and nephew. It would not last long anyway.
Andre was rather adding one and two together. "Classes, former student, case studies, Legend!" He voiced quietly. His eyes widened and he naturally came to correct conclusion. "Aunt Maureen are you like her? A ghost catcher or guardian, that is the only reason which explains all the weirdness. Oh wow! How? Does dad know?
What about grandma? Holy crap everything about you makes sense now." He sank in the sofa, letting out a soft guffaw of disbelief, processing the most absurd thing that he had heard about in a while.
Maureen had been expecting the secret to come out sooner or later, but she was planning to share it with the rest of the family on her own terms.
"You better shut your big mouth Andre, if anyone in the family hears of this i will cut out your tongue." Maureen warned, she wanted to seal his mouth because sometimes, he was like old lady Mayfair, too talkative for his own good.
Andre rubbed her hands together. "Just don't threaten to take the painting away from me, or else the whole family will know." His tone was more serious than ever. "I have all the power now aunt, and I am going to use it." He laughed in a shrill comic villain like way.
"You laugh like a hyena." Maureen responded.
"Stop it you two." Phoebe told them. They were always fighting over the teleporting painting.
Rekha's eyes shifted from Phoebe to Maureen, she could not help feeling like she had stepped in the middle of something. "He did not know, why didn't he know? I figured that since Phoebe knows about it then he must know. Does that mean that Mr. Edward does not know as well?" Lines of worry formed on her forehead. She knew the answer without being told, this was another secret that she had to keep from Edward.
"Great." She whispered.
Maureen arched an eyebrow. "What do you care if Edward does not know?" She asked
Phoebe clicked her tongue. "Father sought her out to be my trainer, also it seems that she is his prodigal foster daughter or niece and therefore family."
"He took care of me when the Montgomery's cast me out after my parents died." Rekha explained as easily as she could.
Maureen folded her lips knowingly, she knew of that story, she just didn't know the little girl in the story. Suddenly she pitied Rekha, what had happened to her was unfair but what could she do?
"Alright enough of the somber tone, let us go to the Silver nation. We have lives to save."
"Yippee!" Andre chimed excitedly.
"You are not going with us." Maureen told Andre. His excitement came to a sudden stop.
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