Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Zenin

Chapter 22: Council

The summons from the Higher Ups arrived during their morning training session, delivered by a messenger whose formal bearing suggested matters of unusual importance.

The parchment bore the official seal of the Jujutsu High administration - a request for Indra, Satoru, and Geto to present themselves at the school's formal meeting chamber that afternoon.

"The formal chamber?" Geto remarked as they concluded their training, wiping sweat from his brow. "That's reserved for diplomatic functions."

Satoru floated lazily onto his back, staring at the ceiling. "Must be visitors. Important ones, if they're interrupting our training schedule."

They took their time cleaning up and preparing, each processing the unusual summons in their own way.

Geto methodically organized his thoughts, considering the potential implications of a formal diplomatic meeting.

Satoru seemed unconcerned, though his Six Eyes occasionally flickered toward the administrative building with uncharacteristic focus.

Indra maintained his usual composed demeanor, though he noted that the timing was convenient - his armor project had reached a crystallization phase that required no attendance.

By early afternoon, they had gathered outside the ornate doors of the formal chamber.

Carved with ancient jujutsu symbols and reinforced with centuries of protective barriers, the chamber had hosted discussions that shaped the course of jujutsu history.

Few students ever entered this space during their time at Jujutsu High.

"Ready to be diplomatic, little brother?" Satoru grinned, straightening his uniform with uncharacteristic attention to appearance.

The heavy doors swung open to reveal a scene none of them had anticipated.

The long table that dominated the chamber was occupied not only by Japan's Higher Ups but also by representatives from at least five other nations.

Their distinctive clothing and formal bearing marked them clearly as foreign dignitaries of significant standing.

"Ah, they arrive," announced one of the Higher Ups, an elderly woman whose deceptively frail appearance belied her authority. "Gentlemen, please take your seats."

The chamber itself seemed to acknowledge their presence, ancient barriers shifting subtly as they entered.

The three students moved to the vacant chairs designated for them, Satoru reluctantly settling into his rather than floating above it.

The foreign representatives observed them with barely concealed interest, their eyes lingering particularly on Indra and Satoru.

"These are the Second and Third Sons of Heaven?" the American representative asked after a moment of silence.

His accent was thick but his Japanese technically perfect. "They appear... younger than I expected."

"Age means little in matters of power, Michael," the European representative responded. She was a woman perhaps in her mid twenties, with striking features and an aura of natural authority. "As your own emergence demonstrated."

The elderly Higher Up cleared her throat gently. "Allow me to make proper introductions. From America, Michael Constantine. From Europe, Isabella van Leeuwen.

From China, Master Zhao. From Russia, Dmitri Volkov. And from the Middle East, Farid Al-Rashid."

Each representative inclined their head slightly as they were named.

"And these," she continued, gesturing to the three students, "are Satoru Gojo, Indra Zenin, and Suguru Geto. Our most promising students."

"Two Sons of Heaven and a Child of Earth," Constantine remarked, his gaze settling on Geto with newfound interest. "An unusual gathering."

Geto's expression remained composed, though his eyes narrowed slightly at being categorized so directly. "I wasn't aware the international community had adopted such terminology officially," he replied evenly.

Van Leeuwen folded her hands on the table before responding. "The phenomena that accompanied the births of Gojo-san and Zenin-san necessitated new classifications," she explained, her tone academic.

"The stars themselves parting for one, absolute silence falling over an entire nation for the other, with all Cursed Spirits prostrating in his direction -

such signs haven't been witnessed since Ryomen Sukuna's birth, when the very cursed energy of an entire country boiled in response to his emergence."

She paused, allowing her words to settle in the chamber. "These are not mere coincidences, but divine recognition - the same recognition that marked the First Son of Heaven, whose power still echoes through our world a millennium later."

"Sukuna," Master Zhao added solemnly, "whose might was such that he slaughtered half the sorcerer population of his era.

Whose very existence created the distinction between special grade and all others.

The gap between the King of Curses and even the most powerful sorcerers of his time was described in ancient texts as 'the distance between Heaven and Earth.'"

The room fell silent as the weight of this comparison settled upon all present.

To invoke Sukuna - and as the beginning of the conversation at that - was to invoke the darkest chapter in jujutsu history - a time when a single being brought the entire jujutsu world to its knees.

Indra leaned forward slightly, his massive frame commanding attention without effort. "You speak as if these classifications are established fact rather than your interpretation of events," he observed, his deep voice resonating through the chamber.

"And you draw direct parallels to Sukuna, whose actions and nature were quite distinct from our own."

The subtle assertion of control wasn't lost on the foreign representatives. Several shifted in their seats, their postures adjusting unconsciously in response to Indra's presence.

"We speak from the collective understanding of the international jujutsu community," Master Zhao replied carefully.

"For a millennium since Sukuna, the balance remained undisturbed. Now, within a single generation, the Second and Third Sons have emerged simultaneously in Japan. This represents a fundamental shift in the order established after Sukuna's sealing."

"And shifts require response," Indra stated, his tone making it clear this wasn't a question but an acknowledgment. "Hence your presence here."

Constantine smiled, his charm carefully calculated. "Precisely. We represent the newly formed Council of Earth - a coalition of jujutsu nations seeking appropriate representation in decisions that affect our shared world."

"Particularly now that two-thirds of Heaven's recognized Sons reside in Japan," Volkov added, his direct approach contrasting with Constantine's smoothness.

Satoru, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, finally spoke. "So you've formed a club because you're worried about me and little brother following in the Cleaver's footsteps?" His tone was casual, but his Six Eyes studied each representative with unusual intensity.

"How boring."

"Not a club, Gojo-san," Al-Rashid corrected gently. "A formal international body with legitimate authority derived from the combined support of all major jujutsu nations outside Japan."

"And what exactly does this Council seek?" one of Japan's Higher Ups asked, his tone carefully neutral.

Van Leeuwen took her time responding, choosing her words with diplomatic precision. "An International Jujutsu Council with equal representation from all major nations.

Shared authority over matters that transcend borders - Special Grade curse management, cursed object classification, cross-border curse user activities."

"And oversight regarding individuals whose birth phenomena parallel Sukuna's," Constantine added, his gaze fixed on Indra and Satoru.

The implication hung in the air, unmistakable to everyone present.

The foreign representatives were proposing international supervision of Japan's Sons of Heaven - a direct challenge to centuries of Japanese autonomy in jujutsu affairs.

"Oversight," Indra repeated, the single word carrying weight as he straightened to his full height, even while seated. "An interesting choice of term."

"A necessary consideration," Volkov countered, though his posture stiffened slightly under Indra's steady gaze.

"When two individuals emerge with power comparable to the King of Curses himself, the world has a legitimate interest in stability."

"The historical record speaks for itself," Master Zhao added solemnly. "Sukuna's rampage cost countless lives.

His power was such that even the combined might of all jujutsu sorcerers of his era could not defeat him. The world cannot afford another such calamity."

Indra's expression remained impassive, but something in his eyes made several representatives shift uncomfortably. "And you believe your Council provides this stability?"

"We believe cooperation provides stability," Master Zhao offered diplomatically. "No single nation should bear the sole responsibility - or hold the sole authority - over forces that affect us all."

"A reasonable position," Indra acknowledged, his tone suggesting he found it anything but. "Though I wonder if you truly understand what you seek to... oversee."

"That is precisely why dialogue is essential," van Leeuwen interjected. "To build mutual understanding before proceeding further."

Geto, who had been observing the exchange with analytical precision, spoke up. "This classification system - Sons of Heaven and Children of Earth - seems designed to create a specific narrative. One that positions certain individuals as inherently different from others."

"It merely acknowledges reality," Constantine replied. "The birth phenomena that accompanied Sukuna, Gojo-san, and Zenin-san are matters of historical record.

No such phenomena marked yours or our births, Geto-san, despite our impressive abilities."

"And yet you classify me with yourselves," Geto noted. "Despite the power levels that exceed many at this table."

"Power isn't the sole determinant," Al-Rashid explained, his voice carrying the measured cadence of a scholar.

"The Children of Earth draw strength from earthly connections - technique, training, lineage. The Sons of Heaven are marked by divine recognition from birth."

"The distinction itself is interesting," Geto continued, his analytical mind exploring the concept. "'Heaven' and 'Earth' - inherently hierarchical in Japanese cultural context. Heaven above, Earth below."

"That's a perspective shaped by cultural bias," van Leeuwen countered. "In many Western traditions, Earth is the foundation, the source of all life. Without Earth, Heaven has nothing to observe or influence."

That caught Indra's attention for a moment. Were they aware of what the curses called them? For that was a clear challenge to his and Satoru's titles as the Sovereign and the Observer.

"And in Middle Eastern traditions," Al-Rashid added, "Earth is where divine will manifests. The sacred made tangible."

"Cultural interpretations aside," Volkov interjected, his patience for philosophical discussion clearly limited,

"the practical reality remains. The emergence of two new Sons of Heaven - the first since Sukuna himself - creates unprecedented concerns for global stability."

"Divine recognition," Satoru repeated, now floating slightly above his chair despite the formality of the meeting. "You make it sound like we had a choice in the matter."

"Choice is irrelevant to classification," Volkov stated bluntly. "What matters is the reality we all must address."

"And that reality," Indra interjected, his deep voice commanding immediate attention, "is that you fear what you cannot control." The statement wasn't accusatory but matter-of-fact, delivered with the calm certainty of someone stating an obvious truth.

"You fear a repetition of Sukuna's era - when a single being held power that made the collective strength of the jujutsu world seem insignificant by comparison."

The room fell silent, the diplomatic veneer momentarily cracked by Indra's directness.

"Fear is a natural response to unprecedented power," Master Zhao finally acknowledged, his honesty surprising even his colleagues.

"As is the desire for stability. The historical accounts of Sukuna's rampage describe horrors that still echo through our collective memory.

Cities reduced to ash. Entire bloodlines of sorcerers extinguished in a single night. The land itself warped by his cursed technique."

"Then let us speak plainly," Indra replied, leaning forward slightly. "Your Council seeks influence over Japan's jujutsu affairs because two Sons of Heaven have emerged here.

You frame this as international cooperation, but at its core, it's about preventing the rise of another Sukuna."

Several of the foreign representatives began to protest, but Indra continued, his tone remaining measured despite the weight of his words.

"This isn't criticism - it's observation. In your position, I would pursue the same strategy." A slight smile touched his lips.

"But understanding motives allows for more productive discussion than diplomatic pretense."

The calculated dominance in his approach silenced the objections before they fully formed. Even the Higher Ups glanced at Indra with newfound consideration.

"You suggest we have ulterior motives," Constantine began carefully.

"I suggest you have natural concerns," Indra corrected. "And that addressing those concerns directly will serve everyone better than layers of diplomatic language."

The tension in the room shifted subtly - not diminishing but transforming into something more focused, more honest.

"Very well," van Leeuwen said after a moment. "Directly then: the historical precedent of Sukuna cannot be ignored.

The First Son of Heaven nearly destroyed the jujutsu world. The emergence of the Second and Third simultaneously creates legitimate security concerns for the international community."

"And your proposed solution is this Council," Indra stated. "Equal representation, shared authority, and oversight of Japan's Sons of Heaven."

"In essence, yes," Master Zhao confirmed.

Indra nodded slightly, as if acknowledging a point in a game of strategy. "A reasonable opening position. Japan will need to consider its response carefully."

The subtle assertion of authority - speaking as if he represented Japan rather than merely being present as a student - wasn't lost on anyone in the room.

Several of the Higher Ups exchanged glances, but none contradicted him.

"Perhaps," the elderly Higher Up interjected, recognizing the need to reassert some control over the proceedings, "this is enough for an initial meeting. We have heard the Council's proposal and will consider it with appropriate seriousness."

The foreign representatives accepted the dismissal with formal nods, though their expressions betrayed varying degrees of uncertainty. The meeting had not proceeded as they had anticipated.

As the chamber emptied, the three students remained behind at a subtle signal from one of the Higher Ups.

"Your impressions?" she asked once they were alone.

"They're afraid," Geto observed immediately. "Not just of raw power, but of what it represents. They see Sukuna's shadow in Satoru and Indra, regardless of how different their natures might be."

"Their classification system serves their political purposes," Indra noted. "By separating 'Heaven' from 'Earth,' they create a framework that isolates what they fear while elevating their own position."

"Boring," Satoru concluded, floating lazily in circles. "Just adults trying to put labels on things they don't understand."

The elderly woman studied each of them in turn. "They will return with more formal proposals and greater pressure.

Japan's position in the jujutsu world is being challenged in ways we haven't seen since Sukuna's era."

"Because of us," Indra stated, not a question but an acknowledgment.

"Primarily," she confirmed. "Two Sons of Heaven emerging simultaneously has created unprecedented uncertainty. The international community responds to uncertainty with attempts at control."

After they were dismissed, the three walked slowly through Jujutsu High's grounds, processing the implications of what they had witnessed.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter! Do tell me how you found it.

I hope this broadened a bit the jujutsu world, since in JJK it always felt too... small.

I don't know how else to describe it.

Also, just to note. Just because these guys aren't exactly as strong as Indra and Satoru doesn't mean they can't be a threat. 

We have all seen Jump Jump Kaisen after all.

So yeah, I hope to see you all later,


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