Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Zenin

Chapter 26: "Annoying" ~ Satoru Gojo

The morning after their encounter with Kamui found the team gathered in Jujutsu High's Kyoto branch, completing their official report for the Higher Ups.

Yaga had insisted on thorough documentation before returning to Tokyo, aware that the implications of the dimensional curse extended far beyond a standard elimination mission.

"The curse's abilities were unlike anything in our records," Geto noted, his analytical mind still processing what they had witnessed. "Not just phasing, but existing simultaneously in multiple planes."

"And yet Indra neutralized it completely," Shoko observed, having joined them that morning after receiving updates on the previous night's events. "By altering the fundamental properties of space itself."

"The more interesting question," Satoru interjected, floating lazily above his assigned chair, "is who created it. That level of sophistication suggests someone with extensive knowledge and significant power."

Their discussion was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door. A young man in Zenin clan attire entered and bowed deeply, his formal bearing suggesting an official capacity.

"Forgive the interruption," he stated with practiced precision. "I bring an urgent message for Indra Zenin-sama from Naobito Zenin-sama."

Indra nodded slightly, granting permission to continue.

The messenger straightened, his voice taking on the formal cadence of one reciting exactly as instructed:

"Naobito Zenin-sama wishes to inform you that he has received a formal marriage proposal from the Gojo clan.

Specifically, Haruto Gojo-sama has, on behalf of his daughter, requested a political union between his daughter, Shiho Gojo, and yourself.

As the daughter is three years your senior and of exceptional lineage, Naobito-sama considers this a beneficial alliance and awaits your response."

The room fell into stunned silence. Shoko's eyes widened in surprise, while Geto's composed expression gave way to genuine shock.

Yaga, ever the professional, maintained his neutral demeanor, though his gaze shifted between Indra and Satoru with new interest.

Kisara, who had arrived in Kyoto that morning to assist with the investigation, stood perfectly still, her face a careful mask that betrayed nothing of her thoughts.

"Since when do you have an older sister?" Geto finally asked, turning to Satoru with confusion evident in his voice.

Satoru grinned, sticking his tongue out playfully. "Since always," he replied with characteristic nonchalance, as if surprised they didn't know such a basic fact.

"But..." Shoko began, her usual clinical detachment failing her in the face of this unexpected revelation, "you've never mentioned her. Not once in all our time at Jujutsu High."

Satoru merely shrugged, floating onto his back in mid-air. "You never asked."

Kisara's composed facade finally cracked as she addressed Satoru directly. "Why would your father propose such an arrangement? Does he not know that Indra and I are to be married in a few months?"

Satoru tilted his head, appearing genuinely confused by her question. "Of course they know. But you didn't truly expect people like Indra and me to settle for just one woman, did you?"

The bluntness of his statement caused even Yaga to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"I mean," Satoru continued, his tone matter-of-fact despite the sensitivity of the subject, "no matter how much I dislike the old foggies of the jujutsu world, they have one idea right:

sorcerers are too few, especially now that Grade 1 curses have evolved to become basically Special Grade threats simply because of their intelligence."

He gestured vaguely with one hand while continuing to float lazily. "More sorcerers need to be born, especially from the strong. It's just practical."

Kisara's expression shifted subtly as she processed his words. Her gaze moved to Indra, who had remained silent throughout the exchange, his face revealing nothing of his thoughts. In that moment of reflection, she recognized the cold logic behind Satoru's statement.

The jujutsu world was changing, evolving in response to the presence of the Sons of Heaven. The old rules and expectations might have wisdom that has to be applied in the face of such fundamental shifts.

The messenger stood awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable with the personal conversation happening in his presence but unable to leave without a formal response.

Finally, Indra spoke, his deep voice cutting through the tension in the room. "Tell my father I refuse."

The simplicity and finality of his statement surprised everyone, including Satoru, who righted himself in the air to look directly at Indra.

"That's it?" Satoru asked, his tone suggesting he had expected more deliberation. "Just 'I refuse'?"

"Just so," Indra confirmed, his expression unchanged.

The messenger bowed deeply again. "I will convey your response to Naobito-sama immediately," he said before departing with visible relief.

As the door closed behind him, Shoko turned to Satoru. "You don't mind that your sister was just rejected so bluntly?"

Satoru chuckled, the familiar sound echoing through the room. "Not really. I don't like my sister very much. She's annoying."

"Annoying?" Geto asked, his curiosity piqued by this rare glimpse into Satoru's family dynamics. "In what way?"

Satoru's usual playful expression dimmed slightly as a memory surfaced - one he hadn't revisited in years.


Eight years earlier

Seven-year-old Satoru sat in the Gojo clan's private garden, practicing his control over the Limitless.

Small pebbles floated in the air around him, suspended in perfect formation as he manipulated the space between them with growing precision.

"Always practicing, little brother?" Shiho's voice interrupted his concentration.

At ten, she already carried herself with the practiced grace of a Gojo heir, her white hair falling in perfect waves around a face that promised extraordinary beauty in adulthood.

"Go away, Shiho," Satoru replied without looking up, the pebbles continuing their orbital pattern around him. "I'm busy."

Instead of leaving, she approached closer, studying his technique with calculating eyes. "Father says you're special," she said, her tone carefully neutral.

"That the Six Eyes make you more valuable than anyone else in the clan."

"That's because I am," Satoru replied matter-of-factly, still focused on his practice.

"But you know," she continued, circling around him, "the Six Eyes are just a tool. What matters is how they're used. Who directs them."

This finally drew Satoru's attention. He looked up at his sister, his young face showing confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Shiho smiled, a practiced expression that didn't reach her eyes. "You're still a child, Satoru. You need guidance. Direction. Someone to help you understand how to use your power properly."

She knelt beside him, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I could help you. We could work together. With my intelligence and your Six Eyes, we could reshape the clan. Make it stronger. Better."

Satoru's eyes narrowed as he studied his sister's face. Even at seven, the Six Eyes showed him more than just cursed energy - they revealed intentions, subtle shifts in expression that others might miss.

"You just want to use me," he stated simply, the pebbles around him suddenly dropping to the ground. "You're jealous that I have the Six Eyes and you don't."

Shiho's carefully constructed facade cracked for just an instant, revealing a flash of genuine anger before she controlled herself. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm thinking of the clan's future. Our future together."

"No," Satoru said, rising to his feet. "You're thinking of your future. You want to control me because you can't control the Six Eyes. Because so long as I exist, you can never be clan head."

For the first time, he allowed his cursed energy to flare visibly around him, the blue glow creating a halo effect that made even his sister take an instinctive step back.

"I don't need your help, Shiho," he stated, his childish voice carrying unusual authority. "I don't need anyone's direction. The Six Eyes show me everything I need to know."

Shiho's expression hardened, her own considerable cursed energy responding to his display. "You're being childish, Satoru. You don't understand the responsibilities-"

"I understand more than you think," he interrupted, floating slightly off the ground - a technique he had only recently mastered.

"And I understand that you'll never stop trying to control me if I let you start."

The air between them grew heavy with tension, their cursed energy patterns clashing invisibly.

For a moment, it seemed Shiho might challenge him directly, but something in his steady gaze - the absolute confidence behind the Six Eyes - made her reconsider.

"You'll regret this attitude," she finally said, her voice cold. "One day, you'll need allies. Family. And you'll remember this moment."

Satoru merely shrugged, already losing interest in the conversation. "Probably not. You're too boring to remember."

The casual dismissal hit harder than any direct insult could have. Shiho's face flushed with anger before she turned and walked away, her perfect posture betraying the tension in every line of her body.

From that day forward, their relationship had never recovered. Shiho maintained formal politeness in public, but the genuine connection of siblings had been severed by that garden confrontation -

by Satoru's early recognition of her attempts to influence him, and his absolute refusal to be controlled.


"She's very stubborn," Satoru finally answered Geto, his usual playful smile returning. "Always has been. Thinks she knows best about everything."

Before Geto could press for more details, the door opened again - this time without a preliminary knock.

A woman entered with the distinctive white hair of the Gojo clan, her elegant features arranged in a polite smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," she said, her voice carrying the refined tones of extensive education. "But I thought it might be more efficient to hear the rejection in person."

Shiho Gojo stood in the doorway, her presence commanding immediate attention.

At eighteen, she had grown into her early promise of beauty, with the same striking features as her brother but tempered with a cold precision that his lacked.

Where Satoru's power seemed effortless and casual, hers felt deliberate and controlled.

"Shiho," Satoru acknowledged without enthusiasm. "What a boring surprise."

She ignored her brother's comment, focusing instead on Indra. "I expected the rejection, of course," she stated calmly.

"That's why I took the liberty of coming here myself rather than waiting for the formal response."

Her gaze moved briefly to Kisara before returning to Indra. "But I must admit, it does hurt to be dismissed so quickly.

Especially without consideration of the political advantages such a union would bring to both our clans."

The tension in the room shifted as everyone processed this unexpected development.

Kisara's expression remained carefully neutral, though her cursed energy flickered slightly in response to Shiho's presence.

Indra's face betrayed nothing of his thoughts as he met Shiho's direct gaze with his own unwavering stare.

The challenge had been issued, the rejection delivered and acknowledged, yet something in Shiho Gojo's confident stance suggested that she was not the type to easily let go of what she desired.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

So, more clan politics. I found it fitting, since with the whole international world teaming up against Japan - primarily against the Zenin and Gojo, an alliance, one capable of lasting generations being considered seemed fitting.

Though, about Shiho possibly ending up with Indra alongside Kisara - well, I have no idea yet.

Do I want it to be one girl? Or do I want a harem, by which it will be max 4 if I do.

Also, Satoru's view about the whole thing may seem out of character from the canon version, but do keep in mind, though I haven't delved too deeply into it - Satoru does feel some guilt about the world situation right now. 

Since the reason sorcerers are dying so much more now, and so many more humans are in danger is because of his and Indra's births - feeling thereby a responsibility to fix it.

Because, Satoru as I showed in earlier chapters, has begun to learn to care, love, and understand the love of family - especially his father's.

So yeah, I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all later,


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