Reclaiming my runaway Luna

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Amanda's Pov:

My head felt very heavy. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't; I let out a semi-silent groan, and finally, my eyelids flicked open.

The warm beams of sun rays seeped on my skin as the window blinds blew open; it suddenly hit me, where was I?.

"She's awake!" I didn't notice the little girl sitting by my feet until she screamed.

"The captive is awake mother" She screamed again but this time running out of the hut.

With all the strength I had, I pushed myself up and sat properly, I regretted moving immediately.

It seemed like loud drums were banging in my head, and my eyes couldn't stay open, and out of nowhere, It felt like a thousand knives were poking my stomach and my back, my legs and my neck too, everywhere!.

"Child" A middle-aged woman walked in with the little girl, her eyes filled with pity and quickly became concern. She knelt close to me and took my hands.

"How do you feel child?" The sound of her voice was oddly soothing.

I could have answered her question if I wasn't distracted by the many tattoos she had all over her body.

"Get her water, Tyla", The woman instructed the little girl.

"Erm", I was a bit confused. "Where am I, please?" The ashy taste of my tongue registered, and the smell of smoke lingered around my nose, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"First of all, my name is Lina, but everyone calls me Nana, I am the healer of the North". She had this unmistakable motherly tone to her voice. And her eyes traveled through my body in few seconds, carefully scruntinizing every part.

I was still confused. "Please, where am I, Lina?" This was my utmost concern.

"Drink up, dear child" The woman brought a bowl close to my mouth. I struggled at first, but when the cold water met my tongue, I took it all in one gulp.

"You must be confused but I'll explain" she sat down "You were caught by our warriors one week ago and they brought you here subconscious".

"One week!" How did a week go by?.

"Don't panic dear child, I know your pain but there's no way we could have harmed you, not in your condition" She took my hand into hers.

"You must return to your people for care" Her words were laced with concern, but I was only getting more confused.

"I don't understand, what condition? Why must I return?"

"You must return because we cannot harm an innocent person. Talk more about an innocent pregnant young girl like yourself".

My head began spinning again, her words hit me like a brick. Pregnant how?.

"And now that you regained consciousness, I'll call one of the warriors to take you back to the borders where you were found".

My heart beat quickened at the mention of my pack, there's no way I can return to the Delta pack.

I was still struggling with understanding what she said when she stood up and left. How can I show my face there?.

After three hours of pleading with Lina, her resolve still didn't change. The mere thought of returning to my pack scared me.

How do I explain to them that I had no hand in my parents death, but I ran. How do I face Xavier, and with this pregnancy that I didn't know about before.

Kara! She must have told them.

Tears blurred my vision, but Lina's face remained firm, unmoved by my desperate pleas.

"We cannot take responsibility of you, you must go!" She explained the many times I begged.

"It's getting dark, child, we cannot keep you here".

"Please!" Tears flowed freely from my eyes. "Please, I can't go back, I'd rather remain here, please, you have to help me".

She was quiet at first.

"Okay, the only thing I can do for you is beg the warriors to wait for you at the border, if you don't return at dawn they'll leave, but if you do they'll bring you back to me and I can see what I can do about taking you to the North, is that okay?".

That's not what I was expecting her to say, but it's better than just showing my face at the pack and risking being killed without an escape plan.

"Okay," I nodded, knowing this was the best she could do for me.


"This is the Delta access route. Just go straight, and you'll come out at the palace, Barack. We'll be waiting as agreed, good luck!" The warrior's voice was loud and deep.

Of course, he'll lead me to the military exit. This is the route soldiers take.

One part of me was scared that I'd actually be walking into the soldiers and risk being killed the moment they saw me.

But another part of me was glad that I'd be very close to the palace and hopefully, I'll see Xavier, and he'll help me.

Without wasting time, I took the route. I walked for longer than I thought I would, and after what seemed like a hundred hours, I arrived at the palace, Barack, but the palace was empty.

I couldn't help but notice the loud music and obvious celebration that was going on in the front of the palace. What could they be celebrating this heavily?.

The crowd paid me no attention, I struggled to get to the front to see what the celebration was about, deep down I hoped it wasn't my parent's burial.

My heart shattered in my chest the moment I saw Xavier kiss someone else, it was Xavier, and that's why I recognized him immediately.

Breathing became harder by the second; the whole scenario was surprising and, at the same time, heart-shattering.

The loud cheering of the crowd buried my screams.


Right there a part of me died! The whole crowd was cheering, while I was crying.

My vision was a bit blurry when Xavier and the woman turned around, I chocked.


My head was spinning, a thousand thoughts racing through my mind all at once.

I stood frozen, still trying to process what was before my eyes when our eyes met.

Kara's eyes instantly became darker when they met mine; her cold stare reminded me of the promise she had made to me at the hospital.

Her eyes deepened giving on one instruction, "Leave!".

Tears in my eyes and my heart down in my stomach, I turned away and left. I could see that there was nothing left for me in this pack.

Nothing prepared me for the sight of my husband happily marring another woman just so he could be crowned king.

And not even in the next life did I expect the other woman to be my best friend, Kara.

I found myself running again. This time my speed was fueled with anger and bitterness. How could they betray me like this?.

My shattered into a thousand tiny pieces and everything was blurry because I had tears in my eyes.

I was hurt, so hurt I wanted to end my life, but I couldn't; I'm not living for me anymore; I have a child to think of.

To think I was only gone for one week, and my husband and my best friend were getting married.

Xavier promised to only look at me like that, he promised to only ever kiss my lips, but he seemed to be so consumed by Kara, of all people my best friend.

I couldn't risk being caught and killed, so I ran. I ran fast and away from the place I once called home.

It was very stupid of me to have returned in the first place, but thank the heavens I witnessed this betrayal with my eyes.

I ran through the route I came in with, I ran and ran, till I saw the warriors, as promised they were waiting for me.

"Amanda is that you?" The familiar loud and deep voice called out.

I got close enough and wiped my eyes first.

"There's nothing for me here! I'll return with you, even if it means being a slave!".

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