Chapter 5: Soul Crushing Famine
POV: Zhang
I observe the old footage on one of the recording artifacts that was handed to me just moments ago, displaying the destruction of one of our more centralized bases.
While it wasn't very guarded, it was still quite deep into my territory to begin with.
How could they have gotten so far?
I spun the video back, replaying it over and over again.
A distinct section of the video became quite intriguing to me. Two guards along with what appears to be... a recruit? They were sprinting towards the center of the base, likely in hopes to reunite with others. However, a series of explosions killed both the guards and heavily injured the recruit, slamming them all against the back wall.
The recording became quite choppy due to the aftermath of the impact, however I was still able to make out a few armored guards rushing in. It looks like the recruit had died off in the seconds they took to get there, but they still took time to examine all of the bodies.
Moments following, one of the guards looked around and saw the camera that this recording was taping from. He got rid of it with one swift blow after he had come to a realization of what it was.
These armored guards, can I even call them guards? They were not only aware of their surroundings, but also contained at least an expert level training in Nexus Energy, of which to easily blow through the reinforced walls of the base and rip through my guards.
The guards stationed at these bases weren't no strong opponent, that much I understand. But there should've been at least a fight, not a slaughter...
I rewind it once more, this time zooming in on the intruders. Letting the camera adjust, I see a faint sign of a logo.
The Hidden Lotus.
Another militia, it seems. I should've figured as much.
"Kaelith, you dirty bastard," I remark with a smile cutting through my face. One of my servants took a second to readjust themselves at the sight of my expression, it seems.
How rude.
"Get me Aurelian," I yelled.
The servant looks over with a lump in his throat, that he proceeds to swallow down quickly, as he should. "Y-Yes sir, right away sir," he finally mutters out as he began skipping out of the room with great pace.
I held the recording artifact in my hand before crushing it into pieces, the screen fading into pixels, and then nothing, along with it.
The pieces fell and hit the ground with a loud thud, signifying the weight it held.
What a pity.
POV: Recruit 79
It's all just... black.
I could swear my eyes are open, so why can't I see anything? I can't even see myself, no matter how hard I try.
There is a lot of other... 'things' around here though. So could I be alive? But... the last thing I remember was dying. Not only were my legs pierced with sharp metal, but the blast alone had caused so much damage to me. And the guards, guards showed up just before me as I passed out. Surely they finished me off?
The smell of rotting flesh, similarly to that of what I would smell passing by the yard, harassed my nostrils in a very unpleasant way.
On top of that, the very occasional sound of dripping water was made evident.
I couldn't move either, and I didn't know why. It didn't feel like I was shackled to anything, although I probably was in some sense, especially considering this was probably a cell.
My legs were there, definitely, and I could feel them move when I do. Yet they still feel restricted, or locked in place somehow.
Could this be the doing of a nexus casting?
Yeah, that makes sense.
Hours passed. If I wasn't hungry enough, now I was starving. The water was not the only noise now, as my stomach began turning because of it.
I was clearly stripped of my armor, but that didn't exclude the excessive heat that radiated in this dark room. Sweat drenched whatever torn clothes that I had on—didn't feel like mine at all. 'Come on, what's the point of keeping me alive just to make me die like this?' I thought to myself. Seriously, this was one painful way to go.
As far back as I'd remember, I'd always want to die in battle.
It doesn't matter how weak I was.
That was the warrior's most graceful death, right? Dying serving whatever majesty they had pledged their lifelong allegiance to?
At least, that's what I thought. However with recent events, especially Recruit 24 and his whole.. situation, to say the least. If he didn't want to serve Zhang, even despising him to the point of execution, why serve him in the first place, I mean how does that make any sense?
It's basically wishing for death when it comes to that.
Days have now passed.
I was used to not eating. I was never deserving of meals, that much was true.
However this was definitely not something I had passively trained my body to endure. Days without food is something that I've accomplished before—albeit no other option, but without water as well? I haven't been able to even move a muscle really...
Originally I had thought about it just as a way to occupy my mind. After all, I couldn't just loathe around in darkness forever. But, it could be true now. I could really die here, and that's a fact that I've had to accept.
Found a way to move around though! That's cool!
If this was a nexus spell, it seems it has a pretty short duration. I can't tell if that was intentional exactly, but that didn't really matter. I had to take all the victories I could get.
However, I can't exactly figure out what I want to do with this newly gained freedom.
I've tried wandering, but my lack of strength can't pull me to anything but a timid crawl that seems to wear me out in just seconds.
Over the past few hours, I've gained some distance of course. While I'm definitely quite the ways away from any wall, like I started at, that also comes at negatives. I can't rest my head anywhere except the floor, and standing upright is clearly not an option with my lack of strength. I'd fall over near instantly.
Finally, the water dripped again. This gave me an idea.
I can try and make it to the water.
While I am also starving beyond any capacity, I'll die from dehydration before starvation. That's a fact. If I want to make it any longer, then water would be my best bet.
I don't know why I have such a will to live, but anything's worth a try now, right?
Another hour has passed.
The water is very loud now, which means I've finally made it. It has to be somewhere around here. The crawling's been quite gruesome to put it lightly, however that's nothing compared to sitting down. At least I've been able to do something.
Gathering up enough strength to crawl just a bit more, I slowly pull my body in agonizing pain across the floor.
These movements have left me with many scratches, clearly bleeding most of the time. I couldn't even see my own blood though. By the feels of it, I also have infections. The blistering heat has surprisingly not gotten to me yet...
Just as I had collapsed onto my chest, desperately pulling in any oxygen I can get, I could do nothin but lay there.
Until it happened.
It dripped again, but this time, I felt it land on the back of my head, in my hair..
This was it, surely. That's what it was.
I put everything I've had into flipping my body around, easily the most grueling task I've had to do so far trapped in this place, whatever it is.
I sat there for a moment, before another drip happening, landing just on my cheek. Adjusting my position a little, I was able to just slightly open my mouth. This was all the strength I could muster at this moment, on top of the fact that I was already exhausted from crawling.
And then it happened again. The drip. But this time, it landed in my mouth and rested on my tongue.
The amount of water wasn't a lot, but it's better than nothing.
I couldn't help but even tear up a bit.
Actually, I teared up a lot...
The drips kept coming, enough for me to actually feel a bit of relief minutes later. At least dehydration won't be on my list, I think. I hope this is enough, please be...