Chapter 482: Chapter 174
- Dai-san! You're in the hospital! Please don't yell and disturb the patients and Iryo-nin! - followed by a female voice with a lower volume.
I thought it was just the mangaka's imagination and that the Power of Youth wasn't passed down in the family... And their eyebrows, though not square, were as thick and branchy as Brezhnev's. Yeah, you can't tell which is worse. With a twitch, I went back to the papers.
Taking a deep breath, I slashed my finger with the kunai once more and concentrated on soaking the blood dripping onto the small quadrangle of paper with enough chakra. The wound healed almost immediately, but the proper amount of liquid was spilled.
Dipping my finger into the tiny puddle, I influenced the blood, forcing it to take on a quite definite shape on the chakra-conducting paper. Only when I was satisfied with the result did I release enough chakra into the resulting seal.
The blood faded and darkened, becoming more close to the color of ink and rapidly drying up. Just a few seconds and there in front of me was a perfectly executed kibakufuda. With a relieved exhale and another emission to fill it up, I made sure that the rather simple fuin was indeed charged.
Well, time for the test - dropping the explosive seal to the floor, I released glowing chains of chakra from my right hand, creating a barrier cube around it and with my other hand I folded the snake seal. I grinned happily at the blinding flash of the barrier that cracked but held, as I finally got a positive result from my training with Mito!
Given the ability to create fuin this way in almost any conditions and on any surface, the full-fledged use of battle seals in battles is a couple steps closer. I may find it a bit more difficult than Mito or Kushina, who have a more intense yang component of chakra, but the ability to block an opponent's chakra with a single touch or leave an activated kibakufuda on their body?
Give me two! Even though I'm not as talented in Fuinjutsu and can't make the necessary seal in a couple of hours like Kushina can, not to mention the elder Uzumaki, even with the available theoretical basis I have to dig for days to get the desired result, but my arsenal of known seals is ten times more than Kushina's and I can draw these seals quickly enough, and with further study of Fuinjutsu I will only expand the available list.
After all, if even Minato, who has no blood of the red-haired clan, can master this method, then I can too. And once I can create the most complex seals from blood in a couple of seconds, I can move to the next level and use only chakra.
Considering the level and capabilities of the likely opponents, it will be a great help when my own strength and other unexpected surprises are not enough. With a single touch, Tobi would be unable to use spatial techniques? Huh, then he could be easily taken down by not even the strongest shinobi like the Ino-Shika-Cho trio or Asuma and Kakashi, not to mention Maito Gai and his gate.
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