Chapter 4: Chapter 3
- "Beep, Beep,"
The sound takes me out of my subconscious. I'm aching all over, it's like a truck went over my body. I open my eyes and see the person I would have given anything not to see, Tyler Scott, my first love.
- "oh honey. You're awake. Here, drink this," Isaac says as he hands me a glass of water.
I take the glass, but I can't take my eyes off Tyler, and he hasn't blinked since I opened my eyes either.
- "I hurt all over," I complain, turning my attention back to my godfather.
- "I'll call someone, they'll give you some painkillers", he says.
He goes out and leaves me alone with his son who remains silent. He is probably wondering if he should strangle me once and for all or let me suffer before doing that. It is so quiet in the room that the only thing we hear is the beeps of the machine. The door reopens and I breathe a sigh of relief, I swear I saw a smile on that asshole's face. He loves to see me suffer.
A few minutes later the nurse infuses me with a sedative, and I answer questions from the police officers who don't seem to be thrilled to have bikers around. They discuss with Isaac and then leave. I am now alone with my godfather and Tyler.
- "What were you doing in that alley?", asks the latter not even trying to hide his anger
- "This is not the time Tyler, let her rest. I'm going to call Alice, she'd like to hear from you, sweetie," Isaac tells me.
Tyler continues to watch me; I know my godfather won't be able to help me on this one. I will have to play the game so that they can leave as soon as possible. He passes me his phone.
- "Hello", I say
- "I was so worried about you", she says in tears.
It breaks my heart to hear her cry.
- "I'm fine, Godmother. Just a few scratches, nothing serious. The doctor says I can get out the day after tomorrow," I said.
- "What if something happened to you?" she asks
- "Don't worry, I'm fine".
- "I am preparing a room for you. You can rest and be safe here".
For nothing in the world, I will go back there. I'm not going to set foot there again, unless I don't want to come out.
- "No, I'm fine here," I hasten to say. "I live with people, I could rest, and I have to work too", I lie.
- "not another word sweetie, you're coming here. I asked Tyler to bring you back", she says flatly. "I'll see you in three days, get some rest. Put Isaac on the phone please," she finished.
Shit, what am I going to do, I need a good lie.
Isaac continues to talk to Alice. My eyes get heavy.
- "It's time to sleep Melissa, I put men in front of your door. Don't worry," my godfather tells me as soon as he finishes talking to his wife. "Good night!"
- "Good night", I answer him.
- "I'm staying here," Tyler says to his father.
The door closes behind him, I turn around on the other side, so I don't have to face the monster sitting in the room and fall asleep.
The next morning the nurse wakes me up early. I hate the hospital. Tyler has been here all night, but it doesn't affect him at all. I didn't take the time to check him out yesterday but now he is talking to a nurse who is flirting with him. He has taken off his biker jacket and with the t-shirt he is wearing, his muscles are visible to everyone. I notice a tattoo on his shoulder spilling out of the sleeve of his shirt. His brown hair is shortly cut and with his green eyes, he is just gorgeous, a raw beauty. He turns around and catches me looking at him, I quickly look away. My godfather comes a little later in the day. He discusses with Tyler far from me, probably about club stuff. The latter leaves afterwards to go take a shower. I thus remain alone with his father,
- "I cannot leave with you", I say to him
- "of course, you can, you were attacked. You can ask for days off from your job."
- "it's not that, I don't want to go with you after everything that happened" I beg. "Please don't let him force me to go."
- "Listen sweetie, it's for your safety, your well-being. Alice wants you to come with us and I think it's the best thing to do until we know the reason for this attack. We can protect you better there, you won't have anything to worry about."
- "He's going to kill me. You know that" I replied. "I'm safer here than with him.
- "I'm sorry Melissa, but I can't do what you're asking me to do," he says.
He gets up and leaves the room. I stay by myself for the rest of the day. After my dinner, Tyler comes back to my room, accompanied by two people I don't recognize. He shaved off the growing beard he had.
- "give me your address, butterfly" he says.
My heartbeat as I heard the name, he used to call me. I was his little butterfly.
- "What do you want my address for?" I ask a little anxiously.
- "To get the stuff you had there, you're going back to San Francisco," he said with a devilish smile, playing with my hair.
His father joins us in the room at this moment.
- "I'm staying here. I'm not going anywhere. You can't force me to do something I don't want to do," I say.
- "Are you sure about that, butterfly?" he asks
- "stop calling me that", I say angrily
- "your address, butterfly",
I don't answer him.
- What are you hiding Mel, why won't you give me your address?", he asks
- "leave us", he says.
The two men leave, fortunately for me his father stays in the room.
- "Who do you live with?", he asks
Shit! Why does he have to insist.
- "A friend", I lie
- "Time has not made you a good liar. Now fucking answer quickly".
He comes closer and pulls my hair until I look at him.
- "let me go, okay, my head hurts. I can buy clothes over there if you want" I tell him.
- "let her go, Tyler," his dad tells him.
He ignores her and keeps his attention on me.
- "Who do you live with?", he asks more threateningly
- "I have a headache, please stop", I beg with tears in my eyes
- "I have all day", he says. "You will answer me now. Who the fuck are you living with, Mel?"
A tear rolls down my cheek. Either way he'll find out, I decide to tell him because my neck is hurting so much.
- "I was living with my boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend. There was nothing between us anymore. I even had to go get my stuff back yesterday," I quickly recite that I don't know if he understood a word I said.