Reincarnated as a Doomed Extra

Chapter 3: Strangeness

The world of Nirvana, the game world, was a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and other magical creatures, as expected from any fantasy game.

In ancient times, it is said that humans were creatures who attained the highest and inhabited paradise. However, they committed a sin that brought them down to this mortal world.

During their fall, they carried a small sapling of something that existed in paradise and dragged it with them to this mortal world.

When the sapling was still small, people took care of it, hoping that it would grant them a small part, a glimmer of hope from the paradise they had once lost.

And the little sapling did not disappoint them.

After taking care of it with all love, the small tree began to sprout its vibrant green leaves and spread blessings to the creatures of the mortal world.

It started with only one of them, and spread to the rest of the people completely.

The little tree blessed that small group of humans with the ability to transcend one of the limits of their mortal world and touch one of the powers of the universe that was seeping into their world.

As a symbol of the little tree's blessing to them, their bodies and souls were reshaped. They lived longer and were favored by these cosmic forces over the rest of humanity for being the first bearers of them.

Physical changes appeared on them, distinguishing them from the rest of humanity as well. Besides longevity, they became more beautiful, and their ears were raised proudly.

After the rest of humanity saw what happened to those people, they begged the little tree to bless them too.

Although the first caretakers did not like the idea of the little tree blessing other people and favoring them over them, it was also the little tree's wish.

After all, it wanted to spread happiness among them.

Therefore, with all dedication, the little tree scattered its various blessings on the scattered people of humans.

After the little tree blessed a people with longevity, it blessed other people with a massive physique, making them its strongest protectors. And as time went on, it continued to bless other peoples until each of them was distinguished from the other.

Day after day, it gave intelligence, strength, speed, and agility to its loving guardians. Until there were no people left that the little tree had not blessed.

They took care of it with all sincerity and love, so the little tree loved them and extended a helping hand with all innocence.

With the passage of time and continuous care, the little tree grew while continuing to cast its blessings until humans, with all their new races, mutated into creatures that developed a place for a new organ inside their bodies.

This organ became something natural in their bodies. Even when they had children, they would carry the blessing of the little tree within them as an eternal reminder of the grace it had bestowed upon them.

This new organ was like a container. A container that held the cosmic powers that destiny had blessed them with the ability to touch before.

It was the greatest blessing the little tree had given them.

And that was the last time the little tree, which was later called Yggdrasil, extended its blessing to the world.


I let out a quiet sigh as I focused my senses above my stomach and below my lungs. I had opened the window again to feel nature touching me. I felt like that would provide some kind of help, so I did it.

I calmed my body and emptied my mind of any unnecessary thoughts. I had to be in a state of deep connection with the world. To become a part of it.

This process wasn't really easy or difficult. It just needed time. Even if you were bad at it, you would enter this state if you took enough time.

My clothes fluttered lightly and I felt the coolness of the air touching my skin gently. The silence was very suffocating in the room, or maybe I had become very sensitive to sounds at this moment because of the situation I was in.

In the memories, Selas always meditated, yet he never felt anything. Literally, nothing.

And that was very strange, to be honest. The ability to feel the natural mana spread everywhere was an innate ability!

Any living being capable of entering a state of deep meditation is supposed to feel the natural mana touching them.

They were given the right to do so.

Those mana particles were likened to very small lights of different colors depending on the type of affinity they carried. For example, light mana particles were shiny white, while fire mana particles were sparkly orange.

With these thoughts in my head, I continued trying to summon the feeling of sensing the mana around me, but I couldn't. No matter how long I waited, nothing happened.

Just utter darkness.

After continuing for a not-so-short period, I felt extreme panic at the possibility that I might be a disabled person. Unable to touch mana and contain mana inside him.

At this time, the former Selas would have stopped meditating and focused on contemplating the ceiling of his room instead of doing something useless. However, I continued to do it.

I waited and waited even after several hours had passed of me meditating. Even when I felt my bones begging for rest from sitting in the same place, I continued.

I couldn't help it, I felt injustice.

Why be reincarnated into another world if I'm going to be left to die like a weak lamb?

I had always been looked down upon in my previous life, and I didn't want that to be repeated by being one of the ordinary humans. The ones unable to touch mana.

"Huff… Huff."

My breath was ragged and drops of sweat fell on my face. In my current state, I was able to hear my heart pumping blood throughout my body due to the intensity of the focus, but still, it was only darkness.

No small lights of different colors appeared in the darkness that surrounded me.

And I didn't feel them touching me.

That only made me feel more desperate.

Just why?

Why can't I touch it, damn it?!

At this moment, all the despair I was feeling turned into a raging anger at the injustice I was currently facing.

There were people unable to contain mana inside them, yes, but people unable to touch it?

To what extent will this injustice go?!

In the end, I gave up…

Just for today.

I will try to feel it and touch it until the day I die. I swear!

Let's see who is more stubborn.

I rested my poor bones from the meditation position and stretched them on the bed. I looked at the open window and stood up wearily to close it, stopping the cold air from cooling the room more than it should.

"I think that's good enough."

Being from a highly developed world came with negatives I didn't expect. I was used to sleeping under the wonderful air conditioner all my life, so I felt like I was missing something now.

Who would have thought that I would miss something from that world, let alone a cooling device…

I stretched out on the bed and felt its soft fur absorbing my fatigue and sweat. I was kind of smelly, but I was too tired to shower now, so I put the warm quilt over me and closed my eyes to sleep.

…I just hope I can feel the damn lights touching me tomorrow.

With these thoughts and hopes, I slept.

Or that's what I thought had happened.

After my consciousness sank into darkness, I found myself surrounded by white fog.

The space itself was very pale white with a touch of dark gray here and there. The fog obscured the distant space I was in, leaving me with only limited visibility of my very small surroundings.

The place evoked a strange and twisted feeling of familiarity within me, making the hair on my arms stand up and my blood run cold.

"What is this place now…?" My voice echoed in the lifeless space.

Is this a dream?

It had to be, right?

I knew it was more than just a passing dream, but to calm myself, I forced myself to believe that it was just an ordinary dream that wouldn't be repeated.

While I stood in a circle not much enveloped by fog, the fog from all around me condensed and twisted as if it were a living being, increasing the intensity of my anxiety.

What was more frightening was the lack of an exit in case I wanted to escape. I was practically surrounded on all sides in a narrow circle, as if it were a circus and I was its clown.

No, wait. Why am I thinking of escaping when it's a dream?

I felt really stupid now. Nothing will happen to me in reality even if I get hurt here… right?

I took a step forward as silently as possible, trying not to alert anything that might be there.

The terrifying silence continued to prevail until something twitched on my right side, making me suppress my scream inside me and close my eyes.

Ba-dum Ba-dum

I felt pity for my heart, which was trying to get out of my rear end from the intensity of fear.

Fearfully, I opened one of my eyes to stare into the empty space without giving whoever was there the opportunity to push my heart out of my rear end.

Among the thick fog that covered the space and hid the unknown behind it, a very pale hand extended on the ground from among the fog, as if it were crawling towards me.

Ba-dum! Ba-dum!

The sight of the hand evoked a primal and deep feeling of fear within me. My internal struggle doubled when I was able to see more of them coming out from everywhere, crawling… towards me.

Very pale white bodies emerged from the fog, paler than my sickly skin. They looked more like bodies that had been dead for centuries. Their hollow and empty eyes swallowed the remnants of my composure.

I stood in my place, frozen with fear.

There was no escape.

Front, back, right, and left. They came from every direction and were everywhere around me.

One of them was holding one of my feet and trying to climb on my body, which rooted me in my place even more. Another was holding my hand and was already crawling on my waist, apparently wanting to reach my head.

The white fog continued to twist on itself and produce more crawling corpses.

And before I knew it, I sank under a sea of pale and terrifying corpses.

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