Revolution of Healer

Chapter 10: Chapter 9 - Light at last... or almost...

Uff... After walking for a while, I finally reached the water. To my surprise, it too was impure, as was the entire surrounding environment.

This time, however, I can't blame corrosion. As the soil here is naturally moist, the mud has probably given the water this brown color, making it unfit for consumption anyway.

Now, up close, I can see that the cave extends even further, both in depth and size. I seem to have gone down another level without realizing it. I can see where the water flows from and where, theoretically, it would flow to.

My goal is to find a way out, so going even further down doesn't seem like a good idea. Besides, I feel that the path ahead could be problematic, as I can't see the bottom.

I decide to head left, following the flow of the water, but my curiosity makes me hesitate. First, I need to check if this stream is deep. The name suggests not, but since I can't see the bottom, I'd rather not risk it.

I pick up a stone near my feet and throw it into the water.


...That didn't help at all. I really have no survival skills!

What was I supposed to conclude from that? If the stone didn't float, does that mean the water is deep? Does that make any sense? I don't know!

From the sound of it, and considering some deductions, I'd guess that it's not shallow. To confirm this, I do another test: I sit on the edge of the stream and dip my right foot into the water.

It's not shallow, but it doesn't seem deep enough for it to be safe to walk through.

As soon as I remove my foot, I cast a healing spell, slowly working it up my leg, making sure that nothing has been contaminated. For a brief moment, a black sludge seems to envelop my skin, but it quickly dries up and returns to its earthen form.

Damn... Everything in this cave seems to want to consume me.

But now I know that my healing magic can deal with the impurities in this water.

To be sure, I do another test, this time with my bare hands. I put them together in a shell shape and lift up some water. The instant I bring it close to my face, I use magic to purify it.


Once again, it works. The water returns to its natural state, clear and clean.


Fresh and cold, as if it had just come out of a fridge. At least now I know it's safe to drink. What's more, if something went wrong, I could heal myself on the spot.

However, I realize that my magic only purifies the water I touch directly. Trying to purify the entire stream would be a waste of time-just like it was with those ores earlier.

Now that I'm hydrated, I can continue. Not that I'm dying of thirst, since those herbs have satisfied my need for water, but at least now I'm sure of it.

A little further on, I realize that I'm going to have to climb a small slope, because that's where the flow of water intensifies.

It's not that steep a climb, but it will take a while to reach the top.

Even after moving forward, I still don't see any light.

When the slope finally becomes a straight line, I keep walking... until something glints ahead.

Or am I seeing things?

It's as if I'm looking at a landscape reflected in a mirror. The surrounding rocks glow an intense purple, and the vegetation seems even more eroded.

And then-


- Ouch!

What the...?

Did I just hit something?

I look around, confused. There's nothing in front of me. So... I just fell by myself?

I get up and move forward once more, this time with my hand outstretched.

This time I feel it.

A wall. Invisible.

...Wait. Invisible walls now?

That's not good. If there's an exit on the other side, I have no way of confirming it. Will I have to go back?

Pah! Pow!

The knocks have no effect.

Damn... I'll have to go all the way back.

- Hey! Human!

A deep, exaggeratedly thick voice echoes through the cave.

Human? Did someone speak to me?

For a brief moment, I heard a shrill voice. It was like being on a big stage in front of a deafening crowd. But instead of echoing throughout the cave, the sound resonated only inside my mind.

Hmph, you can't see me, can you? Looks like my anti-presence barrier is still useful! But can you really hear me? Answer me if I'm right.

Hear you? It's more like you're invading my mind with that voice... But perhaps it would be rude to answer like that, considering that he communicates telepathically.


Oh! Looks like I was wrong. This thing is waiting for an answer from me.

From the tone of voice, I'd say it's something big... and threatening. Ignoring it would be discourteous - and, considering my situation, perhaps even dangerous.

- Yeah... I'm listening to you, whatever it is.

The answer came out automatically. After all, I don't see anyone around me. Am I dealing with-

Oh? That language... I've never heard it before. Perhaps the language of humans has changed over time. If your race was at least interesting, I could have learned it before.

So Japanese isn't spoken here. Pfft, I should have assumed that. But somehow, I can understand him, and he understands what I'm saying. Perhaps this being can communicate telepathically in a universal language?

Have you lost your way? No... It would be foolish of you to go into an isolated cave like this. Humans have too strong an instinct for self-preservation to explore the unknown on their own... Unless you were brought here.

A good question. I'd love to know the answer, but the possibilities are endless. Being transported here can't be ruled out. However, if what he says about the humans in this place is true, it's unlikely that anyone would have bothered to bring me here.

- I'm sorry... I don't know how to respond to that.

Hmph. It doesn't matter to me. But it still amazes me that a human has come this far. Few would survive the miasma of my dark corrosion without succumbing first... Are you an exception or just very lucky?

Perhaps I am an exception. My healing magic has protected me so far. Without it, I might have died - or worse.

- Dark corrosion? Are you the one who caused all this chaos in the cave?

Chaos? Hmph. You're the one who can't recognize true nature in its purest form. Audacious of you to criticize my actions, human.

He's very cocky for someone who hides behind an invisible barrier.

- I'm sorry if I offended you, but... I have to ask. What are you?

Hmph. So you really can't see me? You haven't even crossed my barrier... That eliminates the hypothesis that you're strong.

- Well... thanks for the vote of confidence, I guess.

So be it. Maybe when you see my true form, you'll stop talking to me so casually.


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