Carcom was surprised because even though he had lived in the dragon clan for centuries, he was unaware of the existence of powerful warriors like the 5 dragon kings.
This lack of information almost led to his death. It was all part of the dragon ancestor's plan. These dragon kings had remained hidden with Arion and his daughter Lilith for eventualities like this.
He wanted to lure Carcom out and eliminate him with his exit, but he never expected Carcom to be strong enough to escape them. Defeating them was certainly impossible, but escaping was possible.
Despite managing to escape, Carcom suffered injuries and they were not light, but as long as he was alive it was a gain for him. Unfortunately, his plan had major problems.
Not only did he return empty-handed and almost die, but his absence made the leaders of Purgatory believe he was a traitor. Certainly, Carcom was not loyal to the organization, but having them as enemies was not appropriate, at least not for the moment.
Carcom was using Purgatory to obtain the remnants of the fallen god and the organization was doing the same with him. They were just allies, as they claim to have the same goals, but that is not true.
Purgatory wants to revive the fallen god, while Carcom wants to assimilate him, so they are both using each other. Even among the leaders of Purgatory, they were not very close, but at least they did not betray each other, as they understood that they needed each other's help.
The problem was that Carcom now knew that he was under suspicion and approaching the leaders of Purgatory was seeking death, especially being weak as he was after fighting one of the dragon kings.
He was now isolated, with many enemies and few allies, but he did not give it importance. He dedicated himself to healing his wounds and thinking about how he could improve his situation.
He could certainly report the fact that the dragons had the other remnants to the leaders of Purgatory to gain their favor, but he was not so deluded to believe that they would accept it without problems.
News of the traitorous dragon Carcom, and the organization known as Purgatory, a shadow looming from the depths of the world, had also revealed its intentions with a brutality none could ignore. Find adventures on My Virtual Library Empire
It was too cunning an enemy, too dangerous, and in its seeming invulnerability, the world had begun to shake. For the first time in ages, the most powerful and ancient demigods felt the same urgency: the need to unite.
The first spark of the organization was ignited by Kael of the Four Winds, a demigod whose name was known across all lands and seas. It was rumored that he could summon storms with a whisper and that his wings of wind allowed him to move between planes.
From his floating sanctuary in the Mist Horizon, he sent heralds, bearers of his voice, to every corner of the world. "Carcom has betrayed the Dragon's oath and Purgatory grows stronger in the shadows, and if we do not unite, we will fall one by one," the message read, resonating with power as subtle as it was relentless.
Many ignored the call at first. Pride was a common poison among demigods, but time soon revealed their error. Entire cities began to disappear. Impossible creatures emerged from the cracks of the world. The wisest understood that if they continued alone, there would be no future for gods, humans, or beasts.
The Second Responder was Lyria, the Guardian of the Dawn, a demigoddess of resplendent beauty and lethal strength. Her skin emanated a golden light, and her hair was a torrent of flame.
Lyria was not known for trusting anyone, but Purgatory's actions had offended even her insatiable pride. "If we do not act, it will be the mortals who pay for our indifference," he announced from the top of Mount Erid.
One by one, the names echoing from the bards' chants began to respond. Draneg the Boneweaver, the descendant of the Eternal Night, known for raising legions of undead, sent his messengers with offerings of alliance.
Asha the Crimson Tempest, whose throne of blood dominated the scorching desert of Mir-Al'Sar, summoned her generals to ready their forces. Even Theron the Shadowwalker, whose existence was as fleeting as a breath, emerged from his ethereal realm to respond.
Purgatory had interfered in their domains more than once, and this would not go unchallenged. For weeks, the demigods gathered in small groups, sending spies, allies, and champions across the continents to discover the true extent of the threat.
It was a clumsy, chaotic attempt. Those accustomed to being worshipped and acting alone now found themselves forced to share information and strategies, but the urgency was palpable.
The name of Carcom and Purgatory became a rallying cry of fear. Among the reports that came in, the worst was confirmed: Purgatory was no ordinary organization.
They were not simple men or corrupted creatures. Their leaders possessed forbidden artifacts and powers that defied the laws of existence. Kael spoke to the other demigods in a preliminary council.
"What we face is not a simple insurgency. It is a war against balance itself. Carcom has made a pact with forces that not even the gods dare to name."
Lyria nodded, her gaze firm and hard as the dawn before a battle, "Then we must act beyond our borders. If we are to save this world, we will not do so from our strongholds. We need an alliance!"
The proposal was met with more resistance than expected. Draneg and Theron, for example, could barely stand each other's presence. Distrust was a poison as dangerous as the common enemy. Yet the weight of the threat did not allow pride to destroy the negotiations.
Still, it was not enough. It was necessary to gather all the recognized demigods, the most powerful and experienced, in one place to formalize the alliance. But such a meeting, in a world of colossal egos and unbreakable wills, was easier to dream of than to organize.
"Gathering the world's greatest powers will take time," Kael admitted, his voice a whisper of wind among those present, before adding, "We cannot summon them as if they were simple warriors."
"It is true," Lyria added. "Each has domains to protect, lands to rule, but we must try. Otherwise, there will be no more domains and no more lands."
Several steps were decided upon. First, a neutral site would be established for the meeting: the ancient Fortress of Echoes, a place lost among mountains at the heart of the world, as remote as it is sacred.
"It is the only place where we can all meet without feeling invaded," Kael explained. "Its walls are protected with ancient runes that even Carcom cannot break."
Each powerful demigod would send an emissary to those who were missing, persuading them to come. Trusted champions would be chosen to oversee the process and ensure that no traitors or spies from Purgatory infiltrated.
But there was another matter as well: time. "Carcom will not wait for us to hold a council," Asha said in a voice like thunder. "If we take too long, we will find a world in flames when we meet."
"I know," Kael replied, adding, "But if we rush and come disorganized, we will fail as well." There was a tense silence. At last, Lyria stepped forward, her golden aura illuminating even the darkest shadows.
"Then we will act on two fronts. We will prepare the meeting, but our mortal forces and champions will begin to harass Purgatory wherever they can. We cannot give them any respite," she said.
There were slow nods. Each understood the gravity of their decisions. Theron, the Shadow Walker, finally spoke from the hall's shadows. "Then it is decided. The most powerful will gather at the Fortress of Echoes. And in the meantime… we will bring war to the gates of Purgatory," he agreed.
For the first time in ages, the most powerful demigods put aside their differences. It was a fragile, precarious, but necessary endeavor. The war had begun in the skies, on the seas, and on the lands. And in the shadows, Carcom and Purgatory watched, ready to respond to the challenge.
Time was their worst enemy, and the coming together of the ultimate powers would not be an event that could be accomplished overnight. But when they did, the world itself would hold its breath.