"I understand what the lady wants, but I have obligations at the moment," Crhono replied with conviction, which increased his value in Fluffy's eyes, as she thought the same.

A slight smile of tenderness appeared on his face and he said, "I like you," to which the dragon replied, "That is the greatest compliment I have received since my master left, thank you."

"Master, this old man is someone who can be trusted," Fluffy said without turning his gaze and disappeared shortly after. Andrew had many questions, but it was not the time, so he focused on the dragon.

"My partner has given her endorsement, I am no one to refute her. In respect to her judgment, I will accept your help, what do you need from me?" Andrew asked with a kind attitude, which made Crhono stand up, bow and say, "It is an honor."

"Ceremonies are not necessary. "Even though I am a god candidate, I was a mortal and I don't think I am that high, so treat me like a friend," Andrew said smiling, which made everyone tremble.

Their reaction was not only because of his words, but as he said them, a strange power seeped out and everyone could feel their divinities getting stronger. Andrew didn't know what had happened, but he could also feel the change.

Despite that, no one said anything and Crhono immediately changed the topic to discuss the visit of the demigods who had come with him. He explained that the demigods who had come were Kael, Lyria, Draneg, Asha, Theron and Samanuel with their two companions.

He explained to them what he believed these demigods wanted and that was ascension as gods. They were all-powerful, perhaps the most powerful in this world behind Crhono, but they had stagnated.

They had no way to break the barrier and become gods, so they surely wanted to get closer, so that Andrew could help them. He also explained the fact that Samanuel and the angels wanted a fertility womb.

While he told them this, he also warned them that those were the words of the angels and he did not rule out that they had ulterior motives. They talked for several hours about how they should act in front of them and what demands to accept.

They still did not know if there were any traitors among them and even if there were not, they could not get too close, at least not for the moment. In the end, they decided that the demigods would come to visit Andrew the next day.

After a few more words, Crhono left and then Andrew began to ask Fluffy all the questions he had in mind. From her appearance to her materialization.

Andrew asked everything and Fluffy did not hide anything from him. It turns out that, with the release of the fourth divine seal, Fluffy acquired the ability to project her form into the real world, but it was different than when she possessed Andrew's body.

This materialization was like an astral projection, so she really had no form and, in fact, could not interact with the world. She was like a realistic hologram, with form, but without essence.

In that form, she could manifest and speak directly, but she has no power, so there is no price to pay either. As for appearance, she explained that just like Andrew has seals, she had them too.

As Andrew got closer to divinity, so would she, and that was why her form had returned and she could take the form they had seen. Fluffy is a divine beast, so the form they saw was not her true form.

Like dragons, she had taken a humanoid form, to make things easier, as her appearance is that of a large nine-tailed fox, just as dragons are a lizard hundreds of meters long, full of scales, claws, and wings.

Since Andrew did not want to have to explain all this after hearing it, Fluffy had manifested herself again and spoke for everyone to hear and they still could not stop being surprised.

When all the doubts were resolved, Helena unexpectedly asked a question, "Should we really call you Fluffy?" to which Candice nodded, "That's true, it's not suitable." Fluffy laughed gently and tenderly, replying, "Well, when I met Master, I was a little cotton ball, so I'm not surprised that he gave me a name like that."

Everyone looked at Andrew in surprise, and he could only nod and say, "That's true, but as Candice said, it's really not suitable now." Fluffy smiled and said, "Well, I have my real name, but I can't reveal it for the time being, so Fluffy is fine."

Her words surprised Andrew. He didn't know that Fluffy had a name and wanted to ask, but Fluffy stopped him by saying, "You'll eventually know, but it's not suitable for now."

Hearing her refusal, Andrew didn't press the issue. He knew Fluffy and if she didn't tell him, there must be a reason, so he remained calm. When everything seemed to be over, Carolina suddenly asked, "Are you joining the harem?"

A deathly silence spread throughout the office. Even Andrew was nervous at this question and looked at Carolina in shock as if to say, "What the hell are you asking?"

Unexpectedly, Fluffy laughed out loud. Despite her hysterical laughter, she actually looked like a heavenly fairy who looked cute no matter what she did, which created a strange contrast.

After laughing for a while, Fluffy wiped the tears from her eyes that had appeared after laughing so much and looking at Andrew she smiled mischievously and replied, "I won't join". Somehow Andrew felt a pang in his heart, but seconds later Fluffy spoke again, "From the moment I came into this world, I am one of your women."

The statement surprised everyone. Andrew in particular was stupefied, but at the same time he felt joy. He couldn't explain the reason for the thought, but he desired Fluffy unconsciously.

This wasn't due to the girl's beauty or anything so superficial. Fluffy had been his companion for years. She shared his thoughts and soul, so it was obvious that they were close, in fact, they are the closest.

Now, for an Eros god, there is nothing closer than a wife, so it was obvious that Fluffy would be one of them, despite being his divine beast. This is not something surprising or abnormal.

To be more exact, this is how divine beasts were born. Divine beasts are nothing more than the creature born from a god or spirit and a beast.

It seems strange that a god or spirit would have offspring with a beast, but it must be understood that when a beast increases its power, taking human form is not impossible, in fact, it is a necessity.

Dragons are a good explanation. Many will believe that now knowing this, the beastmen were the same, but there the situation is different. The beastmen were actually the offspring of the divine beasts, not the gods and spirits like the other races.

Now you may wonder, don't all divine beasts marry their masters? The answer is no. The gods of Eros and love are different. Due to their domains, they always receive divine beasts of different genders or according to their preferences. Continue reading on My Virtual Library Empire

In this way, these types of gods always pair up with their divine beasts, but the other gods are not the same. Some are of the same sex and are not necessarily their preferences, so they look for a partner.

Divine beasts, just like gods, seek to procreate and it is in this way that more divine beasts appear. Now the case of beastmen is different from this situation.

They are the result of divine beasts having offspring with mortal races or with other beasts of this world. Although history class was not important, it is good to know, so Fluffy explained to them.

However, that was not what interested the girls. They now knew that they had a new sister and quickly grabbed her and dragged her out of the office, surprising everyone and before anyone could complain, Helena said, "Women's talk, do not interrupt," and left.

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