Rise of the Dragon Hidden in Snow

Chapter 11: The Aftermath II



Days had passed since the battle. The spider was laughing joyously at the news of Tywins demise. It's all going well he thought. ''Aegons path to the throne is all but set'' he said to himself, that was until he opened the second raven which details how the battle went and had new information on Jon Snow. ''A DRAGON'' he said out loud. He could not believe it.

'Jon Snow is claiming to be the Son of Rhaegar and Lyanna and is pushing his claim' Varis spoke to himself he could not believe what he was reading. How could he have missed it, he thought.

'Many years I have been planning Aegon's ascension and now a strong challenger with a strong army, 3 kingdoms and A dragon shows up' he said while laughing.

 Those conniving wolves, I underestimated them, they've been hiding a Targaryen all this time, did Snow plot with citadel, he thought. The timing of the Citadels announcement and Snow's proclamation was to sudden much to be mere coincidence he thought.

He would quickly deliver the news and make a play to turn the Roses to Aegons cause, he did not fancy his chances though. The Reach army was moving slow almost as if they were waiting for the result of Tywin battle. The spider had called an Emergency small council meeting. He was not the only one with news to share though. Pycelle had also read a raven from Snow himself. This time Tyrion who had remained in the back round after his trial was present.

'My birds have finally arrived, I have a report on the result of the battle' Varis

'Out with-it Spider' Olenna said

 'Varis when is my father returning? you obviously called us here to tell us of his victory' Cersie said. So sure, she was that her father could not lose to a bastard.

'Your father's forces were completely destroyed, the Northmen won convincingly' Varis said to shocks of disbelief, Tyrion was smiling he had wanted his father dead after his trial.

'It can't be, you can't be serious Varis, Father had more men' Cersie said shock and terror written all over her face.

'I am serious, my birds report that Jon Snow bought sell swords to boost his army, and the Vale rode out to support him. My birds also say Jon Snow has giants, mammoths and a Dragon fighting in his army' Varis finished, he saw no point in hiding news of a dragon, people would find it hard to believe anyway. All he wanted was a Targaryen revival after all.

'A dragon and Giants, you can't be serious Varis' Margaery said

'Varis You can't expect us to believe that' Cersie said

'Ow I am dead serious my birds all report of giants and a huge white dragon ridden by Jon Snow. A trusted source I sent a while ago to verify the Outcome of your fathers battle came back with the same story'

'My spies have reported the same thing' Olenna spoke up

'About Giants and A dragon' Mace asked

'Yes but I did not want to believe it, But Varis has Just confirmed it' Olenna said

'How many' Tyrion asked

'200 giants, I'm not sure how many mammoths' Varis

'Surely they lost some during the battle' Tyrion asked

'Perhaps but we do not know' Varis Replied

'How can he have a dragon, I thought Daenerys Targaryen was the one with Dragons' Tyrion asked

'This is a different dragon my lord and I don't know where he got it' Varis Replied

'How can Snow mount a Dragon in the first place, I thought only Targaryens and those born of their blood could mount dragons' Olenna Asked

'We have received a raven with the Targaryen sigel from Snow' Pycelle spoke up shocking Varis, has Snow sent ravens proclaiming himself already, he thought.

'Jon Snow is Claiming to be Daeron of House Targaryen, Son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark' Pycelle said ''And has proclaimed himself rightful King of Westeros'' He finished

'It can't be' Cersie spoke disbelief written all over her face.

'The Bastard wants the throne' Mace said 'Was this his plan all along' He asked

'He has to be Lying' Cersie said

'Jon Snow or Daeron Targaryen has a dragon, that alone proves him Targaryen' Olenna said

'It makes sense' Tyrion said

'It does? Margaery asked

' After the war Ned Stark came back from Dorne with his sister's body and a baby' Tyrion finished

The revelation dawned on all of them ''You are right, it makes perfect sense and he has a dragon'' Olenna said once more.

'Where is Jon Snow Now Army now? Olenna asked

'With the Westerlands left without an army to defend it, my birds report 10 000 man and 20 giants moving West'.

'So, he is attacking the Rock' Tyrion said

'What about the rest of the Northman' Olenna asked

'They are marching to the Capital' he said. Olenna was now pale, this was bad , this was very bad she had to send a raven to her grandson.

'I will send a Raven to Garlan telling him to bring the Army back to kingslanding' Olenna said

'Yes mother that a good idea' Mace said, no one opposed the army coming back'

'All we can do now is prepare the Capital for an attack and hope the Reach army gets here before the Northmen do' Tyrion said

The meeting ended and the spider followed Olenna to her chambers

'What do you want Varis, why are you following me' Olenna asked

'To discuss the future my lady, to discuss Aegon Targaryen' Varis replied They entered so that no one could hear their conversation.

'What about the pretender Varis'

'He is no pretender my lady' Varis responded. Olenna looked at him disbelieving

''What do you mean Varis''

The Spider told her the story of how he switched Elia's children and helped them escape the capital.

'You can't be serious Varis, Even the girl survived' Olenna asked

'Yes, my lady that is why Dorne raised their banner's'

'You want the Reach to put this Aegon on the throne' Olenna asked

'Uniting with him is the best path forward my lady. A fight in the Stormlands will greatly deplete your forces. Do you think the reach can defeat the North alone'

Olenna paled; the tourney knights of the reach would stand no chance against Snows forces she thought. The Bastard just destroyed Tywin fucking Lannister of all people.

'What about Snows dragon Varis, will Snow even acknowledge this Aegon whose very existence is doubted by many, will he set his claim aside' Olenna asked

'Aegon is Rhaegars 1st Born son, Snow/Daeron will was raised by the Starks he will not fight his brother for the throne, he will do the honourable thing just as Neds Stark would have' Varis said

'Will he though, you can not speak for someone you do not know Varis and Aegon and Snow have never met I highly doubt Snow will bow to anyone. Snow has proclaimed himself the Rightful king after crushing the Lion' Olenna said

'Yes but' Varis was starting to speak but Olenna interrupted 

'Aegon Targaryen is Known to be dead, with no sure way of proving his legitimacy and Snow has a dragon, 3 of the 7 kingdoms, he will soon have the Westerlands and the maester's made him more legitimate by the announcement they made of Rhaegars Marriage to Lyanna'

'I will not risk my family against this Dragon, He is clearly dangerous, and he clearly wants the throne. He swiped Tywin Lannister like a fly and is marching to the Capital, I don't think he comes in peace' Olenna said and Varis had no words to counter what she said

She's right, he thought.

'House Tyrel will remain neutral for now, our army will hopefully arrive here before the Northmen do which will give us power to Negotiate' Olenna said

They concluded their meeting and the spider went to prepare his own Ravens that he would be sending to StormsEnd.

Days later Stormlands


The Reach army of 70 000 had reached Bronzegate the closest castle to StormsEnd when Garlan received a raven from his grandmother. He could not believe it; the Old Lion was dead, and the Whitewolf is a Dragon. This is madness he thought. he called his lords for a meeting.

'I have received news from the Capital' he began.

'What is it' Randel Tarly asked.

'Tywin Lannister is dead; his army was soundly defeated' he replied the tent was silent no one responded they could not believe it.

'Soundly, what do you mean Tywin had 70 000 men' Lord Hightower asked in disbelief.

'The raven from my grandmother says that Jon Snow had greater numbers with Giant and a Dragon' Garlan replied. The lords could not believe what was just said.

'Giants, A dragon, it can't be' Hightower said

'You can't expect us to believe that' Randel said

'Well, that is what is written on this scroll' Garlan said 'The scroll also says Jon Snow has proclaimed himself as Daeron Targaryen son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna of house stark.

There were murmurs of disbelief, the smart Lords put two and two together.

'If he truly has a dragon, than what he says must be true' Dickon Tarly spoke up

'The Northmen are Marching for the Capital; our orders are to get there before they do' Garlan said and most of the lords nodded in agreement.

'What about this so called Aegon and Dorne' Randel asked

'The North is the main threat right now, we march for kingslanding at first lIght' Garlan said

Morning came and they Began the March to kinglanding.


The news of the white wolf had also reached the one-eyed kraken moons ago. He knew that the wolf would draw the Lion and the roses out meaning kingslanding would be left without an army to defend it.

The One-eyed Kraken had originally planned on attacking old Town but sailed around the continent for kinglanding. He would take the city he thought. Like a true Iron born he would raid, rape pillage and plunder.

''Let Euron, your servant be born again from the sea as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel. Listen to the waves, listen to the god. He is speaking with us and he says "we shall have no king but Euron Greyjoy'' he Still remembers those words, he would be king he thought.

His fleet was now days away from sailing into black water bay, his last spies had told him of an impending battle between the Lion and the wolf in the Riverlands and of the Reach Army marching to the Stormlands. My timing is perfect he thought. He had not yet received news of the outcome.

''I will take the city then await Daenerys Targaryen and steal her dragons using dragon binder'' he said to his tongueless crew.

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