Rizz Leveling: A Solo Leveling Fic

Chapter 48: Chapter 48:- Nightmares

The girls gathered in Esther's room, their faces flushed with embarrassment as they sorted through the clothes she had given them.

Karen held up a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt, muttering under her breath, "Of all the stupid ideas we've had, this one takes the cake."

Linda groaned, tugging at her soaked pants. "I can't believe this. Not only did we try to use a horror movie as an excuse to get close to him, but we ended up wetting our pants like scared little kids.

What do you think he's going to think of us now? We're in our mid-thirties, for crying out loud!"

Susan sighed heavily as she peeled off her wet jeans, holding them up with a grimace. "Look at this. Absolutely drenched. This is beyond humiliating. What were we even thinking?"

Sarah sat on the edge of the bed, clutching a dry shirt Esther had handed her. "We weren't thinking, obviously.

We just wanted to impress him, and instead, we ended up making total fools of ourselves. He must think we're pathetic."

Diane, who was struggling to remove her soaked leggings, let out a frustrated huff. "I can't believe I even agreed to this. He probably thinks we're some childish idiots now.

And these—ugh, these panties! Completely soaked!" Her face turned redder as she tossed the damp clothes into a pile, avoiding everyone's gaze.

Karen sighed, slipping into the dry clothes Esther had given her. "The worst part is, I don't even know how we're going to face him tomorrow. I mean, how do you recover from something like this?"

Linda nodded as she changed into the oversized hoodie and pants. "Exactly. He was probably trying not to laugh at us the whole time. We really screwed this up."

Sarah covered her face with her hands, her voice muffled. "I keep replaying the scene in my head. The look on his face when he realized we'd all wet ourselves… I just want to crawl into a hole and disappear."

Susan, now dressed in a simple T-shirt and pajama bottoms, shook her head. "Let's just hope he doesn't bring it up again. I don't think I can handle it if he teases us about this."

As they finished changing, another wave of embarrassment hit them when they glanced at the heap of soaked clothes in the corner of the room.

The evidence of their ordeal was right there, glaring at them like a bad joke they couldn't escape.

Karen finally broke the silence. "Next time, we're sticking to rom-coms. I don't care what anyone says."

The others nodded in agreement, their faces still red as they shuffled out of the room. The air was heavy with shame, but there was also a quiet, unspoken relief that they could at least face the night in dry clothes—if not with their dignity fully intact.

As the girls changed into their fresh clothes, they decided to tackle the mess left behind in the living room.

With towels, mops, and determination, they cleaned up the spillage, gathered the snacks that had been scattered in their panic, and aired out the room.

It was awkward, especially with the pile of wet clothes serving as a constant reminder of their humiliation.

I watched them silently for a moment before smirking. "You can sleep in Esther's room tonight. Esther and I will sleep in my room"

Karen looked relieved. "That's fine, thanks."

But I wasn't done. "Just try not to wet the bedding this time, okay?"

Their heads whipped toward me, eyes wide with embarrassment. Linda's face turned crimson. "We… we won't!" she stammered.

Susan groaned, covering her face. "Of course, he'd tease us. We brought this on ourselves."

Sarah muttered, "I knew he wouldn't let it slide."

Esther, however, just chuckled softly. "Alright, everyone, let's call it a night. It's been an eventful evening."


The girls tossed and turned in Esther's room, struggling to find peace after the movie. The silence felt oppressive, as if the horrors from the screen had seeped into the air around them. One by one, they began to drift off, but the nightmares soon followed.

Karen shot up in bed first, gasping for air, her heart pounding. She grabbed at her chest, trembling.

Her nightmare had been vivid. In it, she was running through a dark forest, chased by a shadowy figure whose face kept changing between a demonic grin and her own reflection.

Every time she looked back, the figure was closer, whispering in a distorted version of her own voice, "You can't escape."

The vivid image of the shadowy figure chasing her in the forest wouldn't leave her mind.

She could still hear the distorted voice whispering, "You can't escape." Her breathing was ragged as she looked around the room, clutching her knees.

A few minutes later, Linda jolted awake, her hands trembling. She had dreamed of being trapped in a small room filled with dolls. Their heads turned toward her in unison, their lifeless eyes blinking as they began to crawl toward her, whispering her name.

She couldn't move, couldn't scream, and just as the first doll touched her, she jolted awake.

She wiped her damp forehead, trying to shake the terrifying image of the dolls crawling toward her. She whispered to herself, "It was just a dream… just a dream," but she couldn't calm the panic building inside her.

Sarah stirred next, her body shaking violently as she woke. She had been sitting alone in a theater, the screen flickering with scenes of her own death played repeatedly.

A shadowed audience laughed at her, their voices echoing in her ears, "You shouldn't have come."

She held her head in her hands, the sound of laughter from her nightmare still echoing in her ears. "I saw myself… dying… over and over," she mumbled, her voice cracking.

She looked at the others, noticing Karen and Linda were already awake.

"Did… did you have a nightmare too?" Karen asked, her voice shaky as she stared at Sarah.

Linda nodded, her lips trembling. "It was horrible. I was trapped… and the dolls…" She couldn't finish her sentence.

"Mine was bad too," Sarah whispered. "I couldn't stop watching myself die."

Before they could say more, Susan suddenly gasped awake, tears streaming down her face. She had been surrounded by twisted, grotesque faces, all screaming at her in unison.

No matter how hard she tried to cover her ears, the voices grew louder, and her body wouldn't move to escape.

Her eyes darted around the room, as if expecting the twisted faces from her dream to jump out at her. "They… they wouldn't stop screaming at me," she choked out.

Diane was the last to wake, clutching her chest and struggling to breathe. Her dream was a silent nightmare, where she found herself trapped in an endless, dark corridor.

Each door she opened revealed a scene of her worst fears: her loved ones dying, herself aging rapidly, and her reflection morphing into a monstrous version of herself. She woke up clutching her chest, unable to breathe.

She felt trapped, as if she were still in the endless corridor. The memories of her reflection turning monstrous were fresh in her mind.

She sat up, shaking her head. "I… I can't do this. That movie… I feel like it's still haunting us."

They all exchanged scared looks, the room now filled with soft gasps and murmurs of fear.

"Did you all have nightmares?" Karen asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Linda nodded. "Yeah… I haven't had anything like that since I was a kid."

"Same," Susan said, wiping her face. "This is worse than anything I've ever felt. I can't stop thinking about it."

Diane shuddered. "I can't go back to sleep… what if it happens again?"

Suddenly, a loud cracking sound echoed outside, like a lightning strike. The girls all jumped, clutching each other instinctively.

"What was that?" Sarah whispered, her voice trembling.

"Lightning?" Linda guessed, though her tone betrayed her uncertainty.

Before anyone could respond, a series of eerie howls broke through the night, making their blood run cold.

It sounded like a pack of animals, their cries overlapping in a haunting melody that sent chills down their spines.

"Nope, nope, nope," Susan muttered, her voice panicked as she clutched her knees. "This is way too much."

As if the situation couldn't get worse, the lights in the room suddenly flickered before plunging them into complete darkness.

The girls screamed, their voices overlapping in a chaotic blend of fear.

"Why now?!" Diane cried, gripping Sarah's arm tightly.

"Someone do something!" Karen whimpered, her voice muffled as she hid her face in her hands.

A few agonizing seconds passed before the lights flickered back on, dimmer than before. The girls stared at each other, their faces pale and drenched with sweat.

"That's it," Linda said, her voice resolute. "I'm not staying here. We need to go to him. Now."

The others nodded quickly, too scared to argue. They huddled together as they left the room, their eyes darting around nervously, every shadow seeming to hold a new threat.


Unable to endure the terror alone, they stumbled one by one into my room, their faces pale and drenched with sweat.

Karen and Linda immediately took my arms, clutching them as if I were their lifeline.

Susan and Sarah didn't hesitate to grab my legs, curling close as they whispered shaky apologies.

Diane found a spot at my side, while Esther, still protective, was latched onto my chest, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"What's going on?" I asked groggily, looking down at the pile of scared women.

"We… we couldn't sleep," Karen admitted, her voice quivering.

"And you're the only one who can make us feel safe right now," Linda added, her tone almost pleading.

Esther sighed, her eyes groggily waking up as she stroked my shoulder gently. "Don't be too hard on them. They've been through enough tonight." she said as she went back to sleep.

I sighed but didn't push them away. "Fine, but no more horror movies, ever."

The girls eventually calmed down in my presence, their trembling easing as they nestled closer to me. One by one, their breathing steadied, and the tension in the room melted away.

Despite the chaotic night, they finally found enough comfort to drift off to sleep, clinging to the feeling of safety I provided.

Morning came quietly, the soft light filtering through the curtains. The girls began to stir, blinking groggily as they realized where they were.

I couldn't help myself and teased them as they woke up, a smirk tugging at my lips. "Good morning, ladies. Sleep well? No nightmares… or accidents this time right?"

Their faces turned bright red as they remembered the events of the night. Karen looked down, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. "Yeah, about that…"

"We… uh… might've overreacted a bit, We… realise….we should not watch horror movies anymore." Linda muttered, unable to meet my gaze.

"Overreacted?" Susan huffed, crossing her arms. "We wet our pants in front of him and ended up clinging to him like scared kids. How are we supposed to live this down?"

Sarah buried her face in her hands. "I don't even want to think about what you must be thinking of us. We're in our mid-thirties, for crying out loud."

Diane sighed deeply. "This was… definitely not our proudest moment."

As the girls awkwardly exchanged glances, the sound of Esther stirring pulled their attention. She woke up without the slightest trace of embarrassment, completely ignoring the awkward energy in the room.

Stretching lazily, she turned to me with a soft smile and kissed me on the cheek. "Good morning, darling," she said warmly, as if everything was completely normal.

The girls stared at her, stunned by how effortlessly she dismissed the night's events. Meanwhile, I chuckled, shaking my head at the contrast. "Well, at least someone's starting the day right," I said.

Esther shot the girls a quick look, raising an eyebrow. "What? I'm not wasting energy on feeling embarrassed. I've already embarrassed myself enough.

Plus I don't want to hide my true self from him, especially my vulnerable side. Maybe you all should take notes," she said casually before snuggling closer to me.

The girls groaned, their shame deepening as they realized Esther had the right idea.

Karen was the first to break the silence. "Wait a minute… Esther, how are you so… calm? You don't look like you had any nightmares at all, even after watching that godforsaken movie!"

Linda nodded quickly. "Yeah, you were perfectly fine last night too! What's your secret?"

Sarah leaned in, curious. "Come on, spill. Did you not get scared? Not even a little? Were you just acting of being scared last night?"

Esther smirked, looking completely at ease. "Well, if you must know, I had him sleeping by my side." She gestured toward me with a small grin. "With him here, what's there for me to fear? I just knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me."

Susan frowned, still not satisfied. "That doesn't explain everything. Even with him here, the rest of us couldn't shake off the fear."

Esther sighed, as if explaining the obvious. "It's not just that. He knows me so well, even unconsciously. Somehow, he instinctively knows how to keep me calm. If I started to get scared or restless, he would just hold me tighter, and it was like all the fear melted away.

I didn't even get the chance to have a nightmare, infact it was actually completely opposite, in the dream I was having a romantic dinner with him."

Diane stared at her, disbelief written all over her face. "So, what you're saying is… you basically had a cheat code while the rest of us were out here suffering?"

Esther shrugged, her smirk widening. "Pretty much."

The girls groaned again, this time more out of frustration than shame. Karen threw up her hands. "Great. Just great. We had the worst night ever, and you had the nerve to have a peaceful, nightmare-free romantic dinner in your sleep?!"

"Yup," Esther replied smugly, cuddling closer to me. "And I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

I couldn't help but laugh at their reactions. "Well, maybe next time you all should think things through before dragging yourselves into a situation like this. Or better yet,"

I added with a teasing grin, "Figure out how to borrow my 'cheat code' without wetting your pants. If you want to wet your pants, I would love to be the reason for it rather than some horror movie."

The girls groaned once more, burying their faces in their hands. Their shame and frustration were evident, but now it was mixed with an undeniable blush creeping up their faces.

Karen peeked through her fingers, her cheeks redder than ever as she realized the meaning behind my words.

Linda tried to hide her face completely, mumbling, "He didn't just say that…"

Sarah's eyes widened before she quickly looked away, her face practically glowing. "Oh my God…" she muttered under her breath.

Susan coughed awkwardly, trying to act unbothered, but the crimson spreading across her cheeks betrayed her.

Diane gave me a weak glare, but even she couldn't hide the way her ears turned red. "You… you're unbelievable," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Their embarrassment only deepened as they avoided meeting my gaze, fidgeting with their hands and struggling to respond. I couldn't help but chuckle at their reactions, thoroughly amused by the chaos I had caused.

[Author's Note:

Thank you all so much for your amazing support—it means the world to me!

A Special Shoutout to My Patreon:

🌟 CrowThingz

🌟 Rahul

🌟 Jacob Weiss

🌟 Mattiu_X

— thank you for your continued support!

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