Roar of the Anjanath

Chapter 30: Bird brigade

 The days flew by as Evans took to his new role. From keeping the eggs warm and comforted, to protecting them from the fierce weather of the new world, a month of guard duty passed by before Evens knew it. One sunny day, Evans was lounging in his nest, brooding the eggs as usual. 'This has got to be the best day yet for the sun to come out.' His comfort is short lived however as the underbrush nearby begins to rustle.

 Normally this wouldn't be a concern as Evans could just shoot of lightning in the direction to scare them off or, in a best case scenario, turn them into his next meal for later. However, Evans noticed how multiple areas of the underbrush are rustling. 'More than one monster huh? must be the jagaruses again. When will these things learn!?' The figures jump out of their hiding spots into the clearing. To Evans' shock however, instead of the skinny reptilian hunters he was expecting, three kulu-ya-Ku's emerge in his view.

 The first two aren't anything special, besides maybe being a bit larger. What really caught his attention however was the one in the middle. It was covered in a mixture of leaves and hardened honey, the smell a nauseating mixture. The worst part however was that it was BIG. The bush cosplayer stood at about 30 meters, dwarfing the two assumed lackeys behind it. In its hands was a crystal Evans was all to familiar with. 'Wasn't this from the crossover monster hunter had!? Why is it even here!? no, no time for that, they're approaching!' Seeing the trio step closer, Evans stands to his full height. Thankfully the eggs are covered so the bird wyverns don't see the eggs.

 The dorsal fins flare out as Evans growls at them, a warning that shouldn't be taken for granted. The two lackies take a step back, primal fear welling up seeing the large creature that towers over their boss. The Foliage Ku Squawks at them, not wishing to deal with cowards. Although the Foliage Ku was also intimidated it didn't back down for not only was it hungry, but it also had a personal grudge for what Evans had done to it.

 'So that's how its gonna be huh? Fine.' Seeing that his scare tactic didn't work, Evans no longer waited. His tail lashes out from behind him, seeking to be the first aggressor. The lackies separate in opposite directions as the Foliage Ku remains in its position. It holds up the crystal in its hands, using it a s a makeshift shield.


 Evans tail rebounds from the crystal, its durability no joke. The goons take advantage of the reeling Evans and slam their sharpened beaks into his legs, piercing through the skin and drawing a bit of blood. Both bird wyverns scramble up Evans side as the boss leaps to the skies, intent on slamming the crystal into Evans' Head. Facing the three pronged attack, Evans first rolls out of the way, crushing one of the goons while the other holds on for dear life. The Foliage Ku crashes to the ground where Evans once was, the earth fracturing under its might.

 The goon makes its way to Evans head, dodging the debris its boss sent flying, Reaching its destination, the bird wyvern begins to furiously peck at Evans. Blinded by the feathers and agitated by the pecking, Evans tries to shake the invading bird off his head. Unfortunately, The Kulu lacky has its claws deeply rooted to Evans' Head. The Foliage Ku, seeing its chance, rushes the now blinded anjanath variant. The lacky leaps of Evans as the two large monsters go crashing to the side. 

 As it lands, its eye catches the sight of something round and oval shaped. Meanwhile, the large monsters are brawling it out, with Evans holding the advantage. Ramming his head against the bird wyvern, Evans shoves the Foliage Ku back. The Foliage Ku suddenly turns its attention to the crystal in its hand. The blue rock shines brightly, and the big bird begins to grow bigger. Its talons and claws grow in length, with the more leathery portion of the wyvern turning a darker hue. Now Evans finds himself face to face with a creature that had reached his size. 'Just how strong is this damn crystal!?' 

 The Foliage Ku attempts to ram the crystal into Evans side. Evans however twists at the last second, leaving only a superficial wound. Being in close proximity, Evans clamps his jaws onto the throat of the large bird wyvern. HE then slams the creature into the ground several times over, leaves, falling off its barely covered body. Evans lifts the Foliage Ku up once more into the air, his eye focused on the bird. It struggles in Evans iron like grasp, clawing and kicking, doing all it can to escape. Then...


 With a quick pop, the bird wyvern goes limp, its neck crushed into powder. Evans drops the large corpse and rushes to his nest. Straw is thrown about as the eggs are exposed to the surroundings. Anger fills Evans as he realizes that of the 5 eggs, one was missing. The ancient forest shakes as a primal roar filled with primal rage and one promising pain echoes out. The offending egg thief, carrying its prize shudders. Looking quickly back, the Kulu lackey then picks up its pace, not wishing to meet an untimely end.

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