Saga of Astral Mysteries (LOTMxASOIAF)

Chapter 60: Gladiator Roleplay (1)

Volantis, as one of the biggest cities in the entire Valyrian Freehold, had an enormous area in the middle of the Old Volantis that served as entertainment for the population of the Valyrian Nobles and the rich that were in significant numbers within the Volant. 

The Gladiatorial Slaves were brought here over the entire Valyrian Freehold, and only the best of the best were able to fight in the Volantene Grand Arena. Of course, not only the Gladiatorial Slaves were fighting in the Grand Arena, but also Professional Gladiators, Monsters, and Extraordinary Creatures.

The interesting thing in the Gladiatoral Matches of the Valyrian Freehold was that anyone who signed up could participate, and they could participate in the several categories in which they could fight.

1st one was for the Non-Beyonders. In the category, basically, ordinary people were fighting against each other; all Beyonders were forbidden to enter this bracket, regardless of their hypothetical Beyonder Sequence or not, or anything else related to the Beoynder Abilities they may or may not possess.

2nd one was for the Beyonders but not using their Beyonder Abilities. This bracket was reserved for the Beyonders who wished to fight in the Arena but didn't wish to use their abilities during the fight, or they couldn't use their abilities during the fight.

Another reason why there was a special bracket for people like these was due to the fact that many of the Beoynders got passive abilities that elevated their physiques and other aspects and dimensions of their bodies to entirely new levels.

Due to that, it wouldn't be fair to place them at the same level as the average non-Beyonder Gladiators or to put them in the same bracket as the Beyodners allowed to use all of their capabilities. Thus, they were given this.

3rd one was for the Beyonders using their Beyonder Abilities. The last kind of matches were the ones where Beyyonders were fighting using their Beyonder Abilities, and these kinds of fights were the most destructive and also the most watched because they were rather rare.

Especially when it came to the Mid-Sequence Beyonders, who rarely fought against each other in the Gladiatorial Arena. And even rarer were the fights between two High-Sequence Beyodners; those happened only once or twice per century because, for the most, it was way beneath them.

Those, though, happened only in the capital city of the Valyrian Freehold, in the city of Valyria, and it was always an occasion that drew people from all over the world. The entire Faerûn would arrive to observe such a fight between two High-Sequence Beyonders.

Valkrorion was right now heading toward the Grand Arena that was located in the heart of the Old Volantis was the second largest building in the center of the city, right after the City Lord's Castle that was located on the small artificially created mountain for better defendable options in the case of attack.


The Grand Arena of the Volantis was spectacular and showcased the pinnacle advances of the Valyrian Freehold in the aspects of engineering and blacksmithing.

It was a sprawling complex carved into the heart of a colossal artificially-created volcanic crater, with it's obsidian-black walls towering high, lined with iridescent crystal veins that glow a fierce crimson as if alive.

In the center, the arena floor shifts and changes, a mystical blend of sand, stone, and grass patches that alter depending on the challenge. Some areas bubbled with pools of molten lava, while others crackled with static energy, making each battle terrain unpredictable.

Spectator stands rose in circular tiers, packed with an assortment of Mythical Creaturs thought the main moties were of course the Dragons and Wyverns, as they represented the core symbolism of the Valyrian Freehold and its belief.

The stands themselves were enchanted by the Beyonder Spells and some other types of Magic, together with enchanted glyphs woven into the stone, amplifying roars of approval or disdain from the crowd into thunderous echoes.

Everything in the Grand Arena of the Volantis was created for the sense of grandiose and utmost luxury to be experienced when one was watching the gladiator match, either one to death or not.

Of course, the most notable feature in the entire Grand Arena was the heart of the area, where an enchanted orb hovered overhead, casting a glow that could shift the lighting from blinding midday to an ominous dusk, adding drama to each clash.


Each challenger enters from massive gates wrought of dragonbone and plated in shimmering metals, escorted by armored golems. These gates are engraved with the names of past victors in ancient runes, a permanent tribute to the glory and risk each combatant faces.

Above the Volantene Grand Arena were the banners representing the Dragonlord Houses, Mercantile Clans, sigils of organizations, and others that had stakes of ownership in the Volantene Grand Arena as they fluttered in an unnatural breeze. 

Each one was marked with colors and symbols that tell tales of lands far and near. The Volantene Grand Arena was a place of honor, danger, and spectacle, as it was a place of deception, cruelty, and death. 

But no one could deny that many of the fiercest warriors that came to start here their legends came as changed people, and some of them indeed rose to glory, riches, and power. 

In the end, even though the Gladiatorial Matches, the Dragonlord Houses, and Mercantile Clans often recruited their personnel and some of their strongest and most powerful guards and bodyguards or Professionals came from this enviroment.

It created perfect killing machines, something that everyone with power and influence in the Valyrian Freehold needed.

Valkorion stood in front of the registration office within the Volantene Grand Arena, which was part of the Volantene Grand Arena that was reserved for administrative things. When he came to the counter, he saw a rather beautiful young-looking Pure-Blooded Valyrian woman with long silver hair and lilac-colored eyes.

"Good day. Are you here to register?"

She asked with a melodious voice as he noticed the name on her tag, Eleara Rahtheos, who was the head clerk of the Registration Office of the Volantene Grand Arena. Now that he remembered, the Rahtheos Family was one of the Valyrian Noble Families responsible for the Gladiatorial Matches and Pit Fights in the Valyrian Freehold.

They were one of the main organizers of them within the entire Valyrian Freehold, so she must be a direct descendant or a member of the Main Family. Rahtheos were known for managing their affairs directly by themselves, as they wouldn't entrust these jobs even to the slaves.

It was rather common to see nobles of the Rahtheos Family working in these kinds of administrative jobs that normally the nobles and other aristocrats were stayed as far as possible.

"Register in the second Bracket, please. I can fill out the papers by myself."

He stated that the woman behind the counter smiled and gave him papers to register with the ink and pen. He knew how to write and read, so of course, he would be doing this kind of email work by himself to show that he wasn't some barbarian.

While normally, nobles around the world steered from doing things that they didn't need to do so, even among the nobility, especially in Westeros, there was a good number of them who were completely illiterate and couldn't write or read or both.

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