Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

Chapter 475: Chapter 475

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After the big revelation that Harry read something more than just Quidditch magazines, and that he was studying and researching Salazar Slytherin on his own, Hermione started asking them a lot of questions, wanting to know everything he found out about the founder.

And Harry didn't seem bothered by it. In fact, he even seemed pleased, as if he was happy to be able to show off his knowledge to his girlfriend.

And I think he was so distracted answering Hermione's questions that he didn't even notice her red cheeks and glazed look in her eyes.

And looking at the young Gryffindor couple happily chatting in front of me I grimaced, feeling that the atmosphere between them was starting to get a little too weird and "passionate".

And looking at Ron I noticed that there was an identical grimace on his face, and he even looked a little disgusted.

'Well, Harry and Hermione are their best friends, almost like family, so it's normal that he feels uncomfortable seeing them flirting in front of him' I thought, giving the youngest Weasley boy a sympathetic look.

But shaking my head I realized we were getting off topic, which wasn't good since we still had to go to the Great Hall for dinner, and I still had things to explain to them before then.

And knowing this I decided to call their attention.

"Ahem..." I cleared my throat, interrupting Harry and Hermione's moment and making the three Gryffindors look at me.

"Well Harry, I'm glad to hear that you've been doing your own research, and even happier to hear that you're trying hard to understand your ability," I began to say, seeing the green-eyed boy smile proudly at my words.

I then turned to Ron and Hermione, "And now, after Harry's explanation, I don't think it will be necessary for me to tell you two what the Chamber of Secrets is, right?" I asked, looking at the boy and girl in question.

"No," Hermione replied, with Ron shaking his head.

"Great," I nodded, "So now that the main explanation is out of the way I'm sure you have plenty of questions for me," I said, feeling the golden trio's curious gazes on me.

And as soon as I finished speaking it was as if I had given the green light for Hermione to begin her questioning.

"So Ethan, where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets? How did you find it? What was in there?" she launched her barrage of questions at me, not even pausing to take a breath.

"Calm down Hermione, leave some questions for the others" I joked, making her blush slightly.

And seeing her excitement to ask these questions I smiled in amusement, and I was sure that if we had given Hermione some time she would have made a list of questions to ask me.

And actually now that I thought about it I started to get a little worried, since it was quite likely that if I didn't answer all her questions today she would come looking for me tomorrow with this list ready.

'Maybe I should avoid her for a while after today' I thought sweating, before shaking my head and focusing on the present moment.

"Well Hermione, to answer your questions... The Chamber of Secrets is below the castle, or more precisely, below the Black Lake bordering the Forbidden Forest." I began to say, gaining the full attention of the bushy-haired girl and the two boys beside her.

"And as for its entrance... Well, I believe that the Chamber of Secrets must have had at least four different passages at some point, but I don't know if all of them still exist, and currently I only know of two of them."

"One of these passages is somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, and the other, which was the one I used to enter the chamber and which is the main entrance to the place, is hidden in the girls' bathroom on the second floor" and before I could continue answering Hermione's questions I was interrupted by a surprised exclamation.

"The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is in the girls' bathroom!?" Ron asked, looking at me in shock.

And Harry and Hermione were also looking at me in shock and open-mouthed disbelief at this new information.

"That was my reaction when I found out about this too," I snorted, remembering the first time I watched the second movie and my reaction when they revealed where the entrance to the chamber was.

"The chamber is... In the girls' bathroom... In Moaning Myrtle's bathroom," Hermione repeated in a whisper, trying to process this revelation.

She then turned to me, and I could see a strange look on her face, "Why? How?"

"I don't know" I shrugged, "But probably the location of the entrance hasn't always been there, and I think that over time the former Headmasters must have changed and rebuilt some places in the castle, and in the end the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets ended up becoming the girl's bathroom."

I actually knew how the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets ended up becoming the second floor girl's bathroom, but that was information that I had no way of explaining how I knew it, so I decided to speak as if it were just my assumption.

"I still can't believe it… The entrance was right in front of everyone's face this whole time." The book-loving girl shook her head.

"Yes, right under our noses," Ron nodded, before pausing, "Well, it was actually under the girls' noses. I'm sure if the entrance was in the boy's bathroom we would have discovered it a long time ago."

"What do you mean by that?" Hermione turned to him with a frown.

"Oh, I mean—Ouch!" Ron bent down to rub his shin, turning to Harry with a pained, confused look, "Why did you kick my leg?!"

But Harry ignored the red-haired boy's question, looking at Hermione and noticing that she was still staring at Ron in irritation.

And realizing that an argument between his two friends could still happen he decided to focus their attention on the questions about the chamber again, and so he turned to me.

"Ethan, you already told us where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is, but how did you find it? And how did you manage to open it when it was only supposed to open to the Heir of Slytherin?" Harry asked.

"Well, to begin with I became interested in the Chamber of Secrets after reading about it in a book, and as I was very curious to know more about that place I started researching about it in old books and newspapers."

"And while I was looking for information about the Chamber of Secrets I found out about an incident that occurred decades ago involving it, and after some time investigating that incident and looking for more information it didn't take long for me to find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."

"And actually after my investigation I realized that it wasn't difficult to find the chamber's entrance, especially if the person already has an idea of ​​where and what to look for" I replied, and I was obviously lying, since from the beginning I knew where the entrance to the chamber was.

And I also didn't go into too much detail in my answer, nor did I talk much about the incident that was actually Myrtle's murder, as I knew that this would spark the interest of the three Gryffindors.

And I didn't want them to ask me about the incident because it involved Hagrid, our half-giant friend, and young Voldemort before he lost his nose and hair.

And if they got involved in this matter, which they obviously would, I would end up being pulled into this mess too, which at the current moment would be very uncomfortable.

But shaking my head I decided to answer his second question, wanting to change the subject quickly.

"And now about your other question, in fact opening the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is a problem, since as you said, it can only be opened by the 'Heir of Slytherin'... However, that statement is not exactly correct."

"Opening the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is a problem for most people, but not because only the Heir of Slytherin can open it, but because the entrance can only be opened by a Parselmouth, or rather, by someone speaking something in Parseltongue."

"Oh, that... That actually makes a lot of sense," Harry said, realizing that this shouldn't be all that surprising.

And thinking about it, he realized it should have been obvious that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, built by Britain's most famous Parselmouth, could only be opened by someone who spoke Parseltongue.

"Hmm, with Ethan's explanation I realized that it really doesn't seem that difficult to find the Chamber of Secrets, and even opening its entrance seems more like a situation of opportunity and luck," Hermione said, rubbing her chin.

"You're right," I nodded to her, "But you only think that because I told you where the chamber is and how to open it. To most people, all of this must be nothing more than a legend and a myth, and those who believe that the chamber really exists must still find it impossible to find and enter it"

"And in fact, I think these people must think that it is necessary to solve dozens of mysteries and complex riddles while embarking on dangerous adventures in order to find the Chamber of Secrets."

"But that's a bit too extreme, and even a bit stupid... We're not in Indiana Jones," I commented with a strange grimace, getting a small snort from Hermione and an amused smile from Harry.

And Ron, a pureblood who has always lived in the wizarding world and has never been very interested in the muggle world, blinked in confusion when he heard what I said.

'What the hell is Indiana Jones?' he wondered, unfamiliar with this classic and incredible adventure film.



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