Chapter 65 Visitors From The Sea 5
Mitsuha: 「…… That's why the number of people is still unknown, but we are taking all of them as prisoners . 」
First things first, report to the king via radio, and…
Sabine: 『Hey, oneesama, you're being such a fool again! Life force, your life force is it gonna be okay?』
Sabine-chan snatched the microphone, leaving the King with his mouth wide open .
Oh~, I made you worry… . But this time, it can't be helped .
Moreover, if it's impossible win, for the sake of the country, it is decided to declare that she lost her life, she can disappear as easily as [pompf] just like a bubble .
Mitsuha: 「Sabine-chan, in my country, there is a saying…『 If you don't use it now, then when you use it?! 』… . 」
Sabine: 『Nē-sama……』
Ah, it is becoming a sobbing voice … … .
King: 『My apologies Sergeant Thunder…』
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The King's voice is also somewhat dark .
Are you concerned about me or worried about being preached by Sabine-chan…?
Mitsuha: 「There's no need to apologize, for the sake of the country, I'm not going to let the people suffer and die for such a stupid reason . Besides, it's not the King's fault . 」
King: 『However, it still better that I should be the one, to pay a great price for the country, instead of you …』
If this keeps up, the discussion will not advance……
Mitsuha: 「Well, It's fine if you fill up some of them, putting that aside, let's now move on to the more important things . The enemies have completely broken hearts, from the commanders to soldiers, so I think that they will speak anything if they were interrogated .
Specifically, the low-ranking soldiers and those who are recruited forcibly, will easily give out everything they know . The possibility of them returning home, is no longer existent and so, their loyalty to their country will be depleted . Also with the enemy country's point of view, the ship that they sent out in the uncharted waters, has only gone missing . In the end, they will say [Ah, it was useless, huh] .
There are many possible reasons for this to happen, such as the sinking of ships due to the bad weather, the loss of water and food supply due to the inability to reach the land, and the unforeseen total destruction . Even if they send out a fleet to investigate the ships, it will take many years . But on the contrary, they may come again in just a few years . 」
King: 『In that case, we have to do something . ……』
Mitsuha: 「Yes, that's right, let's not talk about this right now, I will discuss this with Marquis Icebringer, and also, when I meet you directly at a later date …」
King: 『Understood, I'm counting on you . 』
This concludes the tentative report .
After that, we'll secure the enemy soldiers, return the ship to its original position and anchor it, and wait for the arrival of the Marquis Icebringer .
I have no choice but to interrogate them twice because of the language, since the Marquis' arrival will be after a few days . . It's really troublesome . If I left alone until then, it will become more easier to speak at the time of interrogation .
Oh, the officers are separated and isolated from the others .
The common soldiers and recruits are also divided into several groups .
This is done to prevent the consultations and meetings, and also to deal a psychological attack, such as [the other prisoners are eating and drinking good food in good condition because they talked obediently,] or [if it's different from the fact that other prisoners have said, they will dispose those who have been confirmed of telling lies . ]
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Also, of course, we will install eavesdropping devices and recording machines .
Oh, come to think of it, we need a lot of food for the prisoners!
I wonder if there will be problems with the lives of my people……
And if you add the soldiers of the Earl and the Marquis' will bring, with the number prisoners, they will exceed the number of my people!
In the worst case, the Viscountess personal hidden emergency goods and supplies from Japan, will be used…… .
It can not be helped, it's an unexpected [accident] .
It doesn't mean that you can't stop the people from becoming self-reliant .
The Earl will arrive in the day after tomorrow, and the Marquis after 3 days .
When I went to the beach, most of the enemies that were swimming had already been arrested .
It seems that a fishing boat was sent out to contain those who are on the way or swimming away and also to capture those who attempted to escape as it is .
Yeah yeah, they think and act properly, yeah .
… . This is bad, I didn't thought about that .
The number of prisoners of war, 456 people .
Yes, it is within the expected range .
It's in the scope of good fighting power and cruising distances without refueling, a number compromising and considering both circumstances
… . Probably .
The importance of balancing the number of sailors, water barrels and food loading, was a big problem with the game of trading, using a fleet of an old-fashioned sailing ships .
But right now, the unmanned fleet has been drifting to waves… . .
Roughly, there are 150 sailors per ship, and 5-6 officers, I guess .
Of course there is no building that can accommodate such a number of prisoners, so we have no choice but to separate them in several places, also bind the limbs of the remaining ones then leave them in the open-air .
Because there aren't many soldiers that can be used to watch the prisoners, so it's troublesome if they go into an all-out prison-break . When the Earl's soldiers arrive, we can afford to improve the treatment, so let's be patient for 2 days .
Afterwards, the group who landed, the commander was alone in his cell, but the three officers who were on board each small boat were gathered together in a lockup .
It's unexpected, to everyone like me who knows the place and thinks that there is no dungeon in such place, Anton said [but there is], really, we do!!… . .
One is in the Viscount Residence's basement and the other one, is in the town .
The one in the town were used for the people who came from other places who commit a crime, or the people who were already criminals to begin with, or to make people stay overnight when they're too drunk and gets violent .
And the one in the basement of the mansion… Yea, well, in the long history, there were various things, and opportunities to use… . .
The commander is in the basement of the mansion and the 3 officers are in the town's prison .
60 soldiers are gathered in the garden of the mansion… . Bounded .
These [landing group], were no allowed to make contact with the other prisoners of war .
The [swimming group], except for the officers, was divided into seven groups . Each of them was kept-away from the voices of the others and placed in the open air with the same binding .
The officers were divided into several groups and confined to an empty room .
That night… . .
With a jug and a cup in hand, I went and visit a room where 5 officers who stayed on their ship and got thrown out to the sea nakedly without knowing the reason .
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The jug and the cup are made of wood for safety reasons .
In the room there were 5 men sitting on the floor with their hands and feet tied, and 2 guards sitting on the chairs .
A guard who noticed me rushed up in a hurry, but when I touched my mouth with my finger to signal [Keep quiet], he silently returned to the chair . Yeah, it's the result of the proper education, that's right . They don't know what it was before, you know .
Mitsuha: 「(Ano~), I brought you some water …」
When I said so inexorably, the men who were sitting on the floor raised a voice of joy one after another .
Officer 1: 「Were saved! I haven't had a drop of water since breakfast . My throat's already dried!」
Officer 2: 「Sorry, I can not move, so bring it here!」
Officer 3: 「…… Missy, you understand the words!」
In the words of the 3rd man, the other confined officers finally realized that the words were understood .
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Officer 1: 「How … . No, I don't care about such a thing, we ask of you to interpret what we say!」
Mitsuha: 「Ah, I knew it you were from the Kingdom of Vanel! My late father was a sailor from the kingdom of Vanel, who has gone to this country in distress, married my mother, and settled permanently in this country . Someday the ship from the motherland may come, and I might be able to hear those words again……」
Officer 3:「Oh! What a miracle! You were guided to us… Your father is truly a person worthy of respect, he really thought of his homeland and his country . He must have been a great sailor . ……」
Yup yup, in this situation where you had an unbelievable experience, but cannot communicate with the words, and do not know the situation, it's the only hope of light .
Now then~, depend your lives on me! (cracking an evil smile . )
Mitsuha: 「Then first, I will explain the current situation, your commander, have declared himself as the Viceroy of the Kingdom of Vanel, he demanded slavery to this country in the name of the Vanel Kingdom, fired guns, and even carried out naval bombardment, destroying important facilities, and declared war against this country .
On the other hand, the King of this country, ordered to fight back and you were easily defeated in an instant . At this rate, the Kingdom of Vanel who has been an aggressor and the one who declared a war, will going to suffer the same consequence as your ships . 」
Officer 4: 「The same ending as the ship………」
The men's faces became pale .
Because for these people, their ships disappeared without a trace in an instant by the mysterious power .
Officer 1: 「That's, that's not true! That man is not a representative of our country! He is merely a slave merchant who organized a survey fleet with the aid of the King, the naval rank was given to him was only temporary, it's just to give the appearance and order as a commander…
If a representative of our country was deceived and led to a war with other countries, he will also be stripped off of his position, and the title Commander, will go to the Deputy Commander Amoros, who was the next officer to take command . Let me meet [Amoros Kaisa] immediately!」
I knew it, I thought that would be such a thing … .
Mitsuha: 「But that commander said he had full power . . Then If you want me to help you, will you give me directions to get inside of Vanel Kingdom?」
Officer 5: 「You, you're a t-t- traitor!!」
Mitsuha: 「I am the only interpreter, and there are many important people, whom I can speak directly . So, can you tell me a detailed information?」
Officer 1: 「O…kay…, I understand! Please explain it, to the people at the top! 」
Yes, I did it ~ .
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After this, I have to go around to many, so I'll go crazy~ .