Chapter 72 The Kingdom Is In Chaos 2
After I gain enough distance away from the town, I immediately teleport to the next town .
By the time I entered the town, the sun is about to set .
This time, let's stay in a regular Inn .
As I was slowly going through the town, I saw a sign board, it was a tavern and an inn .
Uh huh, it's has the classic [inn] vibe .
I decided on you! (I choose you!)
Mitsuha: 「Is there a room available? Also, can you take care of the carriage? 」
I asked a girl from 5 to 6 years old who seems to be the owner's daughter, and is sitting at the reception counter, which is located near the entrance .
No, if she is not their daughter, then this a violation of the Labor Standards Act!
Perhaps, the owner and his wife are busy preparing for dinner .
Loli: 「Yes, it's okay ~ . Onii-chaan!」
It was good, she seems to be the daughter here after all .
A boy who was about as tall as I am, came out from behind her, after being called out by the little girl .
I say he is about 11 years old…… .
Loli: 「Onii-chan, please take care of her horse-drawn carriage . 」
Shōnen: 「Yeah sure . 」
I entrusted the carriage to the boy, and then I received the key of the room from the little girl, then after that I decided to eat as it is .
The only things I took from the carriage were a water bottle similar to vacuum flask and a small bag with a few personal items . I keep in good condition .
And then I asked for a meat dish that is ordered by most people in the restaurant, and eat it slowly… .
Customer 1: 「… and the sea water gets steadily drained, the sea water dries up while we are looking………」
Ohh… (Oya…)
I wonder if some father is telling a story to his child .
The story of the draining sea water, there is also a myth everywhere . Norse mythology or something……
You can't drain it just like that, you know…… .
Customer 1: 「And so, many ships have been left behind in the mud, drawn by the sea water…」
Child: 「Oooh, so Princess Shrine Maiden-sama caught the enemy's super-huge battleship!」
Bu fu ~o~o~o ~~ ~tsu! ! (spewing her food sfx)
Customer 2: 「That's dirty, young lady . ……」
Mitsuha: 「I, I'm sorry… . 」
Complaints came from the next table .
No, I'm really sorry .
……However, what kind of hoax is spreading, what the heck are you saying!!
When I tried to continue my meal with a feeling of embarrassment, trying to hide my bright red face, a young man came inside .
The young man, who was wearing a hat from the middle of the twentieth century, took a small harmonica, he gave a light wave to the little girl at the reception counter, the little girl greeted him and then the man walked forward to the audience as it is .
Apparently he's not a customer .
When he stopped he took off his hat and placed it upside down, and then sat on a stool and played something like a polyphonic tune from the harmonica that he had in his hand .
……Ah, a bard or a musician, for the entertainment… .
Bard: 「Everyone, please listen! This is a story when the Princess Shrine Maiden of Thunder drains the sea water and captures the enemy's super-huge battleships…… . 」
Mitsuha: 「It was yoouuu~~~!!」 (Omae ka a ~a~a~a ~~~ !!)
As soon as I noticed it, I found myself in a quiet shop, the bard was slipping down from his chair, and I was standing up with a fork clenched in my hand……… . 。
Bard: 「Pri, Princess Shrine Maiden-sama……?」
Oh, crap, now I've done it! (Shi, shimatta a~a ~~!)
After that, I set up a heavy Moxibustion for the bard so as not to spread the harsh hoax . (その後、吟遊詩人には、あまり酷いデマを撒き散らさないようコッテリお灸を据えておいた)
In any case, I'm going to regret this but,『It's time to earn money……』so I reluctantly talked to the bard and arrange the story music, about the time of the absolute defense warfare against the Kingdom of Vanel . 『Heavy machine gun No . 1, 10:00 to 14:00, sweeping in 5 seconds . Shoot!』or simply,『Mow them down!』change it to something like that .
Here, nobody knows about the conversation and state of the combat zone at that time in detail, so it will not be a problem for their passion, but I wonder… .
Now while you're eating, we can make the following story .
The bard was impressed by the story which was [told directly by the Princess Shrine Maiden-sama herself], he gave his thanks while overflowing with tears, but because he said [I want to get something that can prove that it is a story I heard directly from the Princess Shrine Maiden-sama] I wrote it in a single stroke and gave him a letter as a proof .
As expected, you absolutely loved it .
After that, the customers who listened to my story, bought me a drink and everyone was excited .
Even though I'm not troubled with money, I am glad that you treat me for a drink . I can feel it, that they like me .
I accepted the offer and drank the [sake] that I suggested .
It is natural to obey local laws, so it's okay!
Suddenly, I noticed that the daughter of the inn was sitting on my lap, and she was twisting her body in a ticklish way .
I wonder, how long have I been petting this child's head…… .
Yeah, I didn't notice that for a moment .
Like the story gaining a tail fin, and swelling out . And the thing called [The Bard] is a job to inflate the story with a tail fin, and if you give a certificate or something with a seal, that's what happens . (話というものは、尾ヒレが付いて膨らんで行くものだということを。そして、吟遊詩人というものは、尾ヒレを付けて話を膨らませるのが仕事だということ、そんなのに証明書とかのお墨付きを与えたら、いったいどういうことになるのかということを。)
Later, it transformed into an original story 『the truth of the absolute defense of the Kingdom, directly told by Princess Shrine Maiden-sama, and proven by Princess Shrine Maiden-sama's autographed certificate』 I have a special invitation to the theater, where I had a special chance to get my soul out of my mouth .
The next morning, I woke up and met a refreshing morning, I headed for the first floor to have breakfast .
Then, for some reason there are few people eating meals .
Ah, today, everyone's departure time is likely to be late… .
After that, the journey continued smoothly, I arrived at the Capital in 4 days and 3 nights .
First of all, I went straight to the orphanage .
Girl: 「Princess Shrine Maiden-sama, this corn's quality is bad ……」
Get out, you scheming girl!
Mitsuha: 「Right here, is the local product of Yamano territory . From now on, this is what you'll use . 」
Philip: 「Eh? From now on? 」
Mitsuha: 「This is my mother land's local product . It's a big cost if you transport it by ship . But as a compensation until I could produce it locally in the Yamano territory, I have force it a bit . From now on, it will be a real profit, so do your best and sell it . As for the bags, it will be replaced shortly coming from the Yamano territory, it may be a little difficult to handle…… . With this, even if the ship from my home country didn't arrive, there will be no worry for shortage of corn and bags . From now on, the merchant Pez-san will be carrying it on a regular basis . 」
Philip: 「…… Okay . 」
As expected, you understand it properly and seems to be convinced .
But here is the sad news… .
Mitsuha: 「And since, I was able to advertise the explosion corn, and the full-scale production of the explosion corn produced in our territory has also begun, so it's about time I started the general sale of the explosion corn . 」
Philip: 「Tha, that's…… . 」
Mitsuha: 「Yeah, that means business rivals will come out」
Girl: 「Earlier, you told us that『Deception is prohibited! 』」
The scheming girl made her face bright red and got enraged .
Umm, I already told you that…… .
Mitsuha: 「I told you from the beginning, I explained that the purpose of selling this in the stall, is for the promotion of the local specialty of our territory, right? The explosive corn produced in our territory, can you sell it all in the stall here? 」
Girl: 「………」
So there you go…
I told the pouting girl that they can normally purchase the ingredients from Pez-san's caravan, so she would no longer have to give me her share, but on the other hand, she argued about losing the name of [Viscountess Yamano direct managed store] would be a big pain for the future of the group .
U wa~a, I didn't considered that…
As a result of the discussion, they cannot call it a [Vicountess Yamano Direct Managed Shop] from now on, but they don't have to tell the fact that it's no longer a directly managed shop, the signs can be continuously use as a mark for protection against trouble makers, the name of the original lightning corn is okay, I also promised that I have nothing to do with the management, so all the profit will go to the orphanage, etc, and finally the children reluctantly nodded .
Since the equation is lightning corn + street stall of orphanage = Princess Shrine Maiden of Thunder, is imprinted to the minds of the people of the city, I don't think that it will be treated differently from other stalls, I think . Unless you can make big differences in price and other stuff like flavors .
And in terms of price it should be an overwhelmingly advantage .
At any rate, the purchase comes directly from Pez-san, and all profits go to the orphanage, which means there is virtually no labor cost .
…………Ah, cassette stove and gas, what do I do .
Should I sell it to the orphanage or take it back and make them use ordinary firewood?… .
If the rival came out and the sales settles down, even if firewood and charcoal is used as a fuel for the stove, the production will make it in time, I think…… .
「Pri, Princess Shrine Maiden-sama, are you not coming here anymore?…」
Regrettably, the younger children are about to cry!
Mitsuha: 「Tha, that's not true! Because the quality of the lightning corn might drop, so I will come to check it from time to time! 」
I wonder if there is such a thing, somehow the young children started to calm down and they started to be in a good mood when I gave the water candy the souvenir that I prepared, and then, somehow I manage to get out of the orphanage!
The Director is satisfied of the income that the orphanage manages, will be kept stable, they are also leaving all the fishy talks to the children……
Is that really okay to you, people?! !