Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 80

Having finally somehow understood Mitsuha's explanation, the Earl and Klarge felt exhausted .

This time, not only for the simple switch operation, but Mitsuha also taught a few detailed explanation for the easy solution method, such as when the antenna wire or the power cable were disconnected, when the frequency was misaligned, etc .

The explanation was repeated so many times to the point where they felt they will have a developmental fever .

Klarge, the eldest son of the Caldebolt family which has a strong royal power who is being limp right now, remembered the command from his father for the day he was supposed to take part in a long journey .

「I have entrusted you to be one of the members of the diplomatic mission . You will also be the advisor for the leader, therefore you will get on the same carriage with the leader and Princess Shrine Maiden-sama . Imagine how many aristocrats and civilians who wanted to be in that position……

Understand, Klarge? This job has finally been picked up by you, Do not waste it .

Deepen your relationship with Princess Shrine Maiden-sama and gain some informations! Princess Shrine Maiden-sama's wisdom, the technology from her home country, the details of the secret art from Princess Shrine Maiden-sama's home country which can move in an instant called 『Transfer』, or anything else! And, and……」

His father said the last sentence while opening his eyes brightly .

「We will welcome Princess Shrine Maiden-sama as a member of our family!」

And that day is supposed to be today, however……

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Klarge originally harbored feelings for Mitsuha even before they met .

That is natural .

A daughter from an aristocrat who has great knowledge of advanced technologies and a great savior who has protected the kingdom .

The courage to act as a shield to protect the kingdom's marquess from the assassin's arrows .

Is not afraid to use her mysterious secret art regardless of shaving her own lifespan only to protect the kingdom .

Furthermore, it had just been reported that in Bozes territory, in order to save a mere commoner's village girl, she confronted a pack of wolves, annihilated them while carrying a major injury and protected the girl till the end .

And at the time when he actually met her in person, she was lively, bright, intelligent, had a good personality, ……and cute .

At this late hour, there was no luck for him to meet a woman, even the probability of someone bringing him an engagement talk with an Earl's daughter who unconsciously has an obsessed tsuntsun personality and likes luxuries .

Humans, once dyed in luxury, can not return back easily .

It is also the same with men's desire for women .

Yes, Klarge's desire for a marriage partner is now dropping to the lowest dramatically . Very unfortunate…… .

And when Klarge finally rejuvenated and tried to talk to Mitsuha .

「Ah, could we stop for a while around here?」 (Mitsuha)

「Already? Mitsuha-neesama, peeing is something you need to do before the departure, you know . 」 (Sabine)

「Wha-! I-it's not that! Also, in your case, say 『pick some flowers』! But it's not that though! Absolutely it's not that!!」 (Mitsuha)

It was Mitsuha with a blushed face, denying Sabine's reckless remarks despite the presence of men around .

Hence, the instructions were transmitted from the Earl to the maid, from the maid to the coachman, and the carriages stopped at the flag signal and a whistle from the coachman . Before long, Mitsuha jumped off the carriage .

Mitsuha, who rush into the trees near the roadside to just reappeared in less than 10 seconds, is now getting back to ride the carriage . Once again, with a signal from the coachman, the carriages began to advance .

And Sabine muttered .

「……She really wasn't picking flowers, huh……」 (Sabine)

A few minutes have passed since the temporary stop . It won't take a while now .

I have confirmed the route that we will take first after leaving the royal capital in advance, and also the topography around here . That's why, I will be able to move ahead . Accompanied with 'that' .

In total, I had made 3 round trips between Earth and this world . Transfer, transport, and then transfer again .

Looking outside the window, I can now see 'that' .

The coachmen who are at the front row probably have long noticed the presence of 'that', but because it wasn't getting in the way of traffic and there is no way to get assaulted right away after getting out of the royal capital, even if they don't have an order, they have no choice but to go as it is .

And a little while before the top front carriage goes near 'that' side .

「Stop please!」 (Mitsuha)

In response to my second request for stopping, With a nod, the Earl immediately gives a signal to stop as per my request .

「……what in the world is this……?」 (Audyst)

I got off the carriage and went to 'that' with everyone including the escort knights who came rush over from the surroundings, then the Earl came to asked me . Yeah, well, they definitely want to know, right?, it's normal .

「A horseless carriage . Exclusively for me……」 (Mitsuha)

「Can you still say it's a carriage even without a horse?」 (Audyst)

Ugh! I was stabbed sharply!

「a-a horseless carriage… . , a car, ye-yes, it's a car! Car!」 (Mitsuha)

……I should have said it's a 『car』 from the very start .

「So, we will go separately from now on, see you later . Once Earl-sama and the others have decided the date for the audience, please tell us with the communicator and we will meet up again in that city . With this, there is no problem, right?」 (Mitsuha)

I gave a sweet smile and the Earl replied .

「There are so many problems! You fool!」 (Audyst)

……I got scolded . Veins popped up in Earl's temple .

「I have been given full authority by His Majesty to supervise everyone here, and responsible for it, including the safety of everyone .

Letting someone, especially the Lightning Princess Shrine Maiden, Viscount Yamano to act independently, if something happened to you, what should I do!?

This is not for my own conceited self, but it's for the kingdom's! My family won't be spared from a beheading and the likes because of a certain little girl's selfishness!」 (Audyst)

Not good . If I agitate the elderly too much, his brain blood vessels will be in danger .

「N-no, that's fine . It's because I am not a member of the delegation!」 (Mitsuha)

「Eh?」 (Audyst)

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「Eehh . . ?」 (Klarge)

「「「Eeeeeeeehhhh!?」」」 (Everyone)

Everyone shouted with a surprised voice .

「I-it's true! My orders from His Majesty is only to help at the time of negotiation as an external collaborator, and not as a member of the delegation . Therefore I am not bound by the the delegation's chain of command, there's also a letter for that purpose too……」 (Mitsuha)

That being said, when I presented the letter that I had prepared to the Earl, his face turned red after reading the contents .

「Wh-wh…… But, i-indeed this is His Majesty's handwriting, and there's no doubt about the seal……

However, I haven't heard anything about this!」 (Audyst)

「Oh, it's because if our secret leaked out knowing that we will act alone, there is a possibility that some nobles, spy from foreign kingdoms, or even someone else will come secretly to meet us .

If those guys think that we will always stay with the delegation, there will be no one who will attempt to contact forcefully, right?」 (Mitsuha)

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In fact, if I was bounded to the delegation's chain of command, I won't be able to decline the orders from the superiors even if they abused their position, hence my action would be restricted . I might not even be able to return safely . So, after I consulted with His Majesty, with a paled expression, His Majesty gave me the letter which read 『Mitsuha will not be bounded to the delegation . However, I will give her a discretionary power . 』

「B-but, the direction to go is the same anyway, and even if you are going off on your own, we will eventually move on the same path together . In the end we will only be separated for a few distances, in addition we have to separate the guards which will be a disadvantage and will only increases the danger!」 (Audyst)

Yup, the Earl argued with utmost effort .

Well, it's true from what he just said . If I stay with him for a long time as a member of the delegation, he will get a lot of information from me and I will have a certain level of command as a boss . So, if I ask a request that aren't so unreasonable . he could give me the instructions as my superior, hence I can still move freely .

Nonetheless, the fact that I'm from Yamano Viscounty, and also the 『Lightning Princess Shrine Maiden』 could become a great weapon asset for the Earl's household if he can manage to establish a big connection with me for a long time .

Not as a superior, nor a travel partner, it would still be alright just to be present at each negotiation . If so, it's normal to be desperately trying to make me go together with them .

The Earl is a patriot and isn't a suspicious person in my opinion . However it's quite normal to do anything for the benefit of the family and his fief even if it's not related to the kingdom's interests . It is not something that could be criticized .

However, it is an 『Earl's circumstances』 . I also have my circumstances . It is my duty to move for the benefit of my own territory . It is the same with the Earl .

Acting as a delegate with them is a loss to my territory, as my freedom is greatly compromised . So, I cannot give up here .

「We don't need escorts, because we have 『Goddess' divine protection』 if something happens . 」 (Mitsuha)

All of the 『forces that is beyond comprehension』, such as guns and transfer are being called like that . That way it's easier to explain .

Then, to make it doubly sure .

「Well, because the directions are the same, if you can follow us, it will be no problem . 」 (Mitsuha)

The Earl made a bit relieved face from my words . The Earl is possibly thinking even if we have a separate vehicle, we could still have meals and lodge together .

It's a bit of a pity to rejoice that early, though .

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