Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 86

The company's people divided the captured bandits into three groups, tied them with a different rope for each group, and then tied them again to a tree that has a bit of distance with each other .

Like this, It would be almost impossible for them to run away suddenly .

The three divided groups are probably for the three carriages to carry, and also to avoid making false reports at the time when the merchants were being questioned face-to-face after handing them over to the officers via the town's guild, I think .

Ah, of course, I cannot simply transfer the 18 bandits and the carriages, hence, we used ropes for them to walk along with the carriages .

If they stop walking, they will be dragged by the carriage and fall together with their friends who were also tied up with a rope . And, even if it's not an asphalt road, the road will still be able to make a certain 『grated daikon』 .

(Merchant) 「Please, sit over here!」

The person who seems to be the merchant, lead us to the shade by the carriage . He intentionally took down the boxes from the carriage for us and set up the seats and the table . Although it's just a wooden box, it's properly covered with a cloth .

I would normally sit on the ground as it is, but it's still a great service to be treated like this .

The merchant couple also sat on the chair because it will be difficult to talk with each other if it's only us who is sitting on the chair while they are sitting on the ground . Other than the merchant and his wife, the others are properly sitting on the ground or large stones .

The food was already on top of the temporary table . It seems that the food preparation had been in progress while the others were tying up the bandits .

Hard bread, dried meat, dried apples, and water .

They didn't have time to boil the water because they didn't want to keep us waiting . Hence, there was no soup prepared . Sabine-chan's expression was gloomy due to the menu were even less than expected .

However, the amount of dried meat and dried apples is quite high . Maybe it's a special service .

Colette-chan's diet has improved significantly since she starts living with me, but she used to be in a rural life in the countryside . Compared to those days, it's already a great satisfaction even if it's only dried meat and dried fruits .

As soon as we got to the seat, the merchant couple also got to their seat and started the meal together .

There were no long speeches or toasts before the meal . We will talk while eating slowly, thus, it will take time to finish .

When I bit the hard bread a little, the merchant started talking .

(Merchant) 「Princess Shrine Maiden-sama, we are truly indebted to you for saving us that time……」

(Mitsuha) 「Aaaah please stop it! my back became itchy if you call me like that! Please just call me Mitsuha!」

(Merchant) 「Eh . . but that is……」

After persuading the wavered merchant to call me with only 『Mitsuha』, at first it became 『Mitsuha-sama』, but I persuaded him even further and we finally settled with 『Mitsuha-san』 .

I won't be able to have human relations or talk normally when I'm called with 『-sama』 .

(TL Note: the translation was "make humans" that is the same like "make friends" . . so yeah . . it's exaggerated . (" ´・ω・`) )

(Mitsuha) 「So, yeah, that's why we travel to various kingdoms and would like to see here and there……」

Of course, honestly speaking, there's no way I can say 『~for making treaties with each kingdom』 . It's a story related to the national strategy, which is a state secret . Hence, it's not something you can recklessly talk to everyone . Especially to the merchants .

Therefore, I made up an appropriate reason and decided that it was an excursion .

In fact, I don't want to be publicly known that much by other kingdoms .

If there's a rumor that a girl who had repulsed the invasion of the empire alone has come, it will be easy to imagine what kind of attitude the other kingdom will take .

Thus, from the outside, it will simply be 『the kingdom's elite unit has defeated the imperial army』, and the brave noble girl who took the lead in order to raise morale was honored for her achievements and was given a Viscount title .

Of course, the residents from the royal capital, including the people who were in the royal capital at that time, won't believe in such story . Additionally, among them, there were quite few spies and merchants from other kingdoms .

However, they cannot complain about the official announcement from the kingdom, nor can ask questions as a representative from the other kingdom .

If they do such a thing, their kingdom will be insulted and there will be many obstacles coming to them . That would supposedly be bad . Especially against 『a kingdom that might have been blessed by a goddess』 .

That is why some information was also flowing among the commoner through merchants and such in nearby kingdoms . However, if they got a little drifted away, the rumors won't spread widely . Between the commoner, that is……

Of course, the royalties and higher-ranked nobles of some kingdoms will be informed only to the extent that the residents from the royal capital know .

However, even if someone went all the way to spill uncertain information such as 『other kingdom seems to have been protected by the goddess too』, it won't make profit for them at all, and conversely, only disadvantages will be expected . So, they leave the information diffused .

The lower-ranked nobles may have some knowledge from some informed people, but most will know only to the extent of unreliable rumors .

But, what needs to be worried about is 'that' .

Yes, my figure has spread .

How far has it spread? And what is the amount of information attached to it . . ?

Aah . . it was a blunder……

Well, let's leave it at that, and now back to my conversation with the merchant .

(Merchant) 「So, you are going to the royal capital of our kingdom after this?」

(Mitsuha) 「Ah, yes, that's the plan . we plan to stay in a suitable town somewhere beyond the big river tonight . 」

(Merchant) 「Eh? But it will still take tens of kilometers from the main road to cross the Alm River…… Ah, no, it's nothing . 」

The merchant said so and glanced at our car .

Yup, since a while ago, they were eyeing on it, right~

……I want to know! What exactly is that!?

Such an aura stands out from the merchant and the others . But I deliberately ignored it .

(Mitsuha) 「Um, everyone, who are you in the kingdom?」

If my information is shared one-sidedly, the balance won't match . We also have to get information!

(Merchant) 「Oh, yes, we are a variety merchant group 『Rim Trader』, going straight from the capital until the border, then turning a little along the border to head to the capital again . By this, the goods from the royal capital can be sold in the frontier area, and the goods from the frontier area can be brought home to the royal capital .

Well, that's . . , the towns and villages near the border have the influx of goods from the neighboring kingdoms, to put it bluntly, 『smuggled goods』 . Those goods are safely stocked at the price which they were brought in before excluding the carry-on taxes, therefore it makes a fair amount of profit……」

Uwaah… that was a straight ball!

Well, the merchants are not involved in smuggling it, they are just buying it normally, so there's no problem . Besides, we have recognized each other so there won't be any possibility that us, who have heard it, will report it to the officials .

(Mitsuha) 「Well then, you guys know my identity, right? From where do you… . . 」

Yes, here is what I want to check .

(Merchant) 「Yes, it was from merchants' connection, we could get it from merchants who happened to be in our kingdom, who came to do business, who wanted to gather information in the commercial guild, and such…

And, I received a picture from a colleague . It's this . . 」

The merchant took out the picture from the pocket and of course, it was that one .

Not the replacement card version for the tournament, but the color version that was sold later .

(Merchant) 「I always carried it with me when I went travelling for business . Well, it's some kind of a lucky charm for me and this time, it might be thanks to this thing that we were saved . 」

Well, it might be if he said it like that . Such is the fate between people .

(Merchant) 「……one picture was one gold coin . . 」

(Mitsuha) 「What the heeeeecckk!?」

100 times the original value .

No, even the original price is the costs of a simple printed matter .

……Nevertheless, it's cruel .

(Merchant) 「No, it was a really good purchase, you see… I have to thank that merchant later…」

Supply and demand .

Customer satisfaction .

Weren't those the words that I had uttered?

But, somehow, It's not stupid .

One picture for one gold coin…… .

No, well, It's still fine!

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