Chapter 11: Vol. 1 Chapter 11 - ‘Pay-Day
/After the 'technicians, of the 'MTA 'Branch of 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain, completed their tests on the 'exotic-metals./
"So all three metals are brand-new just-discovered, 'unidentifiable-metals?" I asked Ryan after he informed me, after the 'scans were completed, the 'exotic-metals showed no 'match in the 'MTA-Galactic-Database.
"That is what our 'scanning-equipment shows, so what are the names for the 'unidentified-metals?" He asked me.
"My brother, whom discovered these metals, said name the 'charcoal-black 'exotic-metal 'Nergigante-Steel, the 'red-colored 'metal 'Rathalos-Titanium, and the 'greenish-emerald 'colored-metal 'Rathian-Vibranium. That is what I want to name the 'three-metals." I informed Ryan of my decision, Sephiroth claims, these are the names of 'ancient-predator 'species, they sound 'glorious enough to me, for sure.
"Interesting names, ok, I got the information 'entered-into the 'database, here are the 'spread-sheets containing all the information, 'pertaining to the 'new-metals, that you will need. Have a good day you two." Ryan told me as he handed me a stack of documents, then he told me and Lucky 'goodbye.
"Meow!" Lucky 'meow'd 'goodbye.
"Thank you again, for everything, have a good day, you will see me again very soon, when I bring my 'mech next time I visit." I tell him bye, whilst reminding him, I would return in the 'near-future.
/After Lucky and Ves returned to their home, once they left the 'MTA 'Branch, Ves immediately went back into starting the 'fabrication-project, for the 'Ifrit-Variant./
/On 'Planet-Rittersberg, at the 'Larkinson-Clan 'Residence/
"This is my 'grandson's latest work? How is it?" I asked my son, Ark Larkinson, how the newest 'mech-model my 'grandson has 'designed, performs.
"The 'Ifrit-Variant, of the 'National-Aeromotive's Caesar Augustus 'CA-1 'Mech, Ves 'designed has performed remarkably. Ves has 're-done the entire 'internal-structural design, of the 'CA-1, he also 're-did the entire 'armor-plating, with a more 'affordable-alloy, he just so happens to have a 'ten-year 'unlimited-production 'license for." Ark informs me.
"Is it still from the same 'New-Rubarthan 'Technology-Institute, the 'Sons of the Future', who sent him the 'license again, or someone different?" I ask him, an important question.
"It was sent by the same 'Technology-Institute, that sent the 'Caesar Augustus 'CA-1 'production-license, to Ves." Ark answered, leaving confused and wanting more knowledge, pertaining to this 'mysterious-institute, that is based in the 'center of our 'galaxy.
/At the same time on 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain, the 'Iron-Spirit' players, 'TheSeventhSnake' and 'Triceratopsss', are having a conversation whilst playing 'ranked-duos matches./
"Have you seen the latest, 'LastCetra' 'highlight-video, the ones he is 'piloting the 'Ifrit, his newest 'Mech, to do battle in?" I ask my best-friend, who has a 'user-ID of 'Triceratopsss', we are currently trying to enter the 'gold-ranks.
I pilot a 'Seraphim, whilst he uses the 'Shiva, 'Variant-Mechs of the 'Fantasia 2R, of 'Kezia-Armament. We make a solid-duo team, if we are able to take the 'victory, in this match, we will be promoted into the 'Golden-Ranked-League of 'Iron-Spirit'.
"Well ofcourse, man when 'LastCetra' 'slings those 'metal-javelins, he uses when 'piloting the 'Ifrit, to pick off his enemies' limbs from a distance, is so 'thrilling and 'satisfying to watch! Isn't it?" He asked me, after telling me he had indeed, seen the videos I 'spoke of.
"I met 'Chasing-Clouds at a 'gaming-parlor in the city, his older-brother is 'Last-Cetra, they both live here on 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain." I told him about the 'designer of the 'variant-models, we are currently using, whom I had met only a little longer than a week ago, outside the 'gaming-parlor Ves was 'advertising his 'Mech-designs at.
"'Chasing-Clouds' the designer of the 'Ifrit-Variant I wish to purchase, are we talking about the same guy, who made the 'Fantasia 2R-Variants', we both use?" 'Triceratopsss' asked me.
"Yea! They both live on the same planet as us." I told him.
"Wow! That is 'wicked! You actually met 'Chasing-Clouds?" He asked in shock.
"Yea man, he is not that much older than us, he is probably only four or five years older than us, he can't be much older than 'eighteen-years of age." I told him about the 'Mech-Designer.
"What? How did he 'design the 'Variant-Mechs at only 'eighteen-years of age?" He asked, once again in 'disbelief.
"I have no clue about that, all I do know is, he only a little older than us, and he and his 'older-sibling, live on the same 'planet as us, thats what I do 'know." I told him what I 'knew.
"Wow! That's amazing! Where is this 'gaming-parlor at?" He asked me, where the 'parlor is, that I met 'Chasing-Clouds at..
/The next day, after returning from a long day, of 'shaking-down farmers and business-owners, for 'Walter's-Whalers. Sephiroth returned to the Larkinson-Home and 'Mech-workshop./
"I'm home!" I say as I enter, loud enough for Ves to hear me from inside the 'Mech-Workshop, while looking around the home.
"Yo! Seph! Come! Check it out!" I hear Ves shouting, his voice 'filled with 'pure-glee, from his 'Mech-Workshop.
"O' wow! Look at the 'metal-alloy, is that the 'Nergigante-Steel, you used to make this 'metal-armor 'plating?" I asked as I looked and 'felt all over the 'metal-alloy plate, Ves was showing me, in 'pure-excitement.
"Yea, this is the 'brand-new 'Metal-Alloy, I've made using the 'Nergigante-Steel, I will register it for a manufacturing-license today. I will go ahead and fill out all the paperwork, to register my 'copyright-ownership, of the 'metal-alloy." My brother told me.
"You need to hire a 'personal-lawyer, I would 'personally-prefer if you would hire a 'beautiful-young woman-lawyer, but either way, you really need to 'hire a 'personal-lawyer. You will need one, when you 'start a 'Mech-Business anyway, might as well go ahead and get it done with." I told him, he should really look into 'hiring the services, of a 'lawyer.
"Yea you're right, I guess Lucky and I will go down to the 'MTA to get everything done and over with." He told me as he started 'gathering his 'things, to go 'over to the 'MTA 'Branch.
"Alright brother, I'm gonna 'grind my 'Earth-Magicka, be safe." I told my brother to be safe, and that I would be getting my 'swole-on, as I like to 'call it, in the 'mean time.