Sephiroth ‘Larkinson’ Transmigrated To ‘The-Mech-Touch’

Chapter 2: Vol. 1 Chapter 2 - ‘Walter’s-Whalers’



'Earth!" I shout while commanding the mana flowing through my body to transform into 'Earth-elemental magic.

As the mana transforms into the element I chose to try out first, the 'Materia-skill caused hard-crusted soil to appear out of thin air.

As more and more earth is produced I can see specks of different shades of metals in the soil that is busy forming into a hard-ball of soil and metals.

After I felt like I had used a hundred, of my four-hundred and twenty 'Mana-points, to cast 'Earth magic ten times, I cut off my connection with my 'Earth-Materia.

Once the mana was cut off, the now formed 'ball of soil and metals 'dropped and fell from its 'suspended-state' floating in the air, then landed onto the ground. I inspected the 'ball of soil and metals, I decided to slice the ball, 'cutting away the soil and earth from the bits of metals.

Once I had the metals free I collected them in one of the 'garbage bags I had used to clean up the house. I planned to see if these metals were to Lucky's liking.

So once I completed collecting the metals I decided I wanted to get my 'Lightning-skill started on upgrading to 'level-two'. I'm hoping 'Lightning-Magic is capable of frying 'Mech's electrical wiring and insides.

I plan to focus on it as my first means of being able to do battle against the metal-creations and the warriors who are inside them, who are 'known-as 'Mech-Pilots, who pilot these metal-creations called 'Mechs in this 'Universe.

After using the three-hundred and twenty 'Mana-points I still had remaining to 'train my 'Lightning-skill..

/Earth: +10xp- lvl 1 (11/100xp)/

/Lightning: +32xp- lvl 1 (33/100xp/

I check both of the 'Materia-skills.. I decided to practice, so each cast increases my experience by one point. Each cast requires the price of ten 'Mana-points, and I recover one 'Mana-point at a time every minute of time that passes by.

I plan to get my 'Lightning-skill to 'level-two before visiting the only 'Mech-Gang on this planet named 'Cloudy-Curtain. The gang is called 'Walter's-Whalers', a gang that was forced out of the Bentheim area, to flee to 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain. A small gang used to 'control this planet, until the 'Whalers came and wiped out the small gang that once controlled the planet the 'Whaler's now call their own.

"Lucky look I got you a 'snack! Come see if you like these metals I found for you." I said to the 'Gem-Cat, who was still lounging around the living-area, laying on the sofa.

"Meow!." The cat made a 'cat-noise then it stood, and 'hopped-off the couch it had been laying on for the last hour.

Lucky came up to the metals I poured out on the table. He started sniffing at the different bits of metals, he 'sifted through the bits with his little metal-claws.

Once he had it sorted, I could feel something different from the metals Lucky decided he liked more, I could feel 'mana' flowing around and from the insides of the little 'bits of 'Exotic-metals.

"Okay boy, I know which metals you like now. I can make these metals easy, how does that sound my 'feline-friend? Are we buddies now?" I asked the cat.

"Meow!" The 'Robot-Cat must have understood my question, because it nodded it's little metal-head as if it was answering my question.

"Good! Let's go check on my little brother, surely he is done with his first 'Mech-Design by now." I tell the cat as we start heading towards the 'Mech-Workshop that is attached to the home.

Once, we entered the workshop, Ves was already exiting his Virtual-Reality-Cabin he was using to play 'Iron-Spirit.

"Hey Seph', just gone with my first 'Mech-Design, and someone already bought one of 'variant-models I produced, thus 'officially-completing my first mission." Ves happily said.

"Great! what's your second mission?" I asked him.

"I have to sell a hundred 'Virtual-Mechs that are designed by me on 'Iron-Spirit." Ves answers me.

"You can do it, I believe in you brother. Tomorrow I will visit the 'Walter's-Whalers hopefully they will have some work for me. I can make some money to help out around your 'Mech-workshop." I say to inform my brother of my plans for tomorrow.

"Okay brother! Sounds great, Im going to grab something to eat then Im going to take a nap to recover my energy." He said to me as he started to head towards the kitchen-area of the home.

/Time-Skip to the Next-Day/


After I woke up and ate something to break my morning's fast, I greeted Lucky and Ves. Once that was done, I left the home and boarded a hovering 'Mag-Lev', which means 'magnitational-levitating, Bus.. and I rode it into the the 'capital-city' of the small agriculture-based planet.

Once I arrived in the slums-area of the city, I asked for directions to where the 'Walter's-Whaler's hang-out is.

'Walter's Whalers, is a 'Mech-Gang, that operates on Cloudy Curtain. The gang is led, by a man named Walter, who rules "through strength and restraint". Walter has previously been a member of the 'Blood-Claws, a much larger gang operating out of the Bentheim system. He split off from them to form Walter's Whalers, but they were defeated in their first engagement and forced to flee 'Planet-Bentheim. They finally ended up on 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain, where they had defeated the local gang and then claimed the planet as their own.

Once I found the gang's hide-out, which was a run-down 'dilapidated-building they called their 'barracks. I traveled towards the first 'Gang-Member, I could see, walking around the barracks in uniform and carrying some sort of 'assault-rifle.

"Hello friend, is Walter here?" I asked the young 'gang-member.

"No stranger. He is not, but his son is, the young-leader of the 'Whalers, Dietrich is here." The young man answered.

"Thanks, I will enter to speak with him, if that is ok with you?.." I tell them young man and ask if it wouldn't cause any problems if I entered their 'barracks.

"Go ahead they will be playing cards most likely in the 'Mech-Hangar." The young man said as he pointed out a large metal building that looked like a large dilapidated metal-warehouse.

"Thank you young warrior, may the gods bless you in any battles you face In your future." I say, to thank the gang-member, who seemed pleased by my words. Ofcourse, after it took him a second to register that I was wishing him well. On the field-of-battle, he might find himself on, in the future.

So I made my way into the 'Mech-Hangar, I could see a pile of old scrapped metal-mech parts. Abandoned to rust away in a corner of the building. Maybe I can get them to give me all their waste-parts, there has to be some salvageable 'useable-parts in there somewhere.

"Hello Whalers!. I'm looking for a Dietrich, the son of Walter. The 'young-boss' of 'Walter's-Whalers, is he here?.." I greet the gang-members as I ask if their 'young-leader was among them.

"Aye! I am Dietrich, son of Walter, and 'young-leader of this 'Mech-Gang. Who are you? And how can I help you friend?…" A strong-looking healthy, stocky, and younger-looking, blonde-haired man answered and stated his name. Then he asked, who I was and what I wanted from him.

"Nice to meet you, 'young-boss Dietrich, my name is Sephiroth Larkinson. I am a 'expert-candidate' 'Mech-Pilot', I have just recently returned to the 'Bentheim-Sector'. I am currently in-search of a job, I was told the 'Walter-Whalers, control the security and protection jobs of this planet and its companies." I tell them, my name and why I am here, asking them for help and a good-paying job hopefully.

"'Expert-Candidate? You are from the 'Larkinson-Clan? The family of 'Mech-Warriors, who are one of the major-founding families who established the entire 'Bright-Republic?.." The young man couldn't help but shout and ask me the questions he wanted answers to, it's not everyday a 'expert-candidate 'Mech-Pilot, shows up at your gang 'hideout looking for a job.

"Yes to all of those questions, My younger brother Ves-Larkinson, owns a smaller 'Mech-Workshop boutique, here on the 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain. I hope to find a job, to support him and his career as a 'Mech-Designer. Speaking of 'Mechs, I see you have piles of old 'Mech-parts. How many 'credits would it take to convince you, to give me all your old 'Mech-parts your gang has decommissioned?.." I say informing Dietrich I am from the 'Larkinson-Clan, that he was speaking of, and also I informed him I was indeed a 'expert-candidate' 'Mech-Pilot.

Then I asked if it would be possible to acquire all the old 'mech-parts the gang had 'piled into a small hill of old metal parts in a corner of their 'hanger.

"Those old scrap-parts?.. if your serious about joining I will give you those scraps as a joining bonus! Once my father returns on the 'morrow, He will be able to give you a 'number-amount of the benefits he can offer you to join us." He informed me, the words sounding like 'sweet-music to my ear, as he spoke them.

"Great! We can wait for your father, before doing anything with the scrap-parts, I am in no rush to acquire them. They would make good materials for my sibling to practice his 'Mech-Designer skills with, thats the only reason I asked for them. I will return here tomorrow around mid-day then. Thank you for your time, I will see you tomorrow then." I tell the young man there was no need for me to take the parts without speaking with his father, the boss of the 'Mech-Gang.

Then I left the hangout and the 'slums-area of the 'capital-city', making my way to return to the Larkinson-Residence..

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