Shadow Slave: Lost From Sight

Chapter 6: Revelations

Sunny was sitting at the center of the platform, unmoving, as his head was filled with thoughts of what had happened at his First Nightmare. 

As the sun touched the horizon, a deafening rumble could be heard coming from somewhere below. Summoning the wisdom's rod, he focused and tried to collect anything that could possibly be happening.

Monsters. Scavengers. Roaming Creatures.


How could he have missed the appearance of the monsters earlier?

What had changed from then to now that allowed him to perceive them with the rod?

Perhaps it was because he was too distracted from the dream? Or was it that he was just focusing more seriously on it now?

'Damnation! So even Wisdom's Rod has a limit on how far it could detect objects!'

His only replacement at sight had its limits as well: firstly, it can only perceive things that could be seen with his 'eyes'; secondly, it had a range, and to perceive objects further and further from the rod, its user had to focus depending on how far the object was.

Continuing with his observations, the shark-like creature that had haunted him yesterday was slowly being devoured from the insides by crab-like creatures. However, as soon as the first streams of black water appeared in the labyrinth, the monsters instantly stopped their feast and scurried away, some hiding inside the collar pillars, some simply burying themselves in the soft soil.

The volume of the water slowly grew, and soon, an apocalyptic flood devoured everything as far as the eyes could see. Not that Sunny had any in the first place. The cold chill of the night blew across the platform where Sunny was situated on, and he shivered under the mercy of this blizzard-like weather. 

The sea was returning with the approach of the night.

'That's right, I still have the puppeteer's shroud.'

Summoning the puppeteer's shroud, he watched as the dark - grey garments covered his body. It even came with a pair of high, soft - soled leather boots. Clad in grey fabric and lusterless leather, he suddenly felt much safer.

Not to mention, warm.

In his defense, the clothing situation… Well, his mind was elsewhere and clothing wasn't all that important. He didn't even know he was naked until night had come. He was blind, how was he supposed to know?

Yes, he could have 'felt' the unnaturalness of having no clothing, but he was busy pondering over matters of life and death!

'Since I'm now warm and comfortable… I should… What was I even doing?'

Sunny was suddenly reminded of his encounter the other day, of the Silver String that had appeared so suddenly in front of him, and how the Spell had whispered something about his 'revelations' growing clearer.

'That's right, I haven't checked my runes yet! How could I have forgotten?'

Summoning his runes, they appeared in front of him in a flurry of sparks, and Sunny greedily took their information in. 

The instant he read them, he was shocked. 

'What… What is this?'


Name: Sunless

True name: Lost From Light

Rank: Dreamer

Revelation core: Dormant

Revelation Fragments: [5/1000]

Memories: [Wisdom's Rod], [Puppeteer's Shroud], [Silver Bell]

Echoes: —


The rune page was the same as always, or would have been if not for the increase of the counter in his 'Revelation Fragments'. 

'So that's what the spell meant by my Revelations growing clearer… But what can they even do?'

Would it increase the clarity of the visions shown from the Silver String? Or every vision he received?

'I'll have to experiment with it more…' 

Sunny sighed, weren't Aspects supposed to be easy to understand? Why was this so complicated and mysterious! And not at all useful in combat or survival.

Sunny… well, there was nothing he could do anyway.

…He hadn't tried summoning the Silver String again, nor had he experimented with the difference it had with the strings in his dreams.

However, if what [Wisdom's Rod] was feeding him is correct, the night was dark, extremely so, and even if he experimented with it, he wouldn't see, or know anything remarkable.

'So… I'll have to wait until tomorrow.'

Sunny… he was getting tired anyways, he might as well get some sleep.

'But what if something attacks me?'

'Forget it. What can sea monsters even do to this platform? I mean I did sleep the entire night yesterday.'

Quickly deciding on getting some sleep, Sunny lay down, using his hands as a pillow. 

Soon, only the sound of the undulating waves could be heard, and Sunny drifted off to the realm of slumber.


Sunny was in the world of strings again, and this time, he dreamt of the present, of a small, orange light, shimmering in the darkness of wherever in the Dream Realm he was. He was still at the same place where he had fallen asleep on — the center of the platform. 

Standing up, he walked closer and closer towards the edge. Yet he was still so far that he couldn't make out any of the details. Sunny stared at it for a while, but soon, the light disappeared.

'Other Sleepers? Natural phenomenon? Or some monster laying a trap?'

Memories of nightmare deepwater creatures immediately came to his mind. 

Shaking his head, Sunny stood there, waiting for his first vision to end. After all, the dream was showing him something, something he didn't know. 

He knew this was no vision, a vision would be like the one he had last night: vague, inexplicable, strange…

This was a dream, a dream of the present. Visions were… They were inexplicable, and seemingly omnipotent.

'Actually, is there any difference?' Sunny chuckled, before focusing his attention back to the dream.

Soon, as he had predicted, he returned to the starting point, and another piece of string pierced through his body, sending him to somewhere else. Like he had deduced, it wasn't the same as the Silver String as yesterday — it was much weaker, and… the scenes it painted were like a dream, an impossible dream.

'If this was a dream… I suppose that the Silver String would be a nightmare.'

Sunny sighed, 'Well, what are you waiting for dream? Continue. What do you want me to do now?'

Hmmm… Maybe he did hold some semblance of control over the dreamscape, because as soon as he said that, his vision shifted, and…

A shining star.

An all encompassing shadow.

A dance of light and darkness.

A porcelain doll.

It was all the same.

'Just… just what are you trying to tell me dream?! What flame? What shadow? What dance? What doll?'

As he once again walked forward and pulled down the blindfold of the doll, staring into its lifeless eyes…

"East. The answer lies to the east."

Sunless flinched before he looked around.

Yet, he saw no one, and the doll had never moved from it's spot.

Who was that?

It sounded like… like himself. But stronger, deeper, clearer, and most importantly – older.

One more question, and no answers once again.

Sunny sighed, well, he supposed he should start getting used to this.


As soon as the morning came, the pincer monsters crawled back from their hiding spots and rushed to the giant carcass to continue their feast.

Sunny watched them for some time and then walked to the opposite side of the platform to take a look in the direction where he had seen the mysterious light the previous night — the east.

But could Sunny see anything? Absolutely not, only the shining runes that the Spell gave him. 

At a considerable distance from the headless statue, five or six kilometers away, the ground rose naturally and formed something akin to a hill. On top of that hill, an especially massive coral pillar rose to the sky.

From the looks of it, its upper branches were just high enough to stay above water in the night.

Various ideas stormed into Sunny's head, but at the end of it, only two questions were really important.

First of all — How would he be able to find his way through the labyrinth and cover the distance during the day? And more importantly, should he even attempt to do it? After all, there was no indication that the source of the mysterious light was something beneficial, as opposed to dreadful and deadly. 

Besides, how was he even supposed to descend… wherever he was? Use wisdom's rod and memorise the entire infrastructure of the platform?

…Actually that might be possible.

Sunny distantly remembered that his innate ability also boosted his memory. He… he might be able to do this after all.

But… Sunny did not have enough information to make a choice, so he settled back to study the monsters, utilizing his dear rod, and his enhanced senses, despite them not telling him much. He did however, also 'looked' far ahead to the east, trying to chart at least the beginning of the path that might potentially lead him to the hill.

Logically speaking, he was as safe atop the platform as he possibly could be in this strange place. The problem was, he was going to die soon because of thirst or hunger.

Both problems were solvable if he were to venture down. He could desalinate the seawater in a number of ways taught to him by teacher Julius, with materials that were present pretty much everywhere in the Dream Real. He could also prepare traps and hunt a pincer monster to eat. If he detailedly planned and prepared tons of traps, Sunny was sure he could kill them, blind or not. With their massive size, just one of them would be able to feed him for weeks.

He could easily see such a routine: hunting by day, returning to the statue at the approach at night. It was probably his safest choice.

However, this way of doing things lacked one vital element: the potential for improvement. It might be well suited for keeping Sunny alive, but had no way of giving him hope. If he was destined to spend the rest of his life in the small area surrounding the headless statue, devouring monsters and trembling at night in fear of being devoured by something bigger in turn…

Well, he would rather just jump down and end it right now.

That pretty much meant that the only choice left for him was to try and reach the source of the orange light. And if Sunny was really trying to attempt it, he had to do it before the pincer monsters were done consuming the great carcass.

That way, at least, the surrounding segment of the labyrinth was going to be free of them.

Firm in his choice, Sunny decided to leave the headless statue the next morning — he would figure out the 'how' later. Today, he shall spend the rest of his time exploring the labyrinth and the Silver String.

With that, Sunny closed his eyes and concentrated on wisdom's rod.

After a few hours, Sunny arrived at a conclusion — he had yet experimented with the Silver String, since it was night, and there was nothing that could prove his theory of the Silver String showing brief glimpses of sight. 

'Is it a part of my Aspect…? Or something else entirely? It could be [Child of Fate] after all, I don't even know what the description means…'

Yet, Sunny had a hunch, an instinct that it was not his Attributes. Even when [Fated] had come knocking during the First Nightmare, Sunny didn't feel… the same. It was hard to describe, but whenever he utilized his Aspect, a part of him showered in familiarness, in belonging, like the powers his Aspect gave him were always his.

…Unlike what his Attributes made him feel.

Attributes, they were like powers bestowed upon him from superior beings — the gods, or, the -unknown- he supposed. They didn't feel as flowing, as purposeful as his own Aspect, yet it certainly belonged to him — just not in the way his Aspect was like.

'What am I even talking about?' Sunny chuckled, 'No, more like 'think' about, if that's even thinking…'

Sunny wanted to sigh.

Just why couldn't the Spell translate his Aspect clearly?

'I mean, it could describe my Aspect like this: Twists your dreams with strange symbolisation, and has a Silver String appear whenever it wants, and save my life? Also, what's wrong with my core! Don't say something like [Revelation Core] and not provide a user manual for it!'



Could it be this?

Dormant Ability: [Forbidden Seer].

Dormant Ability Description: [You possess an affinity to revelations and fate, in the form of dreams, revelations, or simply the strings, provided they reveal themselves to you.]

'So… Could the Silver String be— No! It must be that the String isn't just the fake, normal ones I see in my dreams, it must be the real deal! But, why would destiny, if it even exists, help me now? Why didn't it help me earlier!?'

Why would Fate want to show him it's will? Why now? It never did so before when he needed it the most.

He racked his brain, but couldn't find anything useful.

…Except for that time yesterday, when the String had appeared before him.

Trying his best to remember what had transpired to stimulate its appearance.

'What should I do!?' He screamed, and a part of him whispered to give up, and the pain wouldn't last that long.

Sunny pondered over that for a few long, hard seconds. 


He couldn't die yet.

He didn't give up even in the face of his flaw — complete blindness.

'That's right. I decided to survive!'

His eyes shone with the madness of a desperate person, yet they held the will of survival. Sunny did tell Hero so long ago that he would survive, to spite the world.

'I'll live, not for myself, not for Rain, but to spite you all!'

With the determination of a dying man, he reversed his direction and swam as hard as he could, hand outreaching to the surface. 

A Silver String suddenly appeared in front of him.

And… it sunk into his soul, where his core was.

His memory… It was clear, extremely, like it had just transpired seconds ago.

'So that's the second part of my innate ability.' Sunny mused, thinking back to what his runes had shown. 

Innate Ability: [Cognitive Clarity].

Ability Description: [Your senses and memories are amplified.]

Even though he had doubted its usefulness when the Spell had given the power to him in his First Nightmare, it pulled its weight when he started finding ways to combat his Flaw. It wasn't as useful or reliable as the Memory Jet had given him, but he still appreciated its usefulness. 

Onto the Silver String, it had appeared when Sunny felt a blaze of determination, a determination to survive. So, if he was determined to achieve something, would it appear before him again?

'But what am I determined to do right now?' 

Thinking back, there was always something gnawing at him since the end of the First Nightmare.

Sunny didn't just want to know what the hell was happening, he wanted to see. He wanted to see, he wanted to know how this place looked: the exact colour of the waves, the crimson red of the corals, the harrowing beauty of the labyrinth and the monsters that lived there…

Sunny felt determination blaze in the depths of his heart, a dark flame growing deep within him.

'Damn it Fate! I won't accept this Flaw! So give me sight! No matter how brief of a moment.'

…A Silver String appeared before him, and Sunny internally cheered. He finally knew what was needed for it to appear.

It sunk into his core, and Sunny felt the world changing around him.

He felt a warm glow enveloping him, a gentle stream of light breaking through the veil of shadows that had settled over his eyes.

'Heh. Veil of Shadows? What am I even thinking about? That's the name of my Flaw!'

Gradually, vague shapes began to appear within sight, slowly filling with the colours unique to them only. Thin strings of light extended from the core of his soul, and it joined the shapes, weaving into the unique perception of wherever this place of the Dream Realm is. 

Now that Sunny's life wasn't in danger, he could truly appreciate this… this part that his Aspect gave him.

'Maybe I shouldn't have complained about my Aspect earlier…'

Colours wove and overlapped, as vibrant hues met with soft pastel. His world wasn't just the black and white of the Spell, it was the world he had been in, the world of colours, of shapes, of views… It was a breath of fresh air to the darkness he had grown used to.

Sunny opened his eyes. And the world had indeed transformed. 

Even if it was just a dream, an impossible fantasy, Sunny couldn't help but feel his mind burst with emotions.

Just how much had he missed his sight?

The place he had ended up in…

It was bright, shining, so unlike the night, red coral, blue skies, shining sun… They were all blinding him. Of course, Sunny knew all of this from those singular descriptives by the wisdom's rod, but seeing by oneself — it was just too different.

There were so many ways to describe this place: Harrowing, beautiful, ethereal… But it was mostly like a shore — a forgotten shore. 

'Not that I know what it means.'

Moving blobs of black and red wove in between the mazes of corals, and Sunny found that not all of the creatures near him were gathered around the corpse of the creature from a few days before — some were starting to leave the place.

Which means…

He really didn't have that much time until the worthy distraction of free meat finishes.

Sunny will have to leave soon.

'So I only have until the day after tomorrow…'

Calculating his odds and what decision he should make, Sunny almost didn't notice how his vision, if it was one, oddly shifted. It was different from before, his vision hadn't shifted then.

Anyways, the viewpoint shifted from a bird's view of everything to a view from the depths of the coral labyrinth. Looking up, Sunny saw… he saw a strangely shaped cliff. It took Sunny a few minutes to recognize what place this is.

'That's… a finger. That's a hand. That is… a sword?' He blinked, 'It's a statue.'

Indeed, the cliff was man-made. It was an ancient, colossal statue at least two hundred meters tall. The scale of it was so massive that it boggles the mind. From what Sunny could see, it depicted a knight clad in elaborate plate armor, with seven shining stars carved into his breastplate. In his hands, he was holding a gargantuan sword, pointing it to the ground.

However, the most striking fact was that the statue is headless. The roughly circular platform he was on… Sunny had been sleeping on the neck of a statue — a momentum of a forgotten past.

"What on Earth is this place?" He muttered, "What is the String trying to tell me?" 

Last time, the first time the String had shown itself, it was trying to warn him, revealing to him how he was very dead. It showed him something, and it was showing him something now.

'What could those seven stars possibly mean?' 

Seven. Seven. For some reason Sunny has yet to know, the String once again appeared before him, overlapping with the sight it had provided him.

However, that wasn't what made the situation so peculiar. The String was trembling, as if it had a life of its own.

'There's no way such a String could be… could be scared of a simple number!' Sunny trembled, 'If such an omniscient being is scared…'

What was so special about the number 'seven'? Why did it appear everywhere? His First Nightmare, the plate armor of the headless statue…

'It could be a coincidence?' He thought, but a whisper from his mind was telling Sunny that this was no coincidence.

Soon, the view of the statue blurred, and his vision changed. This time, he was somewhere else, near that mound of a coral that resembled a hill.

"…used to destroy…" 

'Huh? Is there someone here?'

But who?

There was no way, he must have been hallucinating!


The scene of an orange flame withering in the distance. 

Maybe there really were other Sleepers! Maybe that was them! Maybe…

The vision changed, and he could finally see who was speaking moments ago.

One of them had shining silver hair, an aloof expression on her face — Nephis; the other had flowing blonde hair, and shining blue eyes, so unlike the darkness of the shadows that stalked where they were — Cassie.

'What!? They're here!'

"My Aspect allows me to scout. Look." Cassie said, pointing towards her shadow. 

Suddenly, something miraculous happened. Her shadow separated from her body, waving gloomily to Nephis in return.

"It can't separate too long, or too far from me. Oh right, I call it gloomy."

'Gloomy? Who gives their shadow a name!' Sunny thought, 'But… I already know all of this, what is the String trying to tell me?'

Was it telling him to meet them? Or were they the ones to light that fire last night? Perhaps it was something else?

Nephis stiffly nodded, "That would help in finding a gateway."

So he really was somewhere unknown.

"And evading monsters."

"I'll scout, and you'll face the monsters will you?" Cassie asked, her hands clenching and trembling, "I can't fight, at all."

"Alright, I can teach you if you want."

At Cassie's confused face, Nephis added:

"More fighters would make surviving more possible."

Indeed it would, even if Nephis was strong, and Sunny had seen it firsthand, who could brave the Dream Realm alone? The renowned 'Soul Reaper' had also advised him of finding allies, and he wouldn't dare doubt her words.

"I'll… I'll consider it."

Nephis tilted her head, "Don't you want to survive?"

"I do. But— you tried to kill me."

Sunny was shocked, the Changing Star of the Immortal Flame Clan threatening someone? That was unnatural, if what he had seen in the Academy wasn't a lie. But looks could be deceiving, just like how the blind Sleeper was actually a holder of a Divine Aspect.

Besides… with the current state of the world, he supposed it wasn't so strange — the wealthy would always hold true power.

Soon, the vision ended, and the colour he was allowed to see evaporated as quick as it had come, leaving only the deep abyss, and the shining runes for him.

On top of the headless statue, Sunless awoke, his breath laboured, and his mind groggy.

'I.. I have to go east.'

After that thought, he collapsed onto the platform, his eyelids threatening to sew shut.

'So that's the consequences of utilizing the Silver String… Feeling tired beyond belief.'

Should he sleep? He was safe now, atop of this nameless statue. No Nightmare Creature would dare attack him here, would they? It was the best place to rest his tired mind, and dissect the knowledge he gained from the String.

However, Sunny had an intuition that if he slept, he would lose valuable time. Time that could be used for figuring his descent from the statue. He did decide to go east and find Nephis and Cassie after all. Besides, if the String was telling him to do so… He should go and find them.

But, last time it showed his death. And after he evaded it, the Spell rewarded him with Revelation Fragments — something he still didn't know the use of. The only difference was that the vision it showed was longer, and it had a different message.

During the previous time Sunny used the String, it was whispering to him that 'he had to live' and, 'how he was fated to die.' This time he got the feeling that it was telling him to 'go east and find the light and the shadow'. 


Sunny should trust it. His intuition was telling him so. Besides, people had always said that — the intuition of a seer is always correct.

Deciding on his plan of action, Sunny focused on the skies, trying to retain his sanity from the waves of drowsiness that constantly hit him.

After a few minutes of struggling, the wave suddenly disappeared, and his mind became clear once again, not at all disturbed like it had been mere minutes ago.

"Really?" Sunny muttered to no one in particular, "Is this what they meant by 'there is no free lunch in the world'? Must my Aspect come with a restriction!"

The Silver String didn't react.

Hmm… He couldn't call it 'Silver String' forever, could he? Sunny should name it.

'Maybe something like Sleepy, lazy, or tired…'

An idea popped into his mind.

"I got it! Sloth. Your name will be sloth!" He exclaimed.

Of course, Sunny didn't have any fancy explanations for the reason he decided to name it sloth. It just sounded fancy, and he remembered hearing this name from before. One of the urban myths in the outskirts were about a slow, slow animal, something before the Nightmare Spell, something normal and unique to the world. 

He vaguely remembered it was called 'sloth'.

"Heh. I suppose it is quite a suitable name for you, not that you can hear me anyways."

…A wave of drowsiness hit him once again.

"Damn it! I'm not insulting you, I'm teasing!"

It must have worked, because in the next second, the drowsiness disappeared as soon as it came.

'My Aspect isn't only restricting… It has a mind of its own!'

Sighing, he shifted his attention back to the statue, and how he was supposed to descend it.

'Maybe I can find the best path with wisdom's rod? And memorize the way and steps I should descend? Will I even be able to remember it?' Sunny thought, 'I… I suppose I can try.

With that, Sunny picked up his rod, and focused all his attention onto the finer details of the statue, his mind already straining from the sheer amount of information he was collecting, the puppeteer's shroud easing his fatigued mind.

In the night, a sudden storm descended upon the dark sea. Sunny was stirred awake by the sounds of rocking among the waves, and he briefly saw sloth. Rushing towards the center of the platform, he prepared himself in time for the crushing winds and pelting rain.

Usually, rain always puts him in a bad mood. But this time, he was too thirsty to think about anything except for freshwater. Staying low so as to not be blown over the edge of the platform, Sunny cupped his hands and waited until they became filled with rainwater. Then, he raised them to his mouth and greedily drank. 

Strikes of thunder echoed across the expanse of the dark sea. If anyone were to see Sunny now, they would have noticed a wide grin on his face.

The storm continued to rampage for several hours. Sunny crouched in the middle of the platform, enduring to wash him away. But Sunny held tight to the deep grooves in the stone surface of the platform, sticking to it like glue.

By morning, when the storm finally dissipated, all of his muscles were sore.

But there was no time to waste.

As soon as the monsters came back to the carcass, with a few stragglers quickly following behind, he summoned wisdom's rod, and slid over the edge of the platform, beginning the climb down.

Sunny had to thank Wilderness Survival classes once again, since he had been taught the basics of 'blind' rock climbing as well. Teacher Julius was adamant about giving his student a crash course in all possible forms of traversal, no matter what condition they had. 

Julius had told him to climb slowly — feeling the different footholds and handhelds, choosing the best ones, before repeating the process once again. He also told him how he should react in case of a sudden emergency — to hold on with all his might and stay calm, searching for a hold once again.

Additionally, Sunny had already scouted and mapped the most optimal way down with sloth and wisdom's rod. He knew where the best holds and indentions were, and how to grab onto them.

After a few hours of struggling and too many close calls, his feet finally touched the ground.

Despite the fact that leaving the headless statue was going to put him in considerable danger, Sunny instantly felt his mood improving. Remaining passive and helpless since the end of his First Nightmare did not suit his character well. Now, even if his plan were to end in failure, or his blindness was seemingly that much of a curse, at least he was going to go down doing something he had decided to do.

Trying and failing was better than not trying at all.

That was how he learned to somewhat adapt to his annoying flaw after all.

As his ankles sinked into the black mud, Sunny found the mud slowing him down, but not to an extent that he had to be concerned about. With some practice, Sunny was soon able to walk at an acceptable speed.

Heading to one of the paths that were supposed to be leading him towards the hill, Sunny activated wisdom's rod each few steps he took, surveying if there were any stray caraspaces.

Immediately, a strange feeling enveloped his mind, it was as if the world beyond the labyrinth did not exist anymore, and all that was left were its twisting, dark paths.

Sunny shook his head, that couldn't be possible, he must be… unfamiliar with this. Yeah, that must be it. 

The world beyond the labyrinth existed, the world beyond this shore existed, the waking world existed, the outskirts had never left him…

'What? I'm missing the outskirts now?' Sunny sighed, 'No! I'm not returning to that place again! I'll Awaken to… to spite them all!'

Even if the labyrinth seemed endless, even if survival wasn't possible. Sunny will survive. He will find a gateway and Awaken. 

Affirming with his choice, Sunny began to move forward, he had to start the hike to the hill. After all, his life now depended on whether or not he would reach the distant hill before the sun began to set.

He didn't even want to think about what would happen if he were still inside the labyrinth once the dark sea came back in an unstoppable flood.

Without his eyes, he deeply relied on wisdom's rod, his own memory, and his senses, choosing the most optimal route. However, he still had to backtrack a considerable distance once or twice, ending up either in a dead end or in a path leading in the wrong direction.

A bird eye's view on the path did not necessarily mean a normal view of the path after all. Everything wouldn't be as clear as it was on paper…

Despite that, everything seemed to be going smoothly.

But, Sunny didn't lower his guard down. He didn't have sight, so he had to be extremely careful, what if… what if wisdom's rod missed something? What if he forgot the route? Everything might seem fine, however, it was anything but. 

He was in a constant onslaught of wariness and fearfulness, like it had always been since a month ago. His life would be in more risk now that he wasn't behind the absolute walls of the Academy where nothing could have been harmed in, he was in the Dream Realm, and the Dream Realm kills, no matter how the government had assured them everything was fine.

Besides, how would the hollows have appeared if Awakening was as sweet as everyone had said?

That's why, when his enhanced senses detected trembling from the mud, Sunny immediately leaped towards the left, where he knew a wall of coral lay. 

In the next moment, a boom could be heard coming out of the ground, tearing through the air where he had been mere moments ago.

'Damnation! Why does this always happen to me?'

Hiatus Announcement!

So uhh I've recently joined a competition, and I desperately have to prepare for it, sorry for that :( 

The break will be until mid - march, because after the competition, I have a extremely important history test.

Do tell me your opinions and how the recent cliff is (I might write more cliffs in the future!)

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