Shadow Slave: Regret Name

Chapter 6: What The Future Holds


Two weeks have passed since the semester started. The rankings were to be expected with the twins of Valor on the top spots.

I've gained a humble spot myself, ranked sixteenth on the board. But surprisingly, Lin and Lyney are both at the bottom. Later, I learnt it was due to them unwilling to share any information.

After classes started, I got to wield a sword for the first time. My movements were rigid, my stance was amateur, and my form was a total mess... gladly, I am just in the right place to improve and learn.

Fortunately, Lin had also joined the class, however, he did not participate in the classes very often. Usually hanging around Lyney instead.

Speaking of which, Lyney did not pick lots of classes. Only Wilderness Survival and advanced theoretical knowledge of The Spell.

They hanged out together without minding each-other or any acknowledgement to the matter. One might really think they're a couple,

maybe even own a deeper connection.

Next class is Language Skills. The class was empty with no one in the room aside from me and the teacher.

The teacher was a younger woman who looked in her early thirties. She was a teacher who's in for the righteous reasons if anything.

Once she heard someone was attending the class, she was enthusiastic to teach me, therefore, a lesson will be held everyday. I should finish the class in a month or two without an issue.

That's being said, I can already speak decently or at least form solid sentences. Speaking of which, that brings us to the next class, Vocal Orientation and Development.

This lesson was supposed to be those for more... professional at speaking. Therefore, I often had private sessions or stayed after class to make actual progress.

And then, there is the last subject I'm attending to, Wilderness Survival. The teacher seemed quite old for an awakened but full of experience.

 The man was enthusiastic about the Dream Realm and was excited to have a class full of students.

Interesting enough, the class used to be abandoned, forgotten even, until something changed and persuaded students to pick it too. Ever since, the classes could be found full of life and people.

In this class, as well, participated Lin and Lyney, resulting in the three of us usually sitting together.

We got to study some common runic language and useful skills so far but soon enough will start get into different possible scenarios we might find ourselves into.

After quite few lessons, I found out I had a talent for runic language and inscription, possibly because that's the first actual language I know of since waking up without memories.

One day, at the end of the day all of us were beat from classes and trainings.

Arriving back at my dorm, I found Lin and Lyney conversing together.

Making myself a warm beverage and sitting on a sofa, Lin addresses me to fill me into the conversation.

"So, how should we call you? Because of your lack of speech, we couldn't really understand it"

Truth be told, in the first days, they did ask about my name. However, True Name is not something that could be taken lightly.

I could show them the runes but neither of them could really read it. The way the spell translates it, as well as anything else, is not by a simple language.

Considering how I have no original language, the spell simply sends the information through in a way that cannot be described.

The Nightmare Spell seems to be bound through methods that a mortal should not understand. The creator must have been a special entity, if not a god.

However, after getting some vocal training and learning the basics of the common language, I could finally communicate as usual.

And considering my Wilderness Survival classes I could also recite the runes out loud.

"My... True Name is Regretful Pathology."

"True Name? That is truly impressive."

The unexpected compliment came from Lyney, who usually prefers to stay quiet.

'I guess that shows how big of an achievement it is.'

"Forget it, that's too mouthful. We will call you Regret instead.

However, you better keep hiding that name from the rest. It gives away too much info your aspect."

With the mutual agreement in that regard, Lyney was meaning to ask for us to gather in private.

Seizing the current opportunity, she did not waste a moment and went straight to the subject at hand.

"It will benefit us if we stay in one group when we can. I was informed Valor are planning to make their move.

"If we separate, it will increase their chance to strike, and I don't think any of us stands a chance against true Legacies.

"Lin and I are already together most of the time, so it should concern you the most."

With the same indifferent tone, Lyney address me with worrisome words. Seeing as I am the one who they might target first.

"Do you have any intel of their combatant abilities?"

The atmosphere between the twins was always that of an operation room, as if they both were generals leading troops to prepare against an enemy nation.

The twins of Valor practically ruled the entire place with the power their clan holds. And after the fiasco Lin caused to their vassal clan's scion, a reaction was guaranteed to come.

After handing around Lin so often, they'd definitely try to get to him through me.

"I do not. They avoid using it at all, and it's even considered confidential information.

"We should prepare for the worst outcome, but rather, we should prepare for as many possibilities as possible.

"One of such, could be abduction, used to lure you in....

"Another possibility is straight confrontation. That is why, we should tell each-other about what each one is capable of.

At the very least, we can rely on Regret to send distress signal, but we could also use a proper way of communication."

Nodding in agreement, the twins proceeded in discussing the aspects of each-other.

"You might have seen it already, but my Aspect can only trigger when I'm in a crucial state.

"However, it is not only limited to be physical, but also emotionally or mentally.

"My Dormant Ability lets me negate every Aspect that is getting closer to me.

"It is mostly effective against projectiles and close combat.

"Moreover, I cannot stop aspects that are stronger than mine, be it in the user's rank or the actual rank."

The explanation helped clear the fight we were witnessing at the first day.

"What about your Attributes?" I asked, knowing they could be as crucial as the aspect itself.

"Well, one is making me on high alert constantly, as for the other one, it makes me dodge incoming attacks more easily.

"That is all I can share."

Next, it was Lyney's turn to share. Taking a moment to calculate her words, she started to share her abilities.

"My aspect works on sympathy and empathy. In case I manage to relate to anyone they would be considered Allies. I can either amplify or weaken my Allies' Aspects on command, reinforcing their powers.

"I can also imply sensation of easiness, calmness, sense the emotions and location of Allies.

"Also, Nightmare Creatures are the easiest to relate to."

Nightmare Creatures? As in, defiled creatures corrupted by the abyss? I might have underestimated Lyney, but if she could empathize with such creatures wouldn't that make her a bit inhuman?

"Why is that?" Lin asked before I could, some kind of darkness appeared on his face. As if resentment surfaced upon his face.

"In my First Nightmare I fell into corruption."

Spitting out the beverage in almost comical way, I was stared at the delicate young girl sitting right next to me.

Silence filled the room. With so many thoughts running through both of our heads, left both of us flabbergasted.

"To be more precise, my external body did. But The Spell annihilated the seed right in time. You could say I'm half profane.

"My sentience was not lost just yet, but my body was not under my control anymore.

"Fortunately, a Master supervised me at the time and held an aspect that could miraculously revert profanity to some extent."

Such story was hard to digest. Countless lives were lost by the first nightmare, some were harsher than others. But coming back from profanity is a true miracle by itself.

Staring in absolute daze at the young girl sitting next to me, I could not even begin to imagine what she experienced.

Losing any kind of rationality, I just needed to take a breath.

Raising to my feet and approaching the sink to clean myself off and cleaning what the drink I spat, I announced out loud.

"I think that's enough for one day...

"We should all get some rest."

Before faring goodbye, she stood by the door, as if waiting for someone.

"So, which of you will escort me?"

Remember of our recent conversation of agreeing to stay in groups for the time being.

I turn to look at Lin, but he was already at his room, leaving me as the only option left.

"I will, I suppose." I replied, leaving the dorm with Lyney.

Even though I'm more likely be the victim of abduction, the priority only stands due to Lin being constantly with Lyney.

With her petite figure, she'd definitely be the first choice if left alone.

'There's no way Lin would let her go alone, so why did he disappear in his room?'

With silence across halls filled with flickering lights from the ceiling, the sound of footsteps was filling the emptiness of the campus.

Lyney and I were approaching her dorm. Being one of the lucky ones who got a room for herself, she opened door before stepping it.

However, before bidding farewell, she turned to face me before saying.

"Come in. There's something I want to discuss with you about."

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