Shadows of betrayal

Chapter 9: Ankoku the dark slayer

As he was standing in front of it

It was a 27-floor building, and it looked like an office.

Haru: No one would ever expect this to be the assassination organization.

Well, let's go.

As he entered the building, from the front it looked like a normal office where there were people working, and the people were normal.

Haru: Is it the right address? Am I lost?

Then he saw their help center and went there.

As he entered the help center

Helper: Hi, how can I help you?

Haru: Is it the killer of deals organization?

Helper became stunned by Haru's words.

H-how do you know? No, who are you?

And Haru smiled.

Your death.

The helper attacked Haru.

With a ground skill

Stone punches

Haru caught his hands

Haru: Is it only this much? Fire style fire punch and punched the helper on the stomach.

Haru's hand went through his body, killing the helper.

Haru: Yuck! That's dirty.

Then a loud siren shouted through the building, and the gates were closed with metal doors.

And then everyone went towards the help center, where they found the body but not Haru.

Then suddenly a black aura covered that room.

Everyone: What? I can't see anything. What is happening and why?

Then Haru talked.

Welcome to my domain.

And a pitch of Black ball formed around them, binding their eyes and not enabling them to see anything; they could only feel the chill.

I didn't want to use it on you weaklings since I can only use it 2 times before my stamina runs out, but it's just to flex my power so you can understand why I am using it right.

Everyone: Who are you, and why are you doing this? For what reason are you doing this?

Haru: Well, you see, a few days ago, two assassins were after me and tried to kill me, and guess where they belonged to?

Everyone: We don't know.

Haru: How dumb can the people be?

It was from your organization.

Everyone: Oh, we are sorry. It's a heart-touching story, but are you fine now? Did you get hurt anywhere?

Haru: Seriously, who accepted you guys into a killer organization? But I am sorry, guys.

Then Haru muttered


And a bunch of spikes formed in the dome, and everyone was killed.

A river of blood formed by their blood

No one knows what happened in that domain as it disappeared like it was never there.

Then Haru

Used the elevator to go to the next floor; as he was going, the elevator stopped working, and a voice came in the elevator.

You showed remarkable actions on the first floor, but this is where it ends.

Haru: Who are you?

Oh, I am sorry; I forgot to introduce myself. I am the boss of this organization, and I am the one who controls it. Without me, even a leaf can't move, and you bastard tried to invade it, but since you impressed me, I will give you a chance.

Haru: Oh, a chance for me.

?: First of all, isn't your mask kind of ugly? It's just a piece of cardboard with a smiley face and carved-out eyes.

Haru: Heheh, sorry, you know I haven't decided on what type of mask I'm going to use, but I had to come here, so in a hurry I made this, but it's comfortable.

(It was just a piece of cardboard box.)

?: Now I have a suggestion for you: I am inviting you to join our organization.

Haru: I refuse.


Haru: Because I have really no reason to join, and it's not even going to exist because I'm going to kill each and every one here.

?: Interesting. Here are more than 10,000 men. Are you sure you are capable of killing each and every one?

Haru: Absolutely, and you already did me a favor by closing the gates; now no one will be able to escape.

The leader was surprised by the confidence of Haru and was very impressed by him.

What is your name and your rank?

Haru: My name is Ankoku, and for rank, I don't know.

rank! Everyone has different ranks, and it depends on their mastery and understanding of their elements or how much a person can use their element. The rank goes from E, which is the last place, to SSS, which is the highest rank anyone can achieve, and in one era only one person can achieve the rank of SSS.

All are E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.

To compare its power, an A-rank player is considered city level; he can destroy a city on his own, and S is state level. SS is country level, but an SSS one is on the world level, and right now, Amarican has the current SSS rank player.

?: Well, it's the end of our little talk, but I really wish that you would come to join our group. It's really unfortunate to see a young talent die. Oh, and also, by the way, what is your element?

Haru: Haru smiled and said, Darkness.

?: ? What! What is the dark element?

Haru: You'll see when I will come to kill you, and the call ends.

Then the elevator starts to work again and opens on the second floor, and as soon as the door opens, people jump on Haru and

Haru also unleashed his sword, the one he brought in the market.

And the one person just jumped on his sword, and he was taking it out.

Haru: Just how dumb are these people?

And you readers, are you really reading this? Well, if you are, then enjoy it.

And right now, as you can see, I am stuck in the group of straight men. Yeah, straight men.

Straight men: Attack that bastard; he is talking nonsense with himself.

Haru: Shut up. Can't you see I am talking to our viewer? If they didn't read, how can we get the money

Well, I am sorry for the

inconvenience. Oh, it's the end then until we meet again.

To be continued

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