"Shadows of Solitude"

Chapter 2: I can't stand seeing him

Title: "Shadows of the Past"

Months passed slowly, as if time itself was trying to burden Lily's heart more and more. After the horrific assault by "Marcon," Lily discovered she was pregnant. But the more bitter truth came when she realized that the child she carried in her womb was her son, Jin Shi.

Jin Shi, who had been born as a result of that brutal crime, became a symbol of the pain that could never be erased. In moments of solitude, Lily felt she couldn't bear the responsibility of the child linking her to such a painful past. Her heart broke with each passing moment as she saw that the child she carried was not only a painful reminder but a child who carried a part of that crime within him.

In the midst of confusion and internal destruction, Lily decided to leave her child in the care of his grandmother "Sovana," who had visited her often during this period and had offered help, despite the grief that filled her own heart. Lily felt she couldn't raise the child and wanted to give him a better life than what she could offer at that moment.

But Lily's decision was not easy. It was a difficult choice, filled with guilt and a sense of betrayal toward her son, but deep down she knew that what she was doing might be better for him. Her heart was heavy with sorrow, but she saw no other way. She knew her life couldn't provide what Jin Shi needed, and that he would find the care and love he required in the arms of his grandmother, "Sovana."

Sovana, the strong grandmother who had lived through many tragedies in her own life, decided to raise Jin Shi as her own child. Despite her shock at the events of the past, she knew that love and care would be the best gifts she could give this innocent child.

After leaving her son, Lily decided to go far away, where she could start anew. She thought she wouldn't be able to move forward with Jin Shi in her life, and her heart was filled with sorrow over the fate of this child she had unintentionally lost.

In those moments, Jin Shi remained a part of her, no matter how far she tried to run. And so, Lily began her life again, with a deep sense of sadness for what she had left behind. But life doesn't stop, and she had to learn how to live with the past.

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