"Shadows of Solitude"

Chapter 8: "The Lost Son Shows His Strength"

Jin Shi thought about how they knew he was the son of a criminal. Many thoughts came to his mind, but he remembered that his old, annoying grandmother had been shouting loudly, calling him the son of a criminal. He gathered all his strength and couldn't believe his defeat. He said to himself, "Since I'm the son of a criminal, I'll show them what crime really is." The move that his neighbor, who had trained him in martial arts, had forbidden him to use except in dire situations, came to his mind. The move involved grabbing the person's hand, twisting it, putting his foot on their neck, and hitting their chest to make it impossible for them to breathe, effectively choking them. Jin Shi used this move on Basen with all his strength, inflicting a lot of pain. After Rodger had hit him, he held on tightly to ensure that Basen lost consciousness. But Basen's friends started hitting him, and one of them yelled, "Stay away from him, you snake!" Jin Shi held on, though, and when Basen finally passed out, he collapsed to the ground along with him. Basen's friends, afraid, started to back away. Jin Shi started laughing, saying, "Finally, I did it." Without thinking, one of Basen's friends grabbed a rock and threw it at Jin Shi. However, in their panic, they missed. Jin Shi looked at them with eyes that showed no mercy. But quickly, he remembered that he was also a criminal now, just like them. Fear gripped Rodger and the others as they quickly pulled Basen away from Jin Shi and ran at full speed. Jin Shi calmed himself and didn't chase after them because he didn't want to kill them.

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