Shattered identities (Dwellers of the mind)

Chapter 2: Chapter 2



It's all i can hear but it's so dark, i cant see. I can't even move. 

Alan! ALAN! 

I heard a female voice calling me, i tried to open my eye's. 

Am i sleeping? Unconscious? Well no matter what it is i need to wake up. After trying to open my eye's i finally regained my sight. 

I woke up and at first everything was blurred, someone helped me sat up then as my eye's adjust i saw everyone panicking and shouting, some are even crying. And out if curiosity i looked at my left to see who helped me sat up, she had a blonde hair, snow white skin and a slender body. I realized that she was our class president. 

" Alan how are you feeling? Can you stand up now? " she asked as her hand were placed on my back slightly rubbing it " Yeah " i answered even though i can't still processes what was happening. 

" Good, help me get the other's " she said in a demanding but concerned tone as she then stand up and walk to the other students who are still unconsciously laying down on the ground. 

For a minute i just sat there looking at everyone but then i focus my gaze on what place we are in, looking from where im at it seems like where in a room big as our class room but it seemed to be abandoned and looking to my left there's a big hole on the wall making the outside sky visible. 

I stand up still looking around i noticed that there were red splashes on the wall and some unexplainable roting flesh and bone's on some corner there was also a wall on the right side where there are 2 door's left and right. 

I then paused for a sec as i realized that my friend might still be unconscious, there are over 50 students here and it'll be hard to find her.

 I rushed looking for here one by one looking at every one of my class mate's i then stumbled at the class president " Merlin where's Alice? " I asked her in a panic " she was looking for you a second ago, i think she went there " she pointed to ge to the left near the big hole on the wall. 

"Alright thank's" i then went to the place she pointed. 

As i reached there i saw the girl with a black and red stripped sweater at the edge of the big hole on the wall "Alice!" I called her name in relief. 

"damn i thought you were gone " she then turned her attention to me "Yo hey I've been looking for you "she said as she walked towards me "Look's like we were both looking for each other" i told her as i looked outside, i then went to it's edge to look at what's on the ground and what floor we are in, Alice followed me she also looked down. 

"3rd floor think i can jump it?" I said as a joke. 

"Bet?" She replied clearly getting it.

After that joke Alan and Alice decided to help the other's cause some are still laying on the ground and other's are still panicking. It didn't take an hour to wake them all up and to calm other's down.

"What now? " one of the boy asked the the president, Merlin not sure of what to do next looks at everyone then "EVERY ONE PLEASE MY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" she shouted taking everyone's attention all of them looking at her even Alice and Alan.

Merlin then walks to the front for everyone to see "I know everyone here is confused and scared but we need to co-operate with each other. " She paused for a sec then added "-for now let's only focus on where we are then let's try to find a way back" she said with a bit of faith.

And with that everyone is now depending on her leadership, she then lead's them all out if the room and 2 people went up to here walking beside her. One was her female friend and the other was the boy who asked her earlier. They managed to find a stairway going down.

The continue to walk down until they reach the first floor. There was a door on front it was just a walk away

They then proceeded to go outside, as they step out they were granted with a ruined city.

"Everyone stay close! " Merlin said signaling them to not split up.

I heard Merlin telling us to stay close as i give my friend a glance just to make sre she still there "What is this place? " Alice asked, though i don't know if she's asking me or she just said that "Some surta abandoned city... " I replied to her even though im not sure if she asked me.

At the mist of quietness i heard a low growl, i turned and looked if everyone heard it to and they did. I went closer to Alice cause i don't know what to do and thats the only thing i can think about. The president heard it to as i looked at her she was also scared but still keeping her composure, everyone else was scared as well whispering here and there getting closer to each other was the only thing their doing now.

Then out of the blue, it was to fast for me to notice the only thing i say was a blurry thing move as blood splashed at me, i fall sitting down as my body trembled trying to crawl myself back.....

Blood, gut's out blood blood dead killed blood killed blood blood killed dead DEAD dead, dead, DEAD!

Everyone panicked running everywhere just to escape and find a place to hide i was to stund to move but i know that if i don't get out of there ill die. I looked around and non, no one was there except the president she was still there standing. I quickly stand up but then i realized that Alice wasn't there.

Maybe she ran away with the others? I can only question where she's at but i hope she's safe.

"MER-" i was about to shout her name but stopped.

Everyone ran away i tried to keep them all together but i couldn't, the only one left there was the guy i can't tell who Alan maybe? He tried to call my name but he stopped. I didn't know why until...



A liquid drops on my head dripping down to my face, i touched it.

"B-Blood " i said trembling it continues to drip as i turned around to look at my back.

To be Continued-- ➢

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