Sir Hero, It’s Time to Train!

Chapter 114

“Since I figured it might be uncomfortable for you to be with others, I’ve arranged this place for you. Was there anything that made you uncomfortable?”

A woman, radiating beauty with a bright smile, seemed to captivate the entire room with her presence.

Her hair, as if crafted from melted platinum, and her golden eyes that ensnared the gaze, made her resemble a statue carved by the dedicated hands of a deity.

The Saintess Illeina of the Aries Order embodied transcendental beauty, combining worldly elegance with her entire self, expressing her allure and the doctrines of Aries.

“Thanks to Illeina Saintess’s care, I was able to enjoy the sights comfortably. Once again, I offer my gratitude.”

In front of her, Rachel simply expressed her thanks calmly and slightly bowed her head in respect.

Even if Rachel wore the unadorned robes of the Latima Order, her beauty wasn’t diminished compared to that of Illeina standing before her.

Though similar yet so contrasting, both women undoubtedly held the essence of “beauty” in their hands.

“Hoho. Is that so? By the way, you are Sir Ail, correct?”

“Yes. I am Ail, responsible for escorting Lady Rachel.”

“It was an impressive match. You truly lived up to being the finest holy knight of the Latima Order.”

“Thank you.”

Despite Illeina’s smile, Ail accepted the compliment with nothing but equanimity. Seeing his unexpected reaction, Illeina’s expression changed slightly.

“Lady Rachel, do Latima Order’s holy knights all undergo castration?”


Ail was taken aback by the sudden question.

Rachel stifled a laugh, aware of the reason behind Illeina’s inquiry, which flustered Ail.

Nevertheless, Illeina, as if it were her life’s mission, pouted her lips and continued.

“It’s a myth, of course. But priests and the pope from other orders tend to get bashful when they see me. Yet Sir Ail here is utterly indifferent… I assumed you had given up your virility for the Goddess Latima.”

“Hoho. Our Sir Ail, while serving the Goddess Latima, daringly harbors affection for another woman. But since she is from the same order, the Goddess turns a blind eye to it.”

“Lady Saintess?!”

How did she know…?

Ail almost blurted out in surprise. He did indeed have someone he admired from afar, but couldn’t fathom why it was being mentioned here.

Seeing Illeina smiling at him as if she understood, Ail only stood more flustered.

“I see. In an age when clergymen keep concubines, it is truly a pure love that, even faced with a beautiful woman like me, your eyes do not wander.”

“Ah, yes, thank you.”

As a Saintess serving the Goddess of Beauty, it was Illeina’s fate to receive attention and affection from many. However, she did not wish to attract the attention of men who already had someone they loved. That would be something a witch serving the Goddess of Jealousy might do.

“By the way, what brings you here despite your busy schedule?”

“In truth, I came abruptly to ask Lady Rachel a favor.”

“A favor?”

Illeina’s words made Rachel tilt her head in curiosity. Illeina wore a genuinely troubled expression and immediately got to the point.

“His Holiness the Pope wishes for Lady Rachel to attend the upcoming awards ceremony.”

Typically, it was the pope and high priests of the Aries Order who bestowed awards to the winners of the martial arts competition.

However, distinguished external figures were sometimes invited to present awards as well.

With Rachel, a Saintess of the Latima Order, present, Aries Order’s request might seem like a natural course of action.

“If invited, I should rightfully attend.”

“Lady Rachel!”

Rachel, appearing to understand, nodded quietly.

Surprised by her quick acceptance, it was Ail who seemed more astonished.

“Without the approval of His Holiness and the cardinal, we cannot participate in events from other orders. So…”

“Sir Ail, I serve the Goddess Latima, not the pope and the cardinals. The rule exists for my safety, not to suppress my free will.”


Before Ail could continue, Rachel addressed Illeina as if making a declaration.

“I will definitely attend, Saintess Illeina.”

While Rachel agreed too easily, Illeina hesitated for a moment. Nonetheless, Illeina quickly regained her composure and bowed her head slightly.

“Thank you for your help, Saintess Rachel. Then we’ll prepare accordingly for the schedule.”

Knowing that Illeina had taken the time despite her busy schedule due to the pope’s request, Rachel did not blame her for the rudeness of leaving promptly.

With only the two left in the VIP lounge, Ail cautiously broached the subject.

“Are you sure this is okay? It’s certain that within the order, people will gossip about the Saintess being headstrong.”

“Sir Ail, isn’t that what you’re really thinking?”

“What? Of course not.”

“Then it’s fine. Besides, this is actually advantageous for us.”

“We’re going to hear unnecessary gossip, and yet you think it’s advantageous?”

With a playful smile toward Ail, Rachel continued.

“Well, it’s certain that Sir Ail will win the competition, so it’s better for me to attend. It’s also a chance to spread the name of the Goddess Latima throughout the western continent.”


Indeed, if Sir Ail were to triumph in a competition hosted by another order, the question on everyone’s mind would likely be, “Is he converting to another order?”

And if the Saintess of that same order attended the awards ceremony?

People would be confused, thinking perhaps it was the Latima Order that had hosted the competition, not the Aries Order.

This scenario would undoubtedly spread the name of the Latima Order far and wide.

Ail hoped that the Latima Order would not be seen as an uncouth group interrupting another order’s event, discreetly observing Rachel’s intentions.

“Lady Saintess, there’s no need for us to stand out here or to win unnecessarily, causing discomfort for the Aries Order. Our purpose for being here is merely…”

“It’s a bonus, really. And…”

Rachel gazed at the door through which Illeina had exited and continued.

“Surely the Aries Order thinks the same. They, too, wish to demonstrate. See, isn’t the Aries Order superior to the Latima Order? If Sir Ail loses, I’ll go on stage to congratulate the Aries Order’s knight who defeated Sir Ail.”


If Rachel’s words were correct and any holy knight from the Latima Order were to lose, especially to an Aries Order knight, it could tarnish the Latima Order’s and the Saintess’s honor. Ail’s expression hardened at the thought.

“It seems I absolutely mustn’t lose.”

“Yes. You’ll need to give it your all. Surely, the Aries Order will have sent a knight to match Sir Ail’s skill.”

“Terrifying. Is this what they call politics?”

Though unexpected, the much younger Saintess Rachel had grasped the entire situation.

Standing up, Rachel tapped the sagging Ail’s back encouragingly.

“Now, let’s head back. Rest well at the quarters.”

“Yes. Thank you for your hard work, lady Rachel.”

“You too, Sir Ail. But remember, losing is not an option.”

Certainly, more challenges lay ahead.



Caedwin remained silent.


Christian also had nothing to say. They merely watched.


“Wha, whaaat?!”

However, aira glared at him, causing Caedwin to flinch uncharacteristically as he watched Aira’s expressions.

“Getting to the third preliminaries was a decent effort. Don’t sulk in front of me; it just irritates us.”

“Sorry. I don’t even deserve to wallow.”

“Oh, I’m really….!”

Usually, Caedwin would shout back at such reprimands, but seeing him slump despondently didn’t suit his build, and Aira clenched her fist, determined to jolt him with a punch out of a somewhat considerate concern.

“Wait. Aira, calm down.”


But Liber intervened, earnestly calming Aira before she acted.

“Shock therapy is all well and good, but I think tender encouragement is more suited than violence right now.”

“If punched enough, he’ll warm up naturally. Tch, I don’t really feel like comforting that dark guy, so Elder brother Liber, you handle it.”

“Uh, yeah, leave it to me.”

As Aira sat back down, Liber sighed in relief.

“Caedwin, your last opponent wasn’t ordinary from what we saw. It would’ve been tough for any of us.”

“Exclude me. I’m confident I’d handle it.”

“Me too.”


Liber sighed at the sibling duo’s grumblings. He wished those thoughts remained unspoken.

“Anyway, your opponent was quite skilled in handling waves. Trying to win or feeling defeated is beyond your scope. Just attribute it to bad luck and cheer up.”

“Brother, is that supposed to be comforting?”

Christian couldn’t help but question Liber’s ineffective consolation attempt incredulously.

It wasn’t as harsh as their master’s method of lifting spirits through brutal hit-and-teach tactics (where one had to endure until composure was regained), but mentally dismantling someone was something novel.

Despite Liber’s efforts, Caedwin showed no signs of recovery, prompting Christian to step in.


“Yeah? What? Should I just stop breathing too?”

“Want to learn the wave technique?”


Caedwin’s eyes lit up at the blunt proposal.

Want to learn it? If only he could, of course he wanted to learn!

While the words didn’t escape his lips, Caedwin energetically nodded his head.

“I’m seriously asking. Do you want to learn it no matter what it takes?”


Confronted with Christian’s earnest demeanor, Caedwin hesitated to answer. Yet, his hesitation didn’t last long.

Caedwin knew his level well by now. What use was pride at this juncture?

“Yeah. I’ll do anything to learn it. If only I could…”

As Caedwin slowly nodded, Christian smirked and replied.

“Good. If you’ve set your heart on it, I have no problem teaching you. I’ll pay more attention from now on.”

Christian cast a side glance at Aira, who responded with a menacing smile, revealing her white teeth.

“This is your last chance to end your life on your own terms.”


Caedwin realized something was gravely wrong.

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