Chapter 20: See you soon
"What do you mean, it's too late? Harls, we spoke over an hour ago!" Rebecca's voice rang through the phone, sharp with disbelief.
I shrugged, not that she could see me. "What can I say? I act fast."
"Don't say that!" she snapped. "I told you—that was something I heard from a source. Why would you act on hearsay?"
I stayed silent, because, well…she had a point.
"And why are you even offended? That was your old résumé. You don't even use it anymore."
"That's not the point, and you know it," I said, my voice tight. This time, she was the one who fell silent.
Sensing an opportunity to shift the conversation, I cleared my throat. "Anyway, shouldn't you be sleeping?"
"Not when I have Mr. Clad Storm as my client. No, no—you don't get to sleep." She let out a dramatic sigh before getting back to business. "You said it backfired. What happened?"
Ah. Right. My problem. My money.
"I…uh, well, I might've let my emotions get the better of me and played a little harmless trick on Clad…" I trailed off, suddenly regretting everything.
Rebecca's tone sharpened. "What trick?"
"Don't wanna talk about it."
"Nope. You will talk about it. You acted based on the info I gave you, so start singing."
I grimaced, shifting my phone away from my ear like it would protect me from the inevitable judgment. "I…may have trapped him at the airport by reporting him as a bitter ex stalking me."
A beat of silence.
I winced. "Yeah, told you, I don't wanna talk about it."
Rebecca groaned. "Okay, and now what's the problem? You got your revenge—though it was stupid—so what's wrong now?"
I let out a hollow laugh. "Well…Clad has my purse. With all my cards and money."
A pause. Then, dryly: "Then use your phone."
I stilled. "You know I don't trust those things."
She let out the longest, most exasperated sigh. "God, Harls."
"Good. Now, since I won't be getting my purse back anytime soon, could you please book me a hotel? Preferably one nearby, just in case I have to walk."
"Why don't you just go home?" she asked.
"Can't. My parents booked a hotel for our stay this morning—apparently, they were 'preparing the house'—and since I got demoted to Clad's escort, I would have been staying there with him." I said.The absolute worst part of this whole thing wasn't that I didn't think I'd run into him, naked or anything like that—it was a me problem. I still couldn't shake the pull he had on me. I didn't trust myself. I was scared I'd do something crazy while Clad wasn't exactly there, sharing the same thoughts as me.
Rebecca groaned again, but a minute later, she returned. "Alright, fine. I booked you at WR International."
"Oh, great! How far is it?"
"Let me check." A pause. Then, very distinct, very colorful cursing.
My heart sank. "What?"
"Uhh…it's about 10 km from the airport. You'll need a cab." Her voice was laced with an apology she knew wouldn't be enough.
"Sorry! I picked one close to your house and one that would take you in right now!"
I groaned, rubbing my temples. "Damn it. Where am I supposed to get twenty pounds for a cab?"
I knew that silence. It was the heavy, guilt-ridden, I-messed-up-but-I-won't-say-it kind.
Sighing, I glanced toward the last place I'd seen Clad—except, surprise, surprise—he was gone.
"Damn it," I muttered.
"Clad's gone. He should've at least had the decency to leave behind what doesn't belong to him!" I groaned, tugging at my hair in frustration.
Just then, something flickered in my peripheral vision.
My heart raced. The scent of that cologne. Fruity and smoky with notes of pineapple and a bit musky.
I turned quickly—only to be met with a stranger.
Confused, I frowned.
"Uh…sorry," the guy said, looking sheepish. "We met earlier when you had…a little problem, I'm Daniel." His voice was vaguely familiar.
I squinted at him. Who the hell—
Then it clicked.
Oh my God.
The guy who saw me at my absolute worst.
My cheeks burned with embarrassment.
"Oh, right," I mumbled, barely meeting his gaze. "Hi. I…uh, didn't catch your name earlier." Lord, why couldn't this day just end?
He smiled lightly. "No worries. You were a little…in a hurry, can I say that?"
I blushed harder. "Yeah, you can say that."
"Are you okay now?" he asked.
"Yes. I mean—no. As you can see, I'm a problem magnet today."
He shook his head. "Don't say that about yourself. Everyone has bad days."
"Yeah? Try 365 of them a year."
He laughed—lightly, effortlessly.
Wait… was I getting along with a stranger?
It was then that I noticed his features properly. Blonde hair, green eyes—typical, yet he had a charm of his own.
And then, before my brain could stop me, I blurted—
"Your eyelashes are blonde ?"
His laughter halted. He blinked. "Ah…yeah. You're the first to notice."
I frowned. "Are they normal?"
He chuckled. "Yes. But they are rare."
"They're beautiful," I said before I could think better of it. My face exploded in heat. "I mean—sorry if I intruded."
"Not at all." He smirked. "If intrusions were always done by pretty ladies like you, I doubt anyone would mind."
I froze.
Pretty? Has he seen me?
I was crusty. I had zero makeup. My hair was in a messy bun, and I was drowning in a * heavy jacket over yesterday's clubbing outfit. Pretty? Ha! He needed to work on his pick-up lines.
Then, as if reading my mind, he added, "That was a bit corny, huh?"
I laughed. "No, not at all." Lies. It was absolutely corny.
"You don't have to lie to spare my feelings. I know it was." His smile widened.
And I froze again.
Why was my heart skipping over a smile?
Stop it, heart. You're embarrassing me.
"Anyway," he said, switching gears, "you need cash?"
I sighed. "Sort of."
He pulled out some bills. "Here. Will this be enough?"
I hesitated. "It's just for a cab."
"Are you always this reluctant to accept help?"
"Are you always this eager to give money to strangers?" I shot back.
He grinned. "You're not a stranger. We shared a plane."
"That doesn't change the fact that I am a stranger."
"For now."
I blinked. "What do you mean?"
He didn't answer. Instead, he took my hand and placed the money in it, smirking. Not a smile. A smirk.
As he turned to leave, I panicked. "Wait! How will I pay you back?"
"Just write me an IOU. I'll be back to collect it—with interest."
"What?! We're never gonna meet again!" I didn't want to die owing anybody! I hated debts.
He stopped but didn't look back.
"Never say never. See you soon."
And just like that, he was gone.
Stunned, I stared at my phone.
"Did you hear that?" I asked Rebecca.
Her smirk practically dripped through the line. "Every. Single. Word."