Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 481: Battle In Hell 1

Joker, command Wang, The President, and governor all turned to Erika and Jennifer.

"Who is Michael?" The governor asked.

"Yes, why is he referred to as "Ruler"?" Joker added.

"He now even has lords and what did he call those one... Blades." Commander Wang muttered.

Jennifer, and Erika sighed, while Erika turned to Jennifer... She was more knowledgeable about these types of things.

Jennifer nodded, and opened her mouth:

"As you all know, Michael is above the Sovereign medal... He is now a Primordial sage... A power far higher than any realm... I mean rank. In the whole universe, he is referred to as Ruler, because Micky is now a King... The King of the Abyssal, and those guys you saw, are his Lords."

"A King, does that mean he has an army?" Commander Wang asked, his tone filled urgency.

"Yes... I don't know the strength of his army, but I know they past a Million."

The number not only surprised the four, but the elders were also stunned.

"What is an Abyssal?" Mira asked.

"The Abyssal is Anything infinite, immeasurable, or profound… Just like your brother's powers." Instead of Jennifer, Erika answered.


Mira slowly nodded her head.

"Ok... Last Question... Why did Michael entered that gateway?" Joker asked in mild confusion.

"To kill some bastards." Tyson answered.

"Forget all these... Commander Wang, you can tell the people they're safe... The gates have been closed..." Erika stood up:

"Conquerors, we need to prepare for a funeral."


[11th Realm.]


Nemesis and Moros appeared in a green opened Field, with a huge tree standing before them.

"Those bastards!! They tried to kill us! And Eris did nothing! Instead, she joined them!!" Moros yelled in rage.

"Calm down brother... At least we're safe."

"Yes, but what about Eris! Without mother and father, no one will save her from Michael's anger!"

"True, she chose her fate... There's nothing we can do."

The two looked up, seeing Erebus and Nyx descending towards them.

"Mother, Father."

Nemesis said with a smile.

The two landed, and turned their heads to Moros.

Moros was filled with countless emotions, he had done a lot of things, bad and horrible things... Getting his parents' forgiven will be the best thing that'll ever happen to him... But at the moment, he doesn't even know how to start.

Moros removed his helmet, revealing long golden hair and eyes... He took a deep breath, and before he could utter a word... Nyx spoke.

"How are you doing, Son?"


Moros was stunned.

"Yes, you are my son... And you'll remain my son."

Nyx walked towards him, and placed her hand on his right cheek:

"I miss you so much."

Moros closed his eyes, and enjoyed the sensation of his mother's hand... He had missed this for far too long. Due to his anger he chose the other side, even amidst his mother's pleads and tears... He still followed Eris. But now...

He opened his eyes, and held her hand on his cheek.

"I am so sorry Mum... I caused you so much pain in the past, will you ever forgive me?"

"Shhh... I forgave you the moment you decided to change... Now, give your mother a hug."

Moros was still shocked by her smooth and calm tone... He knew his mother, she doesn't give shit, mess with her... You die, but now.

He sighed softly, and hugged her.

Nemesis and Erebus stood at a side, watching the two... A smile could be seen on Nemesis's face, but Erebus's was plain blank.

"Come on, Dad... Your son is back, shouldn't you be happy?" Nemesis whispered.

"He's only here because a Sage was on their tail... If it was another occasion, you won't see him here."

"So, at least he had changed."

"At least...? What if he's just pretending, and later turn against us?" Erebus asked straightly.

"That will not--"


Nemesis stopped, and turned to Moros, who separated from the hug, and walked towards them.

They watched as he dropped to his knees, and bowed, making sure his head touched the ground.

"I am so sorry father, for everything I have done... Please forgive me. I'll never betray you, or your trust ever again."

Erebus stared at him for some seconds and looked up at his wife... Nyx slowly nodded her head, she could read someone's heart... And know their deepest desires, and Moros was truly regretful, and sincerely asking for forgiveness... That was the reason she accepted, because she knew he was truthful...

...But Erebus wasn't going with it... He knew his wife's powers, but sometimes, hearts can be misleading... He looked down at Moros.

"You have done a lot of things... You not only helped those fools attack Tartarus, you also helped them take down more than two realms, killing Billions of souls... If that wasn't enough, you still attacked and destroyed countless territories, especially Tartar... I mean Michael's territories... You have so much blood on your hands that can turn the river of time red... If you really need my forgiveness, you'll have to earn it with your actions."

Moros looked up at his father, not at all surprised... He could only nod his head:

"I understand, Father... I won't betray your trust, and this opportunity you gave me to revived myself."

Erebus just nodded at him, and flew into the air.

Moros knelt there and watched his father fly away without even looking back at him.

'I promised, I will get your trust again.'

"Don't worry dear, your father might be harsh, but he loves you all." Nyx said with a smile.

"Mum, can you please stop reading my thoughts."

Moros stood up with a small smile on his face.

"Where are my brothers and sisters?" He asked.

"Well... They're currently at the border of this realm with the other young gods, trying to hold back yours and Hades's forces." Nyx said, studying her son's expression. Experience new stories with My Virtual Library Empire

"Then it's time to make things right, My tentacles soldiers should be fighting the enemy not my family."

Moros smiled at his mother, and shot into the sky... Nemesis nodded at Nyx, and also followed.


[On the way to the border.]

"You have been helping Mum and Dad all along?" Moros asked, turning his head to his younger sister.

"Yes... My mission was to know their plan, and also try to convince you two." Nemesis answered, and turned her head to Moros.

"I did all that for our family."

"I understand, thank you." Moros said.



***Is everything set?***

Hades asked, he was currently standing in front of the castle... Staring at the red sky.

***Yes... Everything is set, Michael will be coming to his doom.*** Hecate said, her long white hair moving like it was alive.


Hades lowered his gaze to the hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers, Nightmare Legions, Hellions, and skeletons before them.

***Do you think we can defeat Michael and his forces?***

Phobos, the god of fear, and one of Ares Sons, who had been called back from war, asked... His red armor emanating a powerful aura.

***As we already told you, Michael is now a Sage... We are simply buying time... In two days time... Typhon will be out. Michael might take over this realm, but we'll take it back with Typhon's help.*** Poseidon said.

***But Michael and Lord Typhon are now in the same realm... What if--***

***--Don't ever add that word "What if" or else.***

Echidna walked out from the castle, her face dark.

***I didn't mean to offend, Queen Echidna... I'm just stating a probability.***

***Don't state such probability! Michael might be Powerful, but my Love can still defeat him.***

Phobos stared at her for some seconds, and nodded, not saying anything.


The gods and their soldiers all raised their heads to the red sky, seeing more than a thousand vortexes appearing... A dense amount of Abyssal energy instantly flowed out, turning the red sky black, cladding the world into darkness.


Everyone was stunned.

***When did Michael mastered darkness to this level?!!*** Poseidon asked in mild horror.

***This isn't Michael's doing.*** Gaea walked out from the castle, standing in-between Hades and Poseidon.

The gods looked at one another in surprised, and shocked.

***Ashyn!*** Hades muttered.

***But I thought he is dead?!*** Persephone, the wife of Hades asked, standing be the door.

***Yes, he is dead... But he gave his powers to someone.***


A terrifying roar sounded from within the biggest Vortex, and before everyone... A Huge three-headed dragon, measuring 1,000 meters tall, flew out.

***Drakon, in Lord Ashyn's dragon transformation!***

The gods took a step back in shock.



They heard two more roads, which confused them more... They watched as Destroyers, which was half the size of Drakon flew out... Then followed by Reaper, in his golden dragon transformation.

***What is this?! Is Michael Planning on destroying these world?? Bringing the Lernaean Hydra and Drakons' Emperor along!!!*** Hacate was horrified.

***When did this boy recruit these powerful figures in his army?!*** Poseidon asked.

Gaea turned her head to Persephone and Sword saint... She nodded, and the two walked back inside the castle.


Everyone looked up at the Vortexes, and froze in shock.

***We can't win.***

Phobos muttered.

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